Food stamps and drug testing

obma foodstamp
Food stamps and drug testing this is starting to show up in political discussions again, just the other day candidate Mitt Romney said that he was very much for drug testing to be able to qualify for food stamps. I must say I wholeheartedly support this ideal. I believe that there've always been abuses of this program. Don't get me wrong I'm not cold- hearted about people getting food stamps, at one time in my life my family had to apply for them and yes it got us out of a hard spot. But back to the subject I see no problem with asking people to take a drug test when they first sign up for food stamps or social welfare and to have a random test every 3 to 6 months afterwards. I know some of you will disagree with this and say it's invasion of privacy but if you look at it this way people are signing up on welfare and food stamps are spending your and my tax dollars and that is why I believe we have the right to ask them to do a drug test.

Some people are going to say it's a credit card how can they use it to buy drugs. Well the simplest way is this you go to the drug dealer and you ask this I have a food stamps card that's worth let's say 500 bucks what food products do you need that I can get for you with this card in trade for the drugs I want. See my point it is a barter system. So instead of buying food for themselves or their children they are getting their drugs and abusing the system and we the taxpayer. Stuff like this has been going on since the inception of this program going back to my own life when my family was on food stamps for a short time my mother was approached more than once to trade her food stamps for cash.

I also believe that most honest folks who need food stamps for a hard spot in life would not care one way or the other about taking a drug test to get them. Remember originally welfare and food stamps were not meant to be a lifestyle but just something to help people over a rough spot in their lives.

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