Happy New Year

Happy new year to one and all i will be blogging again !! very soon look for it

Merry Christmas

Merry Christmas !! to all who read my little blog . I will be taking off for Christmas time week . I"m sure other blogger will keep up with the news but for me this is a time for family the world will still be there when i come .

SO I and my family wish you all a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year

Congress Dirty Little Secret

The Hates Crime bill protect gays and all alternative sexual lifestyles which is fine and dandy …Maybe, Republicans wanted to add amendments stating "pedophilia is not protected as a sexual orientation”. But House Democrats blocked it . Rep. Alcee Hastings, D-Fla., said all alternative sexual lifestyles should be protected. So what can this mean, well for starters it could mean we can no longer call a child molester a child molester instead we will have to use the word Pedophile.
So if I am understanding Rep. Alcee Hastings, D-Fla., I could go to her state and have a little one on one with a alligator (sex with a animal is called beastiality .) and not get into any trouble or possibly sue someone if they say anything about it . What I’m getting at here folks is that all alternative sexual lifestyles covers a lot of ground a few examples would be gay, bisexual, pedophilia ‘ S&M, Man boy love ( that one is just sick ) and polygamy(one man having more than one wife), or as polyandry (one woman having more than one husband). So I’m saying yes the wording in this law needs to have some things spelled out in plain language of who and what it covers.

A judge ordered ACORN’s

A judge in New York ordered that ACORN’s federal funding be restored.Nina Gershon, a district judge in New York, issued a preliminary injunction directing the department of Housing and Urban Development, the Office of Management and Budget and the Treasury department to disregard a bill signed into law by President Obama that prohibited federal funding of the Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now.With Friday’s injunction, ACORN stands to begin receiving funds once again, including between $40,000 and $60,000 for housing assistance, according to the decision from the district court in eastern New York. This judge was appointed by President Bill Clinton in 1996 Big Surprise there!this is not the first time this judge has not done right thing In 1999, Gershon ruled that New York City mayor Rudolph Giuliani could not cut the Brooklyn Museum of Art's funding after it mounted an exhibit entitled "Sensation".(Sensation is the art exhibit with showed a carefully rendered black Madonna decorated with a resin-covered lump of elephant dung. The figure is also surrounded by small collaged images of female genitalia from pornographic magazines;) Giuliani described the works in the exhibit as "sick" and "disgusting."and then in my opinion she did a very racist case in 2000, Gershon ruled that New York's century-old kosher food laws violated the First Amendment. In the spring of 2006, Gershon presided over the trial of Shahawar Matin Siraj, a Pakistani immigrant who was accused of plotting to blow up New York's Herald Square subway station. After a four week trial, a jury found Siraj guilty of four crimes, including plotting to bomb a public transportation system. [8] On January 8, 2007, Gershon sentenced Siraj to 30 years imprisonment for his role in the plot. 30 yrs what a joke! it should have been life . Now The Obama administration should immediately move to appeal this injunction.But I will bet you they once more will just set on their hands and let this blow over

Five young American men

Five young American men under investigation in Pakistan for alleged terror links had established contact with a Taliban recruiter, yes you did read right. Now the F.B.I is now looking into it! The five have said they wanted to join the Taliban and be martyred. Well folks here are my tale on it! First and foremost let’s take them at their word! Next let take their U.S citizenship away from them (as we should have done to Jane Fonda when she went to Vietnam in the 70s.).Let them rot in the Pakistan prison system. Being no longer U.S citizens they would fall under Pakistan law and I believe the punishment for acts of terrorism is Death! Problem taken care of!

Our We Looking at a future too big to fail company

Our we looking at a future to big too fail company. Comcast Corp. yesterday began courting Washington lawmakers and Wall Street investors to win over skeptics to its $30 billion proposed merger with entertainment giant NBC Universal Inc. The deal would merge the giant cable TV and Internet distributor with one of the nation's most profitable operators of cable channels. Those channels include USA, Syfy, MSNBC, CNBC, and Bravo, as well as part ownership in History, A&E, and the Weather Channel as well the troubled NBC broadcast-TV network; 10 local NBC-TV stations, including Philadelphia's NBC10; the Universal Pictures movie studio; and the Universal theme parks. Comcast-NBCU faces stiff regulatory reviews from the Federal Communications Commission and the U.S. Justice Department's antitrust unit. But I think Comcast will grease whoever they need to grease and we, the public, will be saddled with even higher rates for internet, cable and telephone. Anyone who thinks this a good thing and will lower rates is a fool. I truly believe that this is just another company we are our kids will have to hand a bail out to! So here's hoping that the Fcc will do the right thing an block this

A day, one single day, after the two media giants announced their deal, Comcast CEO Brian Roberts proudly weighed in to strongly support the Senate Democrats’ health care reform bill and so begins the greasing .

