what are we suppose to call them
I was reading the that the SPJ(The Diversity Committee of the Society of Professional Journalists) no longer wants illegal immigrants call that but to call them undocumented workers!
George Daniels as saying, “this is not about being politically correct,” but about aiming to “minimize harm,”
George Daniels as saying, “this is not about being politically correct,” but about aiming to “minimize harm,”
To this I call BS!
lets look at this shall we: Illegal meaning not legal, against the law, even me a dumb country boy got that one.
Immigrant: meaning to move to a new country most time the legally way, not sneaking in.
So if you are sneaking in to the U.S.of A you are a illegal to be plain and simple about it you are not a immigrant.
Call them illegal immigrants is doing no harm as matter of fact its flat out nice !
So I think the SPJ like most left wing outfits just have their up up there own asses
lets look at this shall we: Illegal meaning not legal, against the law, even me a dumb country boy got that one.
Immigrant: meaning to move to a new country most time the legally way, not sneaking in.
So if you are sneaking in to the U.S.of A you are a illegal to be plain and simple about it you are not a immigrant.
Call them illegal immigrants is doing no harm as matter of fact its flat out nice !
So I think the SPJ like most left wing outfits just have their up up there own asses
What I would like to see
What I would like to see the New Congress do come January.
1.Not vote themselves a pay raise, but a pay freeze for the next 2 years .
2.Cut out all the ear marks for the next 2 years as well.
3.Repeal most if not all of Obamacare , there are a few good parts.
4.work on jobs for our folks .
5. Support the small business person
6.Obama and family to be like the rest of us vacation at Camp David not all over the world .
7. If possible bring our boys and girls home out of the wars
just a small wish list I pray for nightly.
1.Not vote themselves a pay raise, but a pay freeze for the next 2 years .
2.Cut out all the ear marks for the next 2 years as well.
3.Repeal most if not all of Obamacare , there are a few good parts.
4.work on jobs for our folks .
5. Support the small business person
6.Obama and family to be like the rest of us vacation at Camp David not all over the world .
7. If possible bring our boys and girls home out of the wars
just a small wish list I pray for nightly.
The race card is being played once more by the Democrats, But this this time it not against Republicans or the Tea Party ,but!
against each other . What is it over the No.2 leadership spot in the Democrat house minority. Its split right along race lines as well with the 41 member Black Caucus supporting Jim Clyburn ( who is black) and 30 house Democrats( all white by the way ) supporting Steny Hoyer( who is white ) .
Sounds to me like the are pulling what many Democrats tried to say the Tea party was doing. It dose my heart good to watch Democrats tear at each other on the same points they like to blame on others .
against each other . What is it over the No.2 leadership spot in the Democrat house minority. Its split right along race lines as well with the 41 member Black Caucus supporting Jim Clyburn ( who is black) and 30 house Democrats( all white by the way ) supporting Steny Hoyer( who is white ) .
Sounds to me like the are pulling what many Democrats tried to say the Tea party was doing. It dose my heart good to watch Democrats tear at each other on the same points they like to blame on others .
Mr. P needs a new job
As of today, President Obama has not only been shown on The View AND The Tonight Show, but also on Mythbusters too. Besides this, I've seen him making speeches on TV more than any other President I know, and if he's on camera, he's not making jobs, spreading world peace, or otherwise being a good president. I guess I should be happy though, if he's not on camera, he isn't spending our money either. Nonetheless, when he's not on TV he's playing golf, when he's not playing golf he's on vacation on some tropical isleand, if he's not vacationing, he's getting us deeper into debt and when he's not doing that... well... you get my picture. Hmmm he likes vacationing, spending money, and being on TV... THAT'S IT!!! I've found a perfect job for him: an actor. He's already auditioned too, he performed wonderfully during his 2008 campaign.
Mark Richins
Mark Richins
A Simple Truth
A simple truth! I've lived in California for over 20 years now, I was here when Jerry Brown was Governor last time! Let me tell you he is right about one thing, California did have more money and businesses when he took office. What he is not telling you is, that shortly after he took office he started taxing anything he and his party could come up with. This was the mass start of businesses leaving the state, which lead to the state California is in today, the 2nd most taxed state in the union. Will Meg Whitman turn California around ? I don't know, I think she will try, it will be a very hard up hill fight for her or anyone to do .
But folks, I know one thing for sure, if Jerry (rainbow) Brown gets elected, there will be no hope for the state.
Which brings up a old saying here in California; "As California goes, so goes the rest of the country." Let us all pray that Meg wins!
But folks, I know one thing for sure, if Jerry (rainbow) Brown gets elected, there will be no hope for the state.
Which brings up a old saying here in California; "As California goes, so goes the rest of the country." Let us all pray that Meg wins!
Physical proof that President Obama is insane.
The experts have been saying it for years, the stimulus package passed some months ago isn't a permanent fix to the failing economy. It's more like a sugar rush, yeah things will look good for a while, but afterwords we're going to crash worse then before. So guess what's happening? the stimulus package isn't working. So what does President Obama do? Sign off another stimulus package... it doesn't make much sense to me either.
