Some people are just stupid or pretend to be

Let me start this off by saying that I believe in freedom of speech. I believe we all should be heard and have the right to protest the things we don't agree with. I will stand and fight for that right for anyone. I may not like or agree with the things some folks say and do but I do believe they have the right
   Now what I want to talk about, I'm sure you've either heard or read about the days of rage protest on Wall Street. It seems that a few people don't agree with how much money Wall Street makes. So they gather together went to protest which I don't have a problem with. What I do have a problem with are people breaking the law. If you go to a protest like the days of rage keep this in mind if you keep it peaceful and don't cause problems are get out of hand the police in general will leave you alone, you can pretty much be as loud as you want . What you can not do is harass people, block traffic and generally be a pain in the butt. If you challenge officer, spit on him or her start getting rowdy they can and will bring up pepper spray and batons. I'm sure you've all heard how this group of protesters are saying that the police got out of hand with them and beat them and threw them to the ground. What this group is not telling you is that they bought traffic to a stop,  called officers bad names, threatened officers and spit upon them, spitting on a police officer nowadays is considered assault. Once any of your group Spits or assaults an officer in any means that the doors are open for the officers to break up your protest, handcuff you and throw you to the ground to hand cuffs you if necessary.
      Most of the people that you see being arrested in the days of rage protest are professional protesters they know what they're doing. they know how to get on camera. they know how to make the police officers look bad that and mainly they are just looking for attention and money if they can figure out a way to sue the city that they're protesting in. I don't feel sorry for these people at all they know what they're doing they know what going to happen before they get there. A little piece of advice if you're in a protest and you see this kind of behavior happening my best advise is to leave because these people are not here to help you. The best thing you can do is leave and come back again with your group of people you know and protest and speak what you need to say.

oh Billy boy oh Billy boy!

Bill Clinton is a true southern boy, most people including Obama had thought that Bill had forgave him "Obama "for knocking his wife Hillary out of the nomination for president but oh no! Like most Southerners bill has a long memory. He may have seemed to have forgiven you but what he's really doing is just waiting for you to give him an opening this past week, Obama has been piling praise on Bill Clinton. Meanwhile Bill has been walking around with a smile as face and a knife behind his back getting ready to stab Obama in the back.This week as he was being interviewed by Newsmax he made his first stab by criticizing Obama's tax plan saying at this time he would not be raising taxes are cutting spending. Bill stated he was a little confused by Obama's approach to the deficit. In a offhanded way I think he was hitting Hillary could have done a much better job as president. When asked if she would run in 2016 Bill just gave one of his sly smiles, still makes me wonder if she Hillary might not give Obama a run for the nomination this year let us hope, if we can get the Democratic vote to split the better chance we have of getting a Republican in the Oval office.

It's amazing what he believes

It's amazing what Obama believes now! I truly believe that Obama thinks he can win the next presidency by talking. I also think the D.N.C is also convinced of this. If you listen to the speeches and the way he presents things you would swear that if you just follow him no matter what and listen to them talk the whole world will be a better place, the US of A will not be the debt crisis will not have unrest, we will not have the highest unemployment that we have ever had. My question is who the hell does this man think he is he's not Gandhi is not Buda and he certainly not Jesus Christ.but if you listen to the way the mainstream media speaks of him you would get the impression that is all of them combined. I will give him this he can deliver speech but he's no JFK not anywhere close and he sure as hell not Martin Luther King but he can be very persuasive. But I think it's going to take more than talking and reading off the Teleprompter to get him elected this time around one should hope anyway. Our country is in desperate trouble at the moment and the mainstream media seems to just think the party should go on my question is to them sooner or later the parties going have to end and that someone, someone is going to have to pick up the bill.that dear friend will be you and I the taxpayer. The only problem is that by that time we will be so heavily taxed that we won't have the money to pull ourselves out an the good old US that we know and love may not be the same one we give our grandchildren.

America likened to a abused woman

America likened to a abused woman. Why in the world would I use this analogy, because in my opinion that's exactly the way that Obama has treated the good old US of A.
let me explain like any relationship when we the US of A first met Obama it was all love and kisses, he courted us that all his fancy talk and promises and like a woman in love we wanted to believe it. So we voted him(Obama) and his cronies(most Democrats) in to office expecting great things and all the great promises he made us. But what we got was a totally different less year the beatings begin. The first hit was the first stimulus package,like most abused women we forgave him or at least try to for this first hit. The next hit came shortly after  with the bill for Obamacare. Both of these hits left us reeding,the next two years we were constantly being beat over the head and told how good we should feel about these beatings. But then a good thing started happening(tea party and others) like the abused woman we started to see the light and started to fight back and fight some more, we were starting to win or it seemed like it(taking back the House).Maybe he was changing, but no! in a third-year he tried it  again with more taxes more bureaucracy. It was called the jobs act. But like any good woman who's had enough of an abusive spouse we started to fight back against him costing Obama and the Democrats two House seats one in Nevada and one in New York. Did Obama give up after this no he went out on the campaign trail pushing this bill and like all abusive spouses that knew the  end is coming he tried this "if you love me you will vote for this" I am writing this in the belief that we as Americans will do the same thing that good woman did and kick that S.0.B out of our White House along with his cronies come election time next year  

Cheerleading for politics

Tuesday I was watching President  Obama give a speech in North Carolina as he spoke you could hear the crowd starting to get ramped started small with only one or two people cheering as the speech went on and then all of a sudden it seemed like the entire group was cheering this got me to thinking  Obama team is all ready stated that they will have higher paid staff " a much higher level of paid staff and people on the ground” than in 2008, said Francis De Luca, president of the Civitas Institute, a right-of-center advocacy and polling group."and then it hit me if you can start a wave at a stadium of thousands with just five or ten people what can you do with a group of 300 or more with ten paid political assistance in the crowd.Now I don't think Obama is the only one doing this well let's hope not so next time you go to the rally play this little game see if you can spot the cheerleaders in the crowd

A place for Pawlenty and Jindal

A place for Pawlenty and Jindal and so it begins each one of them giving their voice to the candidate that they think will win the nod for the party.In my humble opinion I believe that Perry may have got the better endorsement for the short term.why you may ask, Jindal I believe is the better governor of the two, he is also the more robust of the two at  public speaking. But I don't believe that he wants to be the vice president. In my opinion I believe that he's perfectly happy being the governor of Louisiana. Not saying that he would not make a good  V.P I just believe that he doesn't want the number two spot and I believe that he's not going to be able spend  much time campaigning for Perry.On the other hand Pawlenty I believe will bring a lot to Romney's campaign, yes he is a wallflower but he did manage to win the governorship of Minnesota yes it was only about 1% but he did win.I think Pawlenty's strength is working behind the scenes and raising lots and lots of cash.Pawlenty is not a working governor at this time, so he can spend all this time campaigning and raising cash for his candidate.Pawlenty in my opinion he been wallflower makes him the perfect candidate for being VP why you may ask take a look at our current VP and you have your answer.Pawlenty does seem to know when to keep his mouth shut and this in itself can be a great asset for president

Young Hoffa

Young Hoffa and his statement of " Lets take these S.O.Bs out" might for some recall his father Hoffa .Sr. and his fight with the Kennedy's,It didn't turn out to well for Hoffa Sr I believe he spend some time in the stoney lonely.Then to make matters worse I believe his own people took him out . Young Hoffa might want to keep this in mind next time he feels the need to shoot off his mouth> It would be a shame if history repeated its self once more .