Pelosi saying George W did a better job

Can it be !!Pelosi saying George W did a better job !! well in this statment it seems that way to me
Pelosi called on Obama's war council to come to Congress and brief all members on the details of the strategy. The Secretaries of State and Defense as well as other Pentagon leaders have come to the Hill this week to take questions on the strategy, but Pelosi said those committee appearances were not enough.

Pelosi said she wants to know what changed to lead Pentagon generals to apparently change their recommendations on the war after George W. Bush left office. Pelosi said that during those years, the Bush administration said generals didn't say more troops were needed in the Afghan theater. Now, they do. Pelosi said the nature of what changed "is what members of Congress want to know."

Wow i had to read that a couple of times just to make sure .

full report on http://www.talkingpointsmemo.com/

Savings Bonds

Can anyone tell me in this time of War and Financial Instability why the government is not pushing the public to buy U.S. Savings Bonds.
Why the government would rather go deeper and deeper in Debt to China.


Obama the Crawfish

hello all . for the ones who don"t know what a craw fish is it a little fresh water encrustation that is a bottom feeder, it runs around acting all big a tough until someone or thing take it to task. then it starts backing and keeps backing up till it finds a place to hide or is forced to fight .
Obama is doing the Craw fish dance ! Yesterday at West Point he set a date in front of millions of viewers on TV and the web that in 8 months he would began troop withdrawal . then the Newscaster's ,blogger's the left and the right started throwing stones at him for giving the Taliban our war plans.Today he starts the craw fish backing up saying that not I said, that not what I mean.craw fish!
This is not the first time he's has done the craw fish .
I recall him saying we won't raise tax's , Now hes in office tax's will be going up, craw fish!
Then to the gay folks he said back me and I will support your cause , can any of the gay folks tell me what he has done for you since he has been in office . I can tell you not a thing .craw fish !
We will have a open forum so the people can read the laws that we are passing . Once more craw fish .
So what i am saying folks is till he has no place to hide ! he won't stop craw fishing

Obama West Point Speech

Obama West Point Speech,what is he up to !In my simple opinion this is what it is .Obama is telling the Taliban Hey in 18 months we are pulling out so keep your heads down !! I need the war to end in 2011 so i can keep my job for the next 4 years , Tell me who in their right mind tells the enemy their battle plans
Then he went with the FDR and the New Deal someone at the WH needs to fill him in on history.
The New Deal is not what got us out of the The Great Depression WW2 is what pulled the U.S of A out of that mess! So once more Obama shows what a total moron that he truly is.

So with a heart felt pray i hope all are troops come home safe ! God bless the troops and their family's

4 young police officers

Our prays go out to the family's of 4 young police officers in Lakewood, Washington
my God bless you and help heal your hearts

Angelina Jolie

I knew i loved Ms Jolie for more then her 45s in tomb raider, turns out she is a Republican.
( this should not surprise me tho her father Jon Voight is a staunch Republican)
Ms Jolie like myself thinks that Obama will only last four years in the nation's highest office because of "a subtle arrogance in his delivery, [and] not living up to his promises."Lets all hope we are right about this an that we make it for the next 3 yrs

Chris Matthews

Is Chris Matthews coming to the dark side !President Obama to worry. On Friday, the Gallup Poll reported that his approval ratings fell below 50, Matthews said:". . . When politicians begin to get a little too intellectual, they lose connection with the American people. I look at [Timothy] Geithner; I don't think he's a great political spokesperson. I look at this decision to put the trial up at New York City. I look at releasing a mammogram report that says we could do better with less testing. And I begin to think – this administration is getting almost like one that you'd imagine Adlai Stevenson running – highly ethereal, highly intellectual, egg-head. Not connected to real people and their emotional gut feelings about things."and later said worry about Khalid Sheikh Mohammed. He's going to find himself an ACLU lawyer . . . He's going to use that as a platform from hell where he gets to spew his point of view on the Middle East – that kind of thing he's going to sell with the beard and everything – The New York Post is going to be reborn with this guy as the enemy. I just worry that he's going to win this argument for months before he gets executed, if he does get executed. If that ever happens, I worry about this becoming a show for the bad guys."and then said about Obama's controversial bow to the Emperor of Japan,"I have never seen a bow that low. . . . God did he have to bow that low?" Sounds like Chris is starting to see the light or is he just going for rating ? or is this indication that the president has entered truly tenuous territory. we will have to wait and see.

