sour grapes Newt

Watching the news broadcast on ABC, NBC, CBS and Fox I heard that now that Newt Gingrich has lost Florida which is a winner take all state he is trying to get the RNC to change the rules so he can get some delegates out of Florida. Sounds like Newt is having a bad case of sour grapes, I would be willing to bet anyone that if he had won and Romney or Ron Paul or any other candidate had done this he would be the first to say enforced the rules that's the way it is. But poor little Newt didn't win and now he wants to change the rules, sounds a whole lot like Obama to me a thin-skinned little man if he so confident that he can beat any other candidate down the road why is he so desperate for a few delegates. This just leads me to believe that Newt is not the one to beat Obama. I don't like the poor little me scenario from anyone especially someone running for the highest office in the land. This is just another reason why I will do what it takes to make sure Newt Gingrich is not the candidate to run against Obama.

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