Which brings me to my point. The definition of insane is "trying something over and over expecting a different result". So there we have it. President Obama is insane and unfit to be the president of the United States.
Mark Richins
Which brings me to my point. The definition of insane is "trying something over and over expecting a different result". So there we have it. President Obama is insane and unfit to be the president of the United States.
Mark Richins
It's not if !
It's not if Israel well bomb Iran's nuclear facility this week sometime! It is will the U.S. of A back their play.
In the past this would not be a question .But with Obama's recent love and concert with the Muslim world .might make Israel a little unsure as well as my self where Obama stands. I for myself will stand with Israel and I believe we should have a full U.S fleet carrier group supporting Israel as well as being part of the bombing run .
When Israel attack's I pray all come home God Bless One and All
In the past this would not be a question .But with Obama's recent love and concert with the Muslim world .might make Israel a little unsure as well as my self where Obama stands. I for myself will stand with Israel and I believe we should have a full U.S fleet carrier group supporting Israel as well as being part of the bombing run .
When Israel attack's I pray all come home God Bless One and All
We have two
Wow! now with Obama signing the 600 million border security bill we have 2 people ever 1.6 miles now
wait ... wait .. Im wrong we have 1& 3/4 people watching now my math was wrong . We even have drones flying over the border taking pictures ,I am so impressed look folks yea you the one carring drug . it taking your picture its not armed to blow you up as it should be but it will take pictures .OOOOh! now we got you .
Who thinks this is just a piece of crap it not helping one thing on the border.All it is is Obama trying to kiss a few butt so his numbers might go up.
wait ... wait .. Im wrong we have 1& 3/4 people watching now my math was wrong . We even have drones flying over the border taking pictures ,I am so impressed look folks yea you the one carring drug . it taking your picture its not armed to blow you up as it should be but it will take pictures .OOOOh! now we got you .
Who thinks this is just a piece of crap it not helping one thing on the border.All it is is Obama trying to kiss a few butt so his numbers might go up.
Is this the new America?
Is this the new America? Thousands turn out for public housing in Atlanta soon turn in to a mob pushing and shoving ,fights start , police called ,full riot gear , 16 people in hospital, Is this the New Change that Obama was talking about ! what will be next gas and food will be fighting for loafs of bread ?I'M sorry to say this folks but if the current administration keeps up with it spending and spending some more I fear that is exactly what if not we our children will be facing.
On Wednesday Obama insist the worst of the recession is over but today it comes out that the jobless rate is higher then expected . Now tell me do you think Obama is just dumb are a teller of tall stories. We need to get him and his party out of office are we will be seeing more of what happen in Atlanta
On Wednesday Obama insist the worst of the recession is over but today it comes out that the jobless rate is higher then expected . Now tell me do you think Obama is just dumb are a teller of tall stories. We need to get him and his party out of office are we will be seeing more of what happen in Atlanta
13 x 10 to the 12th power = our national debt.
Someone really needs to give Mr. P here a crash course in economics. His spending habits are atrocious. What has he done now? He's spent 26 BILLION dollars on more bailout money. For your information, that's twenty six with nine zero's attached to it. A better way? That's 26 x 10 to the 9th power. This added to the national debt that's now more then 13 TRILLION dollars. Which, by the way, is 13 x 10 to the 12th power. Do you have any idea how much money we're dealing with here? Bill Gates, who's worth a little more then 50 BILLION dollars, would have sell everything he had, and go bankrupt more then 250 times to completely pay off this ginourmas debt. A liberal once told me it would be a good thing to get rid of all the rich people, according to her they were all self-centered and knew nothing about the real world. Well whether she was right or not the fact of the matter is that the "self centered rich guys" are the only people that know how to manage money. Think about it, you didn't get rich by spending money. Yeah you can hide behind a number on that bank statement, but before too long you'll be exposed. Or, as Dave Ramsey puts it: "When the tide goes out, you find out who's been skinny dipping".
Mark Richins
Mark Richins
Cry me a river!
Cry me a river! I'm so very tired of people who knowingly break the law then cry! I came from a broken home,I was bulled at school for being a geek or for being gay.These are some of the excuses Pfc Manning ,his friends and The New Times give for Manning for his releasing of 150,000 diplomatic cables and more then 90,000 intelligence reports all of them classified to WikiLeaks.org which posted them on their website.Coasting people their very lives.
In my opinion Pfc Manning is a traitor to his country and should be treated a such! Manning if found guilty should face a firing squad but he won't the most he will get is life in prison which is to bad the firing squad would let others who might be thinking about this think twice before doing it.
In my opinion Pfc Manning is a traitor to his country and should be treated a such! Manning if found guilty should face a firing squad but he won't the most he will get is life in prison which is to bad the firing squad would let others who might be thinking about this think twice before doing it.