Ps for ones who don't know he works for MSNBC

War Strategy for Afghanistan

After months of setting on his hands , President Obama reportedly will unveil his new war plan for Afghanistan soon. In my humble opinion This is what it will be a" exit strategy".
You maybe asking why i think this ? will let me tell you . House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and Senate Armed Services Committee Chairman Carl Levin say the only way we can do this is to have a a War Tax !! yea you heard right a War tax to fund an expansion of the war. Now folks I think this tax thing is getting a lot out of hand , very soon the working people of the good old U.S A will be paying 65% of their paycheck to taxes of one knid are another . I think its time to send Nancy and a few other home and bring some common scents back to D.C


In this week of Thanksgiving , I am thankful that i can still say and write how i feel still.
On this Thanksgiving week I am asking all you to pray for our boys and girls that are in the military both in country and out !

God Bless the U.S. A

Terrorism on trial in NYC

Attorney General Eric Holder said the government will seek the death penalty.What he is not telling you is that FEDERAL Death Penalty is in Flux!!The last 4 execution dates stayed because of lethal injection issue. So even if found guilty we may not be able to carry out the order .
Obama and Eric Holder should be both held accountable if a terrorist attack happens during this dog and pony show ! If one person come to harm both should face a day in court!

Obama's bow

US president Obama has disgraced his country two days earlier by having taken a deep bow at the waist while meeting Japan's Emperor Akihito. I said and i mean it !! US president's don't bow to anyone !anytime no matter what !!Obama need to get it in his head we the people of the U.S.A bow to no one !If he want to do sucking up to some and show how he kisses other people asses thats fine and dandy .BUT not when he is president of the U.S.A .
Obama is hastening America's decline as a world superpower by being too apologetic and too deferential in his dealings with other world leaders. Someone needs to give him a swift kick in his ass

Sen. Chris Dodd (D-CT) Downfall

Sen. Chris Dodd (D-CT) is starting to look alot like Corzine,a new poll out today from Quinnipiac University. Both big name potential GOP nominees now lead Dodd, with former Rep. Rob Simmons beating Dodd by double digits, 49-38. Former WWE CEO Linda McMahon, another potential GOP opponent.
Dodd, the longest serving senator in Connecticut history, first took office in 1980. Since then he's become one of the most powerful names on Capitol Hill as chairman of the Banking Committee.
Some of the rank and file members of the Connecticut Democratic party think Dodd should take one for the team or be forced out.
Is this a sign of things to come ? Yes i do believe it is if the Connecticut Republican party can keeps the pressure up. They can take down this very liberal voice.

Act of Terror

Investigators say that Fort Hood massacre suspect Army Major Nidal Malik Hasan sent emails to "extremists" believed to have ties to Al Qaeda,Now dose that make him a terrorist? In mind my damm right ! Now some folks are going to say " well you only think that because he was Muslim"
I say not at all , I don't care what faith a person is, killing 13 unarmed people and wounding more then 30 more is a act of terrorism .
Did Intelligence agents who intercepted 10 to 20 messages between Maj. Nidal Malik Hasan and Anwar al-Awlaki, an Islamic cleric in Yemen screw up maybe but then again Obama's , Pelos and the Department of Justice war on the C.I.A may have play a part in them holding off on reporting as well. Obama and Pelos are both suffering from Cranial- Rectitis ( meaning they have their heads up their own butts) In time like this we need true leaders not ! Charlie Brown and Lucy playing grown up !Army Major Nidal Malik Hasan when found that he did this should be facing a firing squad with no blindfold

Happy Birthday

Today is the birthday of the United States Marine Corps. Founded in 1775 at Tun Tavern in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. For 234 years the Marine Corps have kept our Nation safe from enemies foreign and domestic, and defended Liberty and Freedom around the world If you see one today, thank them for their service and wish them a Happy Birthday.

Semper Fidelis Marines and Happy Birthday.

