Bill Clinton is a true southern boy, most people including Obama had thought that Bill had forgave him "Obama "for knocking his wife Hillary out of the nomination for president but oh no! Like most Southerners bill has a long memory. He may have seemed to have forgiven you but what he's really doing is just waiting for you to give him an opening this past week, Obama has been piling praise on Bill Clinton. Meanwhile Bill has been walking around with a smile as face and a knife behind his back getting ready to stab Obama in the back.This week as he was being interviewed by Newsmax he made his first stab by criticizing Obama's tax plan saying at this time he would not be raising taxes are cutting spending. Bill stated he was a little confused by Obama's approach to the deficit. In a offhanded way I think he was hitting Hillary could have done a much better job as president. When asked if she would run in 2016 Bill just gave one of his sly smiles, still makes me wonder if she Hillary might not give Obama a run for the nomination this year let us hope, if we can get the Democratic vote to split the better chance we have of getting a Republican in the Oval office.
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