Is The Secret Service becoming the New SS
Is The Secret Service becoming the New SS? it my seem so a man in Oklahoma was pull over by local police for a sign he had post on his car ! the sign was taken by the police officer and later returned but not before the
Secret Service showed up at his house and wanted a walk threw.
I thought in the good old U.S.of A we could write and say what we wanted , it seems the Obama administration
is trying to change that as well.Is freedom of speech being taken away from us ? do I need to worry about the Secret Service showing upat my door for writing this blog ! the Big question folks Is how bad will this get as we near the elections in November and again in 2012 do we need to start worrying about Obama's Brownshirts showing up at the polls you tell me .
Secret Service showed up at his house and wanted a walk threw.
I thought in the good old U.S.of A we could write and say what we wanted , it seems the Obama administration
is trying to change that as well.Is freedom of speech being taken away from us ? do I need to worry about the Secret Service showing upat my door for writing this blog ! the Big question folks Is how bad will this get as we near the elections in November and again in 2012 do we need to start worrying about Obama's Brownshirts showing up at the polls you tell me .
It's my party! and I will cry if I want to
"It's my party! and I will cry if I want to"Should be the theme song for Charles Rangel's Birthday bash!.
It seems friendship is a fickle thing in politics what started out as a major bash is starting to dwindle. It seem the rich and powerful smell blood in the water and don't want to risk being pulled into Mr. Rangel's problems.
Among the people who won't be attending is Bill Clinton who was present in the video invitation.Now this is my personal opinion if slick willy ain't showing Mr. Rangel is in some deep deep crap! A maybe is Mayor Bloomberg
he setting on the fence for now.A few who won't be showing are Rep Carolyn Maloney ( has to be out of town),
Rep.Michael E. McMahon( also out of town)Rep. John Hall ( he has a parade to attend) all and all it look like the bash may be a crash. So with that said i am sending out this to you Mr.Rangel
It seems friendship is a fickle thing in politics what started out as a major bash is starting to dwindle. It seem the rich and powerful smell blood in the water and don't want to risk being pulled into Mr. Rangel's problems.
Among the people who won't be attending is Bill Clinton who was present in the video invitation.Now this is my personal opinion if slick willy ain't showing Mr. Rangel is in some deep deep crap! A maybe is Mayor Bloomberg
he setting on the fence for now.A few who won't be showing are Rep Carolyn Maloney ( has to be out of town),
Rep.Michael E. McMahon( also out of town)Rep. John Hall ( he has a parade to attend) all and all it look like the bash may be a crash. So with that said i am sending out this to you Mr.Rangel
Making a Ass out of himself
Making a ass out of himself as well as the people who voted for him Al Franken acting like a 12yr old as
Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConne was talking about his opposition to Elena Kagan’s Supreme Court nomination. Mr McConne had to remind Al he was no longer on SNL.All i can say is that he was not fun there and nether is he in the Senate.
Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConne was talking about his opposition to Elena Kagan’s Supreme Court nomination. Mr McConne had to remind Al he was no longer on SNL.All i can say is that he was not fun there and nether is he in the Senate.
I.C.E baby I.C.E
It seems that not all union members are feeling love for their leaders or the current administration.
The men and women of I.C.E(Immigration and Customs Enforcement )have cast a “vote of no confidence”.
Is this a big deal you bet it is ! It's starting to show cracks in the obama's administration handling of the immigration issue.When the folks enforcing the immigration laws lose confidence in you and say you are misleading the people of the U.S of A you my friend have a major problem.
Then there is the matter of the letter the head of I.C.E got himself saying that a“vote of no confidence”had been cast on him as well the vote was 259 to 0 you got just a bit of a problem , what are the rank and file mad at you may ask well it seems the the current administration care more for campaigning for immigration reform and amnesty then doing their jobs which is to enforce current laws.I for one think it time to defrost I.C.E and get some new people in there that work for us not for the Obama political machine
The men and women of I.C.E(Immigration and Customs Enforcement )have cast a “vote of no confidence”.
Is this a big deal you bet it is ! It's starting to show cracks in the obama's administration handling of the immigration issue.When the folks enforcing the immigration laws lose confidence in you and say you are misleading the people of the U.S of A you my friend have a major problem.
Then there is the matter of the letter the head of I.C.E got himself saying that a“vote of no confidence”had been cast on him as well the vote was 259 to 0 you got just a bit of a problem , what are the rank and file mad at you may ask well it seems the the current administration care more for campaigning for immigration reform and amnesty then doing their jobs which is to enforce current laws.I for one think it time to defrost I.C.E and get some new people in there that work for us not for the Obama political machine
Potted ? funny name wouldn't you say! This my friends is another state vs federal government issuse.
This one is also being ignored by feds for the time being and by the time the Feds get around to it, it will likely be to late.