A day of Pride and of recalled saddest

A day of Pride and of recalled saddest today as the Navy amphibious assault ship, the USS New York has its commissioning ceremony. The Pride and the Saddest being she has 7.5 tons of steel from the World Trade Center in her bow,Once more let us not forget that day . our prays go out to all of Members of the Fire Department of New York, the New York Police Department, Port Authority Police, members of the families of 9/11 victims.
God Bless the U.S.A

Frank was not charged

Rep. Barney Frank admitted Friday that he was sitting on the porch of his partner’s Maine home when police came to arrest his partner for marijuana possession. But he himself was not charged>
Can anybody tell me why ? If it had been you or me they would have hauled our butts in as well.
Frank, responding to new reports that he was present during the Aug. 2007 arrest of James Ready, said in a statement he was unaware Ready had marijuana plants, and how long has he been coming over and sleeping with the man come on Barney , thats the oldest one in the book !!
I think Rep. Barney Frank needs to pee in a bottle .

Side note this has been kept under wraps for almost two years

Bad Girl !! bad girl!! What you going to do !!


Bad Girl !! bad girl!! What you going to do !! When the Voters come after you!! Once more Nancy Pelosi lies ,tells THE WEEKLY STANDARD that she will not allow the final language of the health care to be posted online for 72 hours before bringing the bill to a vote on the House floor, despite her September 24 statement that she was “absolutely” committed to doing so. This is still the same old game she has been playing all along a game of bait and switch. Come 2012 I will be doing my damm best to get her out of office.

Ft Hood

Our hearts & prayers are with those in Ft Hood and their families.

Is There Blood in the Water

After five visits from the Obama,Corzine still could not win the race . The blue dogs may be smelling blood in the water and may back away from some of Obama's and Pelosi bills fearing that the voters may not back them in 2010 .

It's a Matter of Money

Sunday Obama went to New jersey to help stump for a in battled Gov. Jon Corzine. Obama's scheduled to appear Sunday at a pair of rallies for the only incumbent governor seeking re-election.
Now most Presidents of both party's have done this at one time or another . My question to you folks is do you know who is paying for all of this ? I can tell you for a fact neither party is .
Our federal tax dollars are paying for the Presidents advance team , Secret Service and U.S Marshals .Our local and state taxes are paying for the Police and extra officers called in on their days off ( which for them is all overtime ) the SWAT teams that are call up as well both state and local plus the State Troopers that have to be there as well.( more overtime for most of them). People to the Left , to Middle and to the Right should be outraged at this waste of Our Monies. My thoughts on this are as follows .If it takes the President of the U.S.A to come and help you win then brother or sister you are in the wrong place, Maybe just maybe !! You should step down and stop wasting Our tax payer dollars

Health care reform

Was sitting at home reading up on the Health care reform bills . the way i read it is this myself and my wife both work and just say we are somewhere between middle class and poor .So with the new bill we would be paying more taxes!But if say my wife stops working and we drop to the poor level income we get our Health care for free and may even get welfare for our kids.So can anyone tell me people won't do this.

Reid on the run

Reid on the run , looks like Reid has got the Blue dog dems baring their fangs and Olympia Snowe, R-Maine. looking foolish after his little stunt on the floor.Telling them no public option and then putting it in anyway .Maybe Olympia Snowe, R-Maine will wise up and not fall this again one can only hope.I wonder if this is his ideal of a Halloween trick.

The SF Oakland Bay Bridge is closed indefinitely

The SF Oakland Bay Bridge is closed indefinitely after a cable and beam from recent repairs crashed to the deck and hits 3 vehicles today during rush hour. There is no word on the reopening of the Bay Bridge in the future.Our tax dollars at work! the crew that supposedly fixed this should be fired as well as their supervisor

Can they not listen

Can they not listen!!Obama,Reid and Pelosi seem to be deaf when it comes to listening to the people . More then one poll in the last few months have showed that The People do not want a public option !! but there is Reid pushing it once more.One can only hope that the people of his state kicks him out of office the next time around . Pelosi saying well if you don't like the name we can call it something else, like that will make us feel better . Get your head out of your butt Nancey we have told you we dont want it , I for one will work my butt off to try and make sure she is not in D.C. next term. Obama is the biggest joke of all hes to big of a sissyboy to stand on his on always hiding behind someone

