Will Holder be held in contempt


Will Holder be held in contempt

Today the house moved to start contempt of Congress on Justice Department head Mr. Holder. In my humble opinion I think that it may pass in Congress but when it comes to the Senate I believe Sen. Harry Reid will kill it as soon as it comes to the Senate. I could be wrong but I think that I’m right and if I were a betting man I would be betting that Harry will kill it.
Some of you may have been hiding under a rock the last few months (I’m talking to you Liberals) or just trying to hope it will go away (once more liberals I’m talking to you.)It’s a little thing called fast and furious  or better known as gun running and not just any gun running but giving guns both semi-automate to full auto to Mexican drug cartels. We know of one Us border agent that was killed by said guns(btw Holder has of yet not called the family and  said he was sorry their son got killed by guns his Department let cross the border .)
shotgun,handgun ,45.cal
the other very sad thing to this story is that the C.I.A agents who have been punished foe sleeping with hookers more of them have lost their jobs then any angent involved in the fast and furious case.
 I can almost see Holder and Obama talking " Obama to Holder  hang in there just a little longer bro as soon as I lose this election Romney will kick your butt out of office and this will be all behind us , just hang on. .Holder to Obama I'm hanging bro but if the sh@t hits the fan I'm giving you up ! I ain't going down for you .
 Do I think anything will happen to Holder? No I don't It is sad but true I think it will be pushed under the carpet during this election cycle as November gets closer it is a sad thing and my prays do go out to any of the family's that lost a loved one to this mess.  

Brown paper bag test

brown bag
I was not going to write this post at first, but a post on BREITBART BIG GOVERNMENT


With in the black community there is a very strong and strange in my opinion form of racism and that is the lighter your skin and the straighter your hair is the better your treated and  in most cases the more success you will have in the black community.

In the article the great white hope discusses Obama's lack of diversity, in my personal opinion I believe that the reason you don't see as many blacks in his Young campaign staffers is that they are not white enough most could not pass the brown bag test . Basically the brown bag test is this they hold up a brown paper bag next to your face if you are darker than the brown paper bag you fail that test, you may think I'm joking but I'm not if you look at Pres. Obama 

and as more proof look who he chose to be head of the Justice Department

Atty. Gen. Holder
and one more example of why I  believe this.

Rev. Wright
the good Rev. Wright which Pres. Obama went to his church for more than a decade.

Is this right no it's not, I find it very unfair for anyone to be judged on the color of their skin I could've brought up on many more examples of this in almost all industries as well as more in our own government, I just found it interesting that racism is rampant among the very people that seem to bring it up the most.do I think that president Obama is or can be racists against his own people I think that it is quite possible.

Cowgirl-princess- congress woman

fredrica wilson

Most women grow out of the cowgirl-princess stage around the age of 11 or 12 ,but it seems someone forgot to tell Democratic Congress woman Frederica Wilson out of Florida. I know that there are cowboys and cowgirls in the great state of Florida and I mean them no disrespect in about what I'm going to say in the next few paragraphs are two. Now you would think that a grown woman of any color would not and should not dress this way serving in Congress.

Frederica Wilson

I mean seriously the woman looks like a freaking parakeet who could take that seriously, I mean you know the outfit matches but still this is just the tip of the iceberg! seriously the more I look the worse it gets take this outfit for example

Frederica Wilson

I could've swore that feathered cowboy hats much less a pink one went out style in the late 60s early 70s.I mean look at the poor guy in this picture,the look on his face says it all he's not sure whether to kill the chicken on her head are run like hell.Then we have this beauty, my little girl was walking by as I was posting this picture and she was afraid that the Easter Bunny wasn't going to make it this year she was convinced that Ms. Wilson had killed the Easter Bunny and made a hat out of it

Frederica Wilson
and to tell you the truth I was not sure myself.. Also as I was getting these pictures my lovely wife happened by as well and started looking at them and made the statement, hon I've seen those clothes before but they weren't on the woman do you remember the old show Starsky and Hutch I said yeah I remember that show, she said do you remember huggy bear I said yeah and then it dawned on me Ms. Wilson is not dressing as a cowgirl princess but more like a pimp in a television show

Antonio Fargas
do you see the resemblance, I did and damned near pee-ed myself. And don't get me wrong folks I'm all for people standing out in the crowd, but if you're going to dress like a pimp

who's to say you're not going to act like one when you get to Washington, in my opinion this is what this young woman is doing. So the question that begs to be asked is just who  she is pimping out.