So let me fill you in on whats going on here is a link to the story I will be commenting on
http://www.foxnews.com/us/2010/07/27/oakland-gives-final-ok-large-scale-pot-farms/ It seem that the City of Oakland has made up its mind to be the pot capital of California and is planning on letting license recipients grow as many pot plants as they want . What wrong with that you may ask? well here's the rub
This is where the federal law becomes extremely severe. The sale of anything less than 50 Kilograms of marijuana (which is obviously the majority of cases by far) is punishable by up to 5 years in prison and a whopping $250,000 fine. Selling more than 50 Kilograms is generally something that is relegated to the criminal underworld, but the penalties get exponentially worse:
Surprisingly, the federal government can even administer the death penalty for marijuana sale. This is reserved only for the heads of criminal enterprises that distribute more than 60 metric tons of marijuana OR annually make more than $20,000,000 from marijuana sales.
So in other word Oakland may be able to sell permits but do you think the federal government is just going to turn its head and say what the hell let them grow it ! I think not, they will have to do something.
Then we have this!! talking about a losing touch with her voting base Sen. Dianne Feinstein, D-Calif
The Saving Kids From Dangerous Drugs Act targets pot brownie http://www.foxnews.com/politics/2010/08/03/senate-deducts-brownie-points-devils-food-dopers little egg on her face.
So my friends when will the Feds step in this oh so fresh pile of bull waste, and will they handle it like they did Arizona or will they ................
This one is also being ignored by feds for the time being and by the time the Feds get around to it, it will likely be to late.
So let me fill you in on whats going on here is a link to the story I will be commenting on
http://www.foxnews.com/us/2010/07/27/oakland-gives-final-ok-large-scale-pot-farms/ It seem that the City of Oakland has made up its mind to be the pot capital of California and is planning on letting license recipients grow as many pot plants as they want . What wrong with that you may ask? well here's the rub
This is where the federal law becomes extremely severe. The sale of anything less than 50 Kilograms of marijuana (which is obviously the majority of cases by far) is punishable by up to 5 years in prison and a whopping $250,000 fine. Selling more than 50 Kilograms is generally something that is relegated to the criminal underworld, but the penalties get exponentially worse:
- 50-100 Kilos distribution/cultivation: Up to 20 years in prison, with a $1,000,000 fine
- 100-1000 Kilos distribution/cultivation: Mandatory 5 years, up to 40 years in prison, with a fine of $2,000,000
- 1000 Kilos+ distribution/cultivation: 10 years to Life in prison, with a $4,000,000 fine
Surprisingly, the federal government can even administer the death penalty for marijuana sale. This is reserved only for the heads of criminal enterprises that distribute more than 60 metric tons of marijuana OR annually make more than $20,000,000 from marijuana sales.
So in other word Oakland may be able to sell permits but do you think the federal government is just going to turn its head and say what the hell let them grow it ! I think not, they will have to do something.
Then we have this!! talking about a losing touch with her voting base Sen. Dianne Feinstein, D-Calif
The Saving Kids From Dangerous Drugs Act targets pot brownie http://www.foxnews.com/politics/2010/08/03/senate-deducts-brownie-points-devils-food-dopers little egg on her face.
So my friends when will the Feds step in this oh so fresh pile of bull waste, and will they handle it like they did Arizona or will they ................
would like to say welcome to our new writer to I Conservative glad to add you to our staff lol
Could it get any worse?
It’s a rainy afternoon, in the city, a normal one by anyone’s standards, cars have just settled down from lunch hour and things are starting to calm down again to get ready for rush hour. A man stands alone just outside the mall, holding a sign: “will work for food”. He’s lost his job, his house, his car, even his family, now he’s just trying to survive; suddenly he hears Obama’s voice on the nearby radio. “Things could be worse” he says. “Could it” he asks himself? “Could it really get any worse than this?”
It’s the most common excuse I get from left wing voters, “It’s a hard job, give him break”, or “He’s doing the best he can”... The BEST he can? Really? All the while golfing whenever he gets stressed, (which happens a lot), along with the occasional party with other government officials. But he’s trying his hardest folks. Employment is out the window, the national debt I would venture to say has never been worse in US history; Mexicans are invading the US border. But he’s doing the best he can folks, we should just sit back and relax while he fixes all the world’s problems. Readers, if this is the best he can give, I can totally believe that, but I also think that if this is his best, Obama should step down from office and let a more efficient, experienced person take his place
Mark Richins
It’s a rainy afternoon, in the city, a normal one by anyone’s standards, cars have just settled down from lunch hour and things are starting to calm down again to get ready for rush hour. A man stands alone just outside the mall, holding a sign: “will work for food”. He’s lost his job, his house, his car, even his family, now he’s just trying to survive; suddenly he hears Obama’s voice on the nearby radio. “Things could be worse” he says. “Could it” he asks himself? “Could it really get any worse than this?”