Freedon of the Press

Freedom of the Press is being attacked folks! On Thursday the White House tried to keep Fox News out of the press pool for a interview with new pay czar Ken Feinberg.
the other networks(abc,cbs,cnn,) admirably refused, saying they would not interview Feinberg unless Fox was permitted to as well. The administration backed down. But this is to be expected with a White House communications director (Anita Dunn)who openly said she follows Mao!You my not agree with Fox news point of view but this was a out right attack on freedom of the press the other news channels saw that as well folks they may not be reporting it but they saw it and stood up for what was right . im asking you .. pleading with you to call your congress person and demand that Anita Dunn be fired for this attack. Here is a link to all of their e-mails and fax's

Numbers dont lie

Here are some thing to think about the Democratic Party Raised $272,973,123 in 2009 .
SPENT $141,181,585 and are Debt for $14,119,832.on the other hand Republican Party raised $163,883,503 and are Debt for $5,241,856.Democratic National Cmte Raised $53,591,415 are Debt for $5,330,866.Republican National Cmte Raised $68,832,049 and are Debt for $0 . now tell me who would you want to take care of your tax payer dollar .

NOTE: All the numbers on this page are for the 2010 election cycle and based on Federal Election Commission data released on October 21, 2009.

I would like to thank The Center for Responsive Politics for this info

Facebook Now Friends with FCC

Facebook Now Friends with FCC
Posted by Sam Batkins Print Email

The Wall Street Journal is reporting that the push for so-called “net neutrality” is heating up in corporate boardrooms, as Internet giants Facebook, Twitter, Digg and Amazon penned a letter to FCC (Federal Communications Commission) Chairman Julius Genachowki this week in support of his plan for stifling government regulation of private high-speed wireline and wireless networks.

The FCC is scheduled to release details of its net neutrality rules on Thursday. However, the period for public comment is still open. Or, you can call the Congressional switchboard (202-224-3121) to air your views against government regulation of the Internet with your elected officials.

The Center for Individual Freedom opposes so-called “net neutrality” because it would introduce stifling government regulations onto what is now a free and open Internet. More here and here.

A small victory for Obama, A big loss for the people

Obama won a modest victory Tuesday in his continuing effort to close the Guantanamo Bay prison in Cuba, allowing the government to continue to transfer detainees at the facility to the U.S. to be prosecuted.We the people need to tell him and Congress if they are set free not in our town!and any member of The American Civil Liberties Union who gets one of them free should have to take them home to live in their home , bet they would not be so keen to do it then.

"Speak softly and carry a big stick"

On the world stage, Roosevelt's policies were characterized by his comment, "Speak softly and carry a big stick".Obama Administration seen to have the same motto except
they use it on people and news outlets that don't agree with them .
It's been almost a month since the Obama Administration slapped a gag order on Medicare insurers preventing them from communicating with their members a clear case of gangland government.Declaring war on the Fox News would be another not to mention pushing bills threw so fast no one is able to read them. This will come back and bite him in the butt mark my words.

If you want freedom of the press

If you want freedom of the press then people I'm telling you to write your congressman.
Obama and his press crew are on the attack on any news outlet that don't see thnigs the way they do.This weekend they took a shot and are still shooting at Fox news .
Now i know a lot of you don't like Fox . So think of it the way if Obama"s new people get by with this what is the next guy in office going to try !! Don"t let them mess with the press be it good or bad , If you do then you my friend are selling us all down the river.

Unions and other special interest groups

Unions and other special interest groups who have been pushing for health care legislation find themselves on the short end of the stick if the current bill is passed.It could cost their members billions of dollars.About 30 unions are running a full-page ad in Washington newspapers opposing the measure's plan to tax generous employer-provided health plans. In other words as long as we the taxpayer was paying it was all well and fine but now that they and their member might have to shell out cash it not so much fun

Health care reform cleared

Well it looks like the Dems got their way again the first step in screwing up you and I on health care. 14 to 9 vote, Republican, Maine Sen. Olympia Snowe showing her true colors once more. Sen. Olympia Snowe why dont you join the party you always seen to vote for and let a good Republican fill your seat

For all of you who would like to tell the turncoat how you feel
Here’s Sen. Snowe’s contact info:

Phone: (202) 224-5344
Toll Free: (800) 432-1599
Fax: (202) 224-1946


Well folks just wanted you all to know, I will be getting a Nobel prize next year
for this blog

"look forward and not backwards"

Once more our great President Obama lies he has stated more then once he wants to "look forward and not backwards"and at the same time wants to go back and let Attorney General Eric Holde reopen an investigation into whether CIA agents under the Bush administration crossed the legal line while interrogating terror suspects. SO all you Obama fanboys out there go ahead and tell me the man is not a teller of tall story's and lies.If what they did saved one life here in the good old USA all i have to say is way to go boys and girls.

