it's all about money

First off I want everyone to know this is my opinion. In the last couple of months of watching and listening to the primaries and the debates between various candidates. I have come to a conclusion people especially the candidates need to stop complaining or comparing who has the most money , are bitching about attack ads. Politics in general is a fight in the mud with pigs. The primaries leading up to the nomination of a candidate are meant to be down and dirty. This is what separates the weak from the strong. Certain candidates not to name any keep saying well I lost because he had more money are better organization are his attack ads were unfair, grow up people if you think it's bad what the Republican candidates are doing to each other now! Wait until the nominee faces Obama and the Democratic election machine. As of right now Obama has almost 5 times the money of any Republican candidate and if you think for a minute that they won't pull out any and all stops then you my friend are a fool.

 Romney, Gingrich, Ron Paul
What I'm trying to get across folks is no matter who you support be a Romney, Gingrich, Ron Paul or who ever it's going to get nasty before it gets better so please write your candidate are talk to your candidate tell them to quit whining and get on with the business of trying to win the nomination are dropped out.

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