It’s the most common excuse I get from left wing voters, “It’s a hard job, give him break”, or “He’s doing the best he can”... The BEST he can? Really? All the while golfing whenever he gets stressed, (which happens a lot), along with the occasional party with other government officials. But he’s trying his hardest folks. Employment is out the window, the national debt I would venture to say has never been worse in US history; Mexicans are invading the US border. But he’s doing the best he can folks, we should just sit back and relax while he fixes all the world’s problems. Readers, if this is the best he can give, I can totally believe that, but I also think that if this is his best, Obama should step down from office and let a more efficient, experienced person take his place
Mark Richins
Shame on our so called President
Shame on our so called President ! who would rather set with the lady's of The View and campaign them go say a few words and spend a little time with the Boy scouts who by the way this will be their 100th year anniversary
the Boy Scouts have done like true men that they are and forgave him for not showing .
But to me this is just another example of what Obama will put first! If it comes to the people he is suppose to be serving or serving himself , he will all ways come first,Obama would rather be on TV with a crew of mostly washed up has been's Them with a group of young men who will be our future, Out raising money and covering his own butt then being with the people .SHAME On YOU ! you so called President.
I would like to wish the Boy scouts happy birthday and God bless you all
the Boy Scouts have done like true men that they are and forgave him for not showing .
But to me this is just another example of what Obama will put first! If it comes to the people he is suppose to be serving or serving himself , he will all ways come first,Obama would rather be on TV with a crew of mostly washed up has been's Them with a group of young men who will be our future, Out raising money and covering his own butt then being with the people .SHAME On YOU ! you so called President.
I would like to wish the Boy scouts happy birthday and God bless you all
What hell did they think
What the hell did they think they were doing !A dozen or so Pentagon officials and contractors have been accused of and convicted of buying child pornography.Worse yet they downloaded it on Government computers.My question is just how sick of people do we have working for us. Do they not know this can led to blackmail. In my opinion one and all of the people who did this should be locked up in Federal prison in a deep dark cells
What will happen with Charlie?
What will happen with Charlie Rangel and his ethics violations ? not much in my opinion, The House Ethics Committee will put a good dog and pony show on for the rest of us mean while back at the ranch , his Party and members of the house will be trying to talk him into pleading out or just flat out resigning. As of now Mr.Rangel is saying as his has in the past it mush have been one of his staff that did this.I'm sure part of it may have been ....
.... after all Mr. Rangel is "80"and if he's anything like my grandma he has memory probables about somethings but them again its hard to forget he(Mr. rangel) has four rent control apartments in New York City( wonder who lives in them.) that may be a little hard to get out of since he is no longer a resident there.Then we have the the supposedly money and vacations he took from big donates.
In the end I think this is what is going to happen, Mr.Rangel will take a deal he will take the fall for a few small things and resign Why? for the good of the Democratic Party,For the sake of Obama and for all the folks trying to get the votes to stay in office come November.Is it fair No it is not, but look at it this way i do it just another seat a good Conservative can have !! So with that let hope charlie leaves soon.
.... after all Mr. Rangel is "80"and if he's anything like my grandma he has memory probables about somethings but them again its hard to forget he(Mr. rangel) has four rent control apartments in New York City( wonder who lives in them.) that may be a little hard to get out of since he is no longer a resident there.Then we have the the supposedly money and vacations he took from big donates.
In the end I think this is what is going to happen, Mr.Rangel will take a deal he will take the fall for a few small things and resign Why? for the good of the Democratic Party,For the sake of Obama and for all the folks trying to get the votes to stay in office come November.Is it fair No it is not, but look at it this way i do it just another seat a good Conservative can have !! So with that let hope charlie leaves soon.
They didn't say
They(NAACP) didn't say much for months till it was all over the news then they come out and say National Association for the Advancement of Colored People President Benjamin Todd Jealous said late Monday he was “appalled” by the actions of U.S. Department of Agriculture official Shirley Sherrod, who resigned earlier in the day after surfaced of her speaking at an NAACP event about discriminating against a white farmer seeking government(Dailycaller.com) help.
In other words they(Naacp) are just ducking and covering
In other words they(Naacp) are just ducking and covering
band aid is still just a band aid
You have probably read this morning the Obama sended 1.200 troops to the U.S mexican border which is a start. but if you think about it the border is 2,000-mile-long, so lets see thats about one National Guard person ever 1.6 mile if you look at this way its a mere drop in the bucket and at most a poorly placed band aid.what will our National Guard be doing you may ask?The Guard troops will not be involved in law enforcement activities such as arrests of illegal immigrants, but will assist border patrol officers looking for the illegal border crossers and smugglers as well as in intelligence gathering( this from CNN btw).So in other word good readers The Guard is there for show only and for Obama to say see i did something I did what you ask!What we need to do is send 10,000 troops to the border along with a couple of special forces groups to clean out the drug cartels along our border and send a very clear message to the Mexican government clean up the drug cartels take control of your country Our we will.
