America likened to a abused woman

America likened to a abused woman. Why in the world would I use this analogy, because in my opinion that's exactly the way that Obama has treated the good old US of A.
let me explain like any relationship when we the US of A first met Obama it was all love and kisses, he courted us that all his fancy talk and promises and like a woman in love we wanted to believe it. So we voted him(Obama) and his cronies(most Democrats) in to office expecting great things and all the great promises he made us. But what we got was a totally different less year the beatings begin. The first hit was the first stimulus package,like most abused women we forgave him or at least try to for this first hit. The next hit came shortly after  with the bill for Obamacare. Both of these hits left us reeding,the next two years we were constantly being beat over the head and told how good we should feel about these beatings. But then a good thing started happening(tea party and others) like the abused woman we started to see the light and started to fight back and fight some more, we were starting to win or it seemed like it(taking back the House).Maybe he was changing, but no! in a third-year he tried it  again with more taxes more bureaucracy. It was called the jobs act. But like any good woman who's had enough of an abusive spouse we started to fight back against him costing Obama and the Democrats two House seats one in Nevada and one in New York. Did Obama give up after this no he went out on the campaign trail pushing this bill and like all abusive spouses that knew the  end is coming he tried this "if you love me you will vote for this" I am writing this in the belief that we as Americans will do the same thing that good woman did and kick that S.0.B out of our White House along with his cronies come election time next year  

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