What you may not know

What most people don't realize are seem to anyway is that if you work for a large company and have a 401(k) or something similar then you are involved in the stock market. May come to a surprise for a few of you may not, and with the way the stock market's going you may need to start paying more attention to your 401(k) aor you may find yourself like many did in the Great Depression. That is with no money at all, especially if you work for the federal, local are state governments. The retirement accounts for most of these agencies are also tied to the stock market so if you are already retired you still are not safe.my advise to one and all this to make phone calls to your 401(k) advisors and if you can switch some of your stock options out to the old reliable stocks. It's going to get rough in the next couple of years I believe most say that we're moving into a recession I say therefore not careful we may repeat the 1930s Great Depression.

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