It's a Matter of Money

Sunday Obama went to New jersey to help stump for a in battled Gov. Jon Corzine. Obama's scheduled to appear Sunday at a pair of rallies for the only incumbent governor seeking re-election.
Now most Presidents of both party's have done this at one time or another . My question to you folks is do you know who is paying for all of this ? I can tell you for a fact neither party is .
Our federal tax dollars are paying for the Presidents advance team , Secret Service and U.S Marshals .Our local and state taxes are paying for the Police and extra officers called in on their days off ( which for them is all overtime ) the SWAT teams that are call up as well both state and local plus the State Troopers that have to be there as well.( more overtime for most of them). People to the Left , to Middle and to the Right should be outraged at this waste of Our Monies. My thoughts on this are as follows .If it takes the President of the U.S.A to come and help you win then brother or sister you are in the wrong place, Maybe just maybe !! You should step down and stop wasting Our tax payer dollars

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