Obama West Point Speech

Obama West Point Speech,what is he up to !In my simple opinion this is what it is .Obama is telling the Taliban Hey in 18 months we are pulling out so keep your heads down !! I need the war to end in 2011 so i can keep my job for the next 4 years , Tell me who in their right mind tells the enemy their battle plans
Then he went with the FDR and the New Deal someone at the WH needs to fill him in on history.
The New Deal is not what got us out of the The Great Depression WW2 is what pulled the U.S of A out of that mess! So once more Obama shows what a total moron that he truly is.

So with a heart felt pray i hope all are troops come home safe ! God bless the troops and their family's


Kevin said...

Well, I have given up on our the office of President. The guy is on office now is truly clueless on how to fix this country. I will reject his socialist ideas and tell him frankly where to shove them. God help us if the idiot was to get re-elected.

Unknown said...

Dont give up on the office bro ! just the man setting in in right now