Obama’s Tax on Tampons

OK folks i can't make this stuff up its just there and you can look for your selves.
Look up the section of the Baucus bill outline that places a tax on medical devices, which the bill refers to as “fees”. You can find it on page 215http://www.opencongress.org/baucus_bill_health_care.html
"Tampon"FDA characterizes it as a Class II medical device and is therefore covered by the Obama tampon tax. so get ready ladies.


Nancy did'nt your mommy tell you that you can get a lot more flys with honey then vinegar!! If not Ms Pelosi you need someone to . Calling people names is just plain foolish. One more old saying you might want to keep in mine in this time of trouble keep your friends close and your enemy's closer .Yesterday you tell the world dont use hate to get your message across then dear lady you turn and do it your self today ! you just might want to think about that .

Old Pot licker

Old Pot licker’s like Jimmy Carter should keep to building housing for the poor and stay out of the news.
Jimmy your time has come and gone, No one gives a damm about how you feel about race and to say a man is a racist because he call another a liar is not only dumb but shows how far you sir are out of touch .

will be back

life is busy , so i have fallen behind again , school is back again but i will be posting again soon

Frog in a hail Storm

Watching the Sonia Sotomayor hearing today I notices a little something most poker players would take advantage of , ever time she had a hard question she would bat her eyes like a frog in a hail storm. If you get a chance rerun the show and watch.
Another thing could you tell me where the wise Latina woman went? The way Sotomayor was talking today you would swear that she and this woman are not the same person she was back tracking so much I feared she might overturn her chair and injury her leg poor woman.
Then we went on to her serving on the Puerto Rican Legal Defense and Education Fund. For 12 years and their stand on Abortion’. Sotomayor stated she was just a board member and had no ideal what the staff was doing (eyes blinking very hard right before she said this), now folks I have sat on a board for a couple of years in the past (a school board but a board no less.) let me tell you we knew any and all important issues and for her to say she had no ideal about a issue like Abortion going on as she sat on the board is a little.. A lot hard to believe. When ask about guns and gun control she stated that one of her god children was a member of the N.A.R (eye blinking wilding once more when she said god child) someone might want to check into that one. Over all it was a song and dance her giving half answers and going off subject on other.

National Healthcare a joke on the people.

Hey Folks! The dog and pony show (Sonia Sotomayor hearing) is going again on the hill take up most of the news cast.
But once more while most people are waiting this little show, The White House and the Speaker of the House are busy getting their crew together to push National Healthcare
Down our throats’. Now some folks think we need to help the poor. I say BS! This is just one more step pushing us to Socialism another freedom taken away.
Lets take a look at who will get this National Healthcare the easy one is the poor (but wait don’t they already get heath care form the states) the folks who’s employers don’t provide healthcare and then the rest of us if we want it are not .But here folks is the joke there are folks who won’t get it ! The White House and Congress won’t get the new National Healthcare. Why you may be asking yourself. Well they get to keep the sweet healthcare they have now. No standing in line for them god forbid they are way to important for that .SO I ask if its not good for them then why is it good for us .Take a min and think about that folks

The Dog and Pony Show

Hey Folks! Have you been watching the new dog and pony show on TV?
You know the one I’m talking about! It’s got a cute little Chihuahua (Sonia Sotomayor aka a wise Latina woman) and a gray pony (my mistake ... it’s a donkey otherwise know as a jackass or Dem.). It is a good show little dog jumping around the pony and the pony looking like it could just love the little dog to pieces no matter how many poop piles it leaves around ( poop plies being all the cases she’s has had over turned.) But folks the real show is going on backstage. While all the news programs are focused on the hearing the fearless leader of the U.S of A is meeting with the union bosses, one wonders what kind of deals he is makeing with them. Also today the dollar took another nose dive, more like a belly flop. Very soon the dollar will no longer be the international exchange think im kidding Al Gore (you recall? once was VP, said he invented the internet, Ran for president.)Said today we are closer to one world government and one world currency then we have ever been and he’s all for it. Mark my words. Unless we the people stand up and say to our congress enough is enough get your butts back on track or we the people will replace you with some one who will.

