Will Brown do it ?

California Supreme Court Justice Carlos R. Moreno will be stepping down Feb 28 2011. Moreno is the one gay supporter on the high court and the only lone dissenter in a 6-1 decision upholding Proposition 8(prohibiting same-sex marriages.)Gov. Brown opportunity to use his controversial judge-picking skills and name the kind of judge that seems most of the state wants. The big question is will he. Gov.Brown is already being pressure by Lambda Legal a nation wide homosexual rights group to pick a fair judge meaning one that is gay friendly'.Gov. Brown on one hand has nothing to lose he is to old to run again , on the other hand he is already pissing people off by raising tax's again will have to wait and see 

Why defunding NPR is a good ideal

Why defunding  N.P.R(National Public Radio)is a good ideal ! First and foremost there is noting Public about it except the tax dollars we pour into it . NPR itself claims only 1 to 4% of it funding comes out of the tax payer pocket .So I don't see why we are  putting money into it . We don't need it , we can live with out it ! Its not like it medicare millions of people need that ! I think its a cut in government spending that one and all of us could and should afford , so join me in calling your congress person and let them know you would very much like this done

paying more for less

Well folks you want to know what the last to years will cost you close to home.let me tell you a lot of company's will be selling you more for less , following are a few examples of what I am talking .Tropicana orange juice old box was 64 oz new box 59 oz difference of 7.8% ,Haagen-dazs ice cream old 16 oz new box 14 oz difference of 12.5 %, The reason behind this is simple its oil prices I ask when will congress and Obama get off their butts and let us tap the major oil and gas fields in Alaska and off shore

( to read more about paying more for less please pick up the Feb 2011 ConsumerReports ) 