How long will it be pt 2
Just two days after the al-Qaida like car bomb was used in a attack on 3 people in the Mexican town of Juarez the drug cartels strikes again.Drug hitmen stormed a birthday party and killed 17 people in the northern Mexican city of Torreon last night.Mexico's attorney general's office immediately took over the investigation into the killings and blamed organized crime for the attack, But once more no arrest have been made. One Mexican newspaper(El Diario) is reporting that yesterday that US agents from the Federal Bureau of Investigation and the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives were in the city to investigate the car bomb attack. US and Mexican officials declined to comment. this is one more example of why the U.S should secure its borders with Mexico, this is a very clear case that president Felipe Calderon has no control of his country and the drug cartels can come and go as they please and kill who they want!
How long will it be
Today in Mexico just across the border in Juarez the drug cartels raised the steaks in the battle for Mexico.The First al-Qaida like car bomb was used!The bomb killed 3 people.The cartel lured federal officers and paramedics to the site of the bomb by dressing a bound, wounded man in a police uniform and calling in a false report of an officer shot.Among those killed was a doctor who rushed to the scene to help treat the wounded man. Among the injured was a local TV cameraman who had been filming the paramedics treating the man.
What im getting at folks is this Mexican Government is no longer in control of its country! How long will it be before the cartels try this on our police force and when they do and mark my words its going to happen.When will Obama and congress wake up and see that it is time to secure our borders with Mexico and its time to send troops, How many life's will it take .When will we tell the Mexican Government if you can't take control of your country step aside and we will clean out you rats nest.
This good people is not going to get better only worse.
What im getting at folks is this Mexican Government is no longer in control of its country! How long will it be before the cartels try this on our police force and when they do and mark my words its going to happen.When will Obama and congress wake up and see that it is time to secure our borders with Mexico and its time to send troops, How many life's will it take .When will we tell the Mexican Government if you can't take control of your country step aside and we will clean out you rats nest.
This good people is not going to get better only worse.
What is it with Him
What is it with him(Obama) and Muslims he now telling NASA improve relations with the Muslim world. Listen I have noting against Muslims I don't But Obama is bending over backwards to kiss their ass's .Maybe it's that his daddy is one or something .I don't think he should prefer one group over another hell if I was going to be extra nice to someone it would be the Chinese they hold more of our iou's then any one else
Welcome to no mans land
In the state of Arizona there is a swath of land 80 miles deep that the state and the Federal Government not longer control it is a places where laws are made by who has the biggest guns. It is truly the wild west of yesteryear, there are rumors of Drug cartel camps in this area complete with trained snipers holding high ground around said camps.What has been the Federal Government*Response* you may ask a few signs warning you and I to beware of smugglers and travel not recommended" due to "active drug and human smuggling" routes. In other words folks the signs are a welcoming sign to said drug cartels. It is also a welcoming sign to Terrorist saying come here it a safe place for you to hide while you plan and build your next bomb to kill thousands of people here in the U.S. When this happens and it will! Obama will get on TV and say I don't know what went wrong oh woe is me, let me blame this on someone.What need to happen is the Federal Government needs to get off its fat butt and do something or God help us all.
rules of engagement
In WW1 and in WW2 the rules of engagement where clear if it wore a uniform and was shooting at you you shot back!In Vietnam the rules starting changing the enemy in the most part no longer worn a uniform,women an children were used to carry bombs to kill our troops but we mostly stayed in our rules of engagement and a lot of life's were cut short. Today we fight a foe who use's anything and anyone they can to kill are troops.I for one feel that it is time we take a stand and say this if you man, woman or child pose a threat to our troops we will use deadly force,In other words if you throw a rock or a brick pick up anything that can hurt one of our troops in a battle ground you are dead. Its time we started taking the war to them and stop pussy footing around
Maybe he knows something we don't
Maybe he knows something we don't? Gen.McChrystal is not a dumb man or a ignorant one!
He knew that the Rolling Stones piece was going to get him fired.My question is why he did it?
Well some of the reasons may be Afghan President Hamid Karza by firing two cabinet ministers that were pro U.S.,Allied support is fading; two allied nations plan to pull out next year and American troops in the field have begun to openly question rules of engagement.Top that with the world knowing we have the weakest leader since
Jimmy Carter.Gen.McChrystal I think saw the writing on the wall and said to himself time to get out of this sh..t storm before it happens
He knew that the Rolling Stones piece was going to get him fired.My question is why he did it?
Well some of the reasons may be Afghan President Hamid Karza by firing two cabinet ministers that were pro U.S.,Allied support is fading; two allied nations plan to pull out next year and American troops in the field have begun to openly question rules of engagement.Top that with the world knowing we have the weakest leader since
Jimmy Carter.Gen.McChrystal I think saw the writing on the wall and said to himself time to get out of this sh..t storm before it happens
I need to Apokogize
I need to Apologize! Last week i ask where are all the country's that we help when they needed it,why are they not helping us with this oil spill.Well 13 country's did step up and offer to help and I do take my hat off to them and say Thank you!.It seems Mr Obama told them no!Just another reason to vote him out folks.and a shout out to Mr.Kevin Costner who put his money where his mouth is at a tune $28,000,000 to help out the coast Thank you very much.
