When he's right he's right

First off let me make it perfectly clear I am not a fan of Newt Gingrich's, but I will be more than happy to give him credit where credits due. I totally agree with him on this point the apologies to the Afghan people over the burning of several Koreans has gotten totally out of control, one and I mean one apology should have been enough. But as usual president Obama couldn't kiss the Muslims asses enough over there. In general I don't have a problem with Muslims I worked with one or two in my lifetime  the ones that I've met here in the states seem pretty okay.   Muslims living in the Middle East are different beast altogether most if not all are of the radical type in the Middle East you don't see any of their leaders apologizing for the killing of Christians the destroying of churches or temples or the burning of Bibles so in my opinion and I think most the US in general will agree with me the Middle East can kiss my red white and blue butt before I would give another apology.   I think it's time for us to remind the Middle East in general who the big dog is in the world, the first thing I would do to Afghanistan to start pulling the financial help that we send them, their president would not be such a peacock with empty pockets. I bet that would bring him back in line very quickly. I know I know a lot of you would say well ill just get his money from someone else my response would be go it ! It would save us a lot of money in the long run. On Iran I think we've done more than enough talking with the folks it's time for action and no im not talking about a conventional war with troops on the ground.Politicians keep saying that their nuclear facilities are buried too deep in the mountains for us to to do a successful airstrike. Well with traditional bombs and missiles are correct, but first of all that would be the wrong approach. If the facilities built in a mountain that means there's at most two ways in my idea would be dropped two small tactical nukes in the front door which would make it impossible for them to get in or out of their facility. I can hear you now this would start a world war, well what do you think is going to start if they get nukes and drop one near Israel same thing just different trigger.

In my humble opinion the Muslims of the Middle East are itching for a fight. Right now I think the Middle East sees us as weak and and who could blame them with the apologizing in chief president that we have now.Mark my words war is coming to the Middle East and the rest of the world will be this year or next we'll just have to wait and see.

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