Watching the Sonia Sotomayor hearing today I notices a little something most poker players would take advantage of , ever time she had a hard question she would bat her eyes like a frog in a hail storm. If you get a chance rerun the show and watch.
Another thing could you tell me where the wise Latina woman went? The way Sotomayor was talking today you would swear that she and this woman are not the same person she was back tracking so much I feared she might overturn her chair and injury her leg poor woman.
Then we went on to her serving on the Puerto Rican Legal Defense and Education Fund. For 12 years and their stand on Abortion’. Sotomayor stated she was just a board member and had no ideal what the staff was doing (eyes blinking very hard right before she said this), now folks I have sat on a board for a couple of years in the past (a school board but a board no less.) let me tell you we knew any and all important issues and for her to say she had no ideal about a issue like Abortion going on as she sat on the board is a little.. A lot hard to believe. When ask about guns and gun control she stated that one of her god children was a member of the N.A.R (eye blinking wilding once more when she said god child) someone might want to check into that one. Over all it was a song and dance her giving half answers and going off subject on other.
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