A blind eye to one but not the other
As most of you have seen on T.V. or internet or radio the nation is in crap storm over the new immigration law in Arizona days and week of reports by Fox news, CNN, ABC and MSNBC. The new law is not as tough Federal law which is not enforced by the way .
But here is my point folks and I'm hoping some of you out there who are a lot smarter then this old boy can help me out.
Why is the immigration law so big a deal when its legal under federal law and the
medical marijuana laws in some states are not. The Federal law says growing and selling marijuana is a crime yet in California and Montana have laws on their books the allows this, would this not be a clear case of states rights over Federal law and if that's the case then Arizona has the right for their new law ?
Someone help me out here will you.
But here is my point folks and I'm hoping some of you out there who are a lot smarter then this old boy can help me out.
Why is the immigration law so big a deal when its legal under federal law and the
medical marijuana laws in some states are not. The Federal law says growing and selling marijuana is a crime yet in California and Montana have laws on their books the allows this, would this not be a clear case of states rights over Federal law and if that's the case then Arizona has the right for their new law ?
Someone help me out here will you.
Can you tell me
Can you tell me where all the benefits organizers are ? You know the ones who get bands and groups to help out people and country's that have had a natural or a man made disasters.where are the concerts to save the gulf coast? where are the big name stars asking for you and I to help the folks on the gulf coast? No where to be seen!
Where are the fleets of oil skimmers that other country's should be sending to help us? Where is the U.N. which we the people give millions of dollars too!
I can tell you folks setting on their fat butt!! not giving a damm I for one will never give money to help this country or that one or help this environmental causes if they can't step up and help us to hell with them when they need us.
Where are the fleets of oil skimmers that other country's should be sending to help us? Where is the U.N. which we the people give millions of dollars too!
I can tell you folks setting on their fat butt!! not giving a damm I for one will never give money to help this country or that one or help this environmental causes if they can't step up and help us to hell with them when they need us.
Any Woman over the age of
Any woman over the age of 80 i truly believe has the right to speak her mind about almost anything and be forgiven for it.Helen Thomas should be forgiven for her statements I don't agree with her but at her age i will forgive , But I think she has done the right thing by announcing her retirement this fine Monday I will miss her off the subject questions in the white house press room it was fun TV watching just to see what off the wall question she would ask. SO Ms Thomas form a Conservative to a Liberal I do wish you a very good and long retirement god bless
The San Francisco Board of Supervisor
The San Francisco Board of Supervisors should all be fired they are trying once more to give the vote to immigrants who don’t have voting rights to cast ballots in school board elections if their children attend public schools in the northern California county. The president of the county’s Board of Supervisors, David Chiu, introduced the legislation this week. I don't know who this Chiu fellow thinks he is or that matter who SF think they are!They throw a fit over Arizona and its new law and say only the Federal government has to the right to do laws for immigrants legal or not but this fellow Chiu is trying to do the same. Giving the vote to people is up to the Federal government not the city of S.F or the The San Francisco Board of Supervisors. So tell me where is the the great obama telling them that this a shame.I will tell he got his nose up Mexico"s butt.
illegal immigration part 2
illegal immigration and ways to slow it down. Well the first and most Obvious is to enforce the law!The next step is to cut off funds no more welfare No green card no social welfare of any kind!No sending monies out of country unless they can come up with and ID and green card.Arrest and jail time for anyone and I mean anyone including the clergy who help or hide illegals.Any and all cites that give sanctuary should have all federal funds cut off no if's or but's
I know this sounds hard but at this time I don"t give a flip.
I know this sounds hard but at this time I don"t give a flip.
illegal immigration
Illegal immigration seems to be the new hate word of the day for the main stream press.
You see daily attacks on Arizona,hell the U.N is now poking their noses in to it.
But let us take a look in tho this mess what Arizona did is open a boil on the U.S of As butt that has been festing for a very long time. The states and the Feds have been turning a blind eye to problem for years farmers and factories needed cheap labor and a lot of it so they let it slip it became the norm.Then this cheap labor with help from a few well meaning Libs found out that they could get free medical care and glory of glory's free money on our welfare system. The once hard working people ( or some of them )became leaches on our tax dollars at first it was not bad a few hundreds folks then s few thousand and now a few million breaking state budgets like California and Arizona.
Arizona wrote a law almost word for word what was already on the Feds law books
and Obama came out on T.V and said immigration is the Feds not the states ,Well if i was Governor of Arizona or any of the other western states I would pull all the Illegal immigrants out of my state prisons and county jails load them up on buses and ship them to the local Fed holding centers and say there you go its not the states problem. Would this fix the problem No but i think it would bring it to a head
You see daily attacks on Arizona,hell the U.N is now poking their noses in to it.
But let us take a look in tho this mess what Arizona did is open a boil on the U.S of As butt that has been festing for a very long time. The states and the Feds have been turning a blind eye to problem for years farmers and factories needed cheap labor and a lot of it so they let it slip it became the norm.Then this cheap labor with help from a few well meaning Libs found out that they could get free medical care and glory of glory's free money on our welfare system. The once hard working people ( or some of them )became leaches on our tax dollars at first it was not bad a few hundreds folks then s few thousand and now a few million breaking state budgets like California and Arizona.