AIG and other jokes on the Taxpayer

Hey all! Call me old but I recall the only time I got a bonus for doing a job is when I went above and beyond what was expected. AIG is once more handing out bonus’s Where did they get the monies to do this? Why you and I the good taxpayers .Heres the deal folks we can put a end to this You and I the taxpayers own about 72% of AIG stock , not a controlling share of the stock but enough to cut the CEO and other top spots salary .
GM coming out of bankruptcy but wait You and I once more put 30 billion taxpayer dollars in to it to keep it out of bankruptcy. Hmmm! and did we get a new board to run the new GM no we did not so what makes you think that they are going to better this time around. Once more the joke is on us the taxpayer.
Then we the taxpayer have a Speaker of the house trying to have a pissing contest with the C.I.A The Speaker needs to pull her head out of her own butt and take care of the people but ! Oh wait! She lives in wonderland where the sun and the moon better rotate around her and we the people are something she can do without. Time to wake up Nancy I hear Dave Letterman is going to run for your seat next time. Hell with Dave, Joe and franken
We might go broke but with a smile on our faces.

Medi-Care and Medi-Cal

Hello all well the good people of California who are on Medi-CAL got a letter today saying Medi-cal will no longer be paying for Dental ,Speech therapy and a few more thing if you are above the age of 21,there are some exceptions if you are under the age of 21 or in a nursing home .So kids and really old folks are covered .
Now some would say this is unfair , I myself do not feel this way , there are way to many people in their 20s and 30s and older sucking the system dry .Now if they would only target the inmates in the state prisons that would take a very large bite out of the state budget as well. The medi-cal system is broke just like medi-care . to get to my point
Here is a example of a state run and Fed run system that don’t come close to working.
So what makes people think that a new Fed one is going to work hell they can’t get the one they already have , let fix medi-care first then work on one the covers all the people

Dem with their Noses

Once more the Dems in Sacramento have not come to a compromise for the state budget.
They are to busy trying to stick their noses up Obama’s butt . The people who are getting hurt the most of course are the ones who can’t defend themselves the truly disable the welfare kids that need the help .They say we are for helping people ! So tell me dear reader where are they now .Most if not all are at home or the beach house getting ready for the 4th of July holiday
Wake up people they don’t give a damm!

North Korea

North Korea and it leader reminds me of a small house dog who has a dog mate who is a pit-bull(china) the little one is always running snapping at things in hope the bigger dog will protect it if it get in to trouble . In the end when the little one manages to make some one mad or more then one the large dog most time will let the little one get its butt beat.
The North Korea ship the U.S has been following for the pass few days is a very good example of this .Sooner or later the ship will have to come out of Chinas waters and then the little dog going to get its butt beat if and I say if The Obama administration has any balls at all. If not once more the U.S will have mud on it face

Healthcare in California’s State Prisons

Well in the News Schwarzenegger rejected a plan designed to end years of litigation over inmate medical care in California's prison system.
In a letter obtained Thursday by The Associated Press, Corrections Secretary Matthew Cate tells a court-appointed receiver that the state cannot afford the $1.9 billion fix.
All I can say is way to go!!! Schwarzenegger!!
Now folks hang on to your hat! The federal courts, which have ruled the level of care is so poor that it violates inmates' civil rights, have threatened to take money directly from the state treasury to fix the system.
This friend is the pure BS. Let me tell you who in the prisons has the bad medical care .the medical staff, a friend of mine is a L.V.N in one she has a family of five ,her out of pocket is almost ½ of the medical bill for most office visits, The denial plan is a joke ,almost noting is cover on the other hand if a inmate gets a finger cut or god forbid gets gas and its not taken care of right then and there here comes the lawyers says how bad they are being taken care of !! All most inmates do is set on their ass with a hand out.
The federal courts need to get off their butt and look at real life.

Things not to teach in a classroom

Things not to teach in a classroom
teachers should stick to the three R , what they should not do is teach or talk about their personal life to the class or their union ,or which students parents are school board members.

Long time

Hello folks it been a bit . But i think i am back ! In the next few day ,weeks months or years I plan on making comments on day to day life , news and world happening . Some of you will not like what I have to say which is fine ,some will cheer. But lets get this out of the way now I post here for me and folks that have some of the same ideal I have . If you agree or don't with me that is fine as well. You can post comments if you like , all I ask is keep it clean.