Hey Folks! The dog and pony show (Sonia Sotomayor hearing) is going again on the hill take up most of the news cast.
But once more while most people are waiting this little show, The White House and the Speaker of the House are busy getting their crew together to push National Healthcare
Down our throats’. Now some folks think we need to help the poor. I say BS! This is just one more step pushing us to Socialism another freedom taken away.
Lets take a look at who will get this National Healthcare the easy one is the poor (but wait don’t they already get heath care form the states) the folks who’s employers don’t provide healthcare and then the rest of us if we want it are not .But here folks is the joke there are folks who won’t get it ! The White House and Congress won’t get the new National Healthcare. Why you may be asking yourself. Well they get to keep the sweet healthcare they have now. No standing in line for them god forbid they are way to important for that .SO I ask if its not good for them then why is it good for us .Take a min and think about that folks
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