Arizona wrote a law almost word for word what was already on the Feds law books
and Obama came out on T.V and said immigration is the Feds not the states ,Well if i was Governor of Arizona or any of the other western states I would pull all the Illegal immigrants out of my state prisons and county jails load them up on buses and ship them to the local Fed holding centers and say there you go its not the states problem. Would this fix the problem No but i think it would bring it to a head
Have you ever wondered
Have you ever wondered if a group or groups of roman citizens were not to happy about Caesar becoming dictator for life. That maybe they send runners to the Senate asking them not to do this foolish thing not to lose the republic. Well we all know the history of what happened to Rome after the Senate did not heeds the words the republic failed as well as the empire.
I don’t know if this happened are not in my mind I think it may have, but to get to the point .I think we as a nation are headed that way! We as of right now have a Senate and a House that do not listen to the will of the people but think them selves smarted then the rest of us and “They “ know what is best for us . I am crying out to you folks black, white and brown do not let this happen to our republic lets not be another Rome. November is a long way off and a lot can happen what new laws they will push on to us no matter how much we yell. What I’m asking is a very simple thing keep the pressure up call, write and email tell the house and the Senate we want to keep “our” republic, No Demand That WE KEEP OUR GOD GIVEN FREEDOMS for if not come November if you don’t do this once more history may repeat its self lets hope and pray it dose not
I don’t know if this happened are not in my mind I think it may have, but to get to the point .I think we as a nation are headed that way! We as of right now have a Senate and a House that do not listen to the will of the people but think them selves smarted then the rest of us and “They “ know what is best for us . I am crying out to you folks black, white and brown do not let this happen to our republic lets not be another Rome. November is a long way off and a lot can happen what new laws they will push on to us no matter how much we yell. What I’m asking is a very simple thing keep the pressure up call, write and email tell the house and the Senate we want to keep “our” republic, No Demand That WE KEEP OUR GOD GIVEN FREEDOMS for if not come November if you don’t do this once more history may repeat its self lets hope and pray it dose not
Do you recall the school bully
Do you recall the school bully… You know the one who did what he /she wanted to do no matter what the rules said and them when someone or someones stood their ground how they would run home to mommy. Well the Dems in congress are a lot like that bully
They knew most of the people did not want this big bill they just pushed on to them every poll out there said as much but like the bully they did it any way. Then the people started pushing back in the form of the tea party and others they (the Dems)did what the school yard bullies do they started crying and moaning on how the other side was doing bad things to them like spitting on them and calling them names and other stuff.
Well Dems I will tell you what I have told bullies in the past and will say the same in the future “ GROW the “F” UP “ you and only you started this crap storm you are getting now knock your crap off and listen to the people do what they want and you might have a lot less name calling !!
They knew most of the people did not want this big bill they just pushed on to them every poll out there said as much but like the bully they did it any way. Then the people started pushing back in the form of the tea party and others they (the Dems)did what the school yard bullies do they started crying and moaning on how the other side was doing bad things to them like spitting on them and calling them names and other stuff.
Well Dems I will tell you what I have told bullies in the past and will say the same in the future “ GROW the “F” UP “ you and only you started this crap storm you are getting now knock your crap off and listen to the people do what they want and you might have a lot less name calling !!
The US should pull out of Washington
*/_Australian Shooter Magazine_/*
An interesting letter in the Australian Shooter Magazine this
week, which I quote: "If you consider that there has been an
average of 160,000 troops in the Iraq theater of operations
during the past 22 months, and a total of 2112 deaths, that
gives a firearm death rate of 60 per 100,000 soldiers
The firearm death rate in Washington , DC is 806 per 100,000 for the
same period. That means you are about 25 per cent more likely to be
shot and killed in the US capital,*_which has some of the strictest
gun control laws in the US_* , than you are in Iraq .
Conclusion: "The US should pull out of Washington ."
An interesting letter in the Australian Shooter Magazine this
week, which I quote: "If you consider that there has been an
average of 160,000 troops in the Iraq theater of operations
during the past 22 months, and a total of 2112 deaths, that
gives a firearm death rate of 60 per 100,000 soldiers
The firearm death rate in Washington , DC is 806 per 100,000 for the
same period. That means you are about 25 per cent more likely to be
shot and killed in the US capital,*_which has some of the strictest
gun control laws in the US_* , than you are in Iraq .
Conclusion: "The US should pull out of Washington ."
Of watermelons and men this last weekend Dan Rather made a poor choice of words when he refer to how the Republicans would try to portray Obama in 2012 as a person who couldn’t sell watermelons if you gave him(Obama)the state troopers to flag down the traffic. Mr. Rather has come out and apologize for his words, which was nice I must say but…………
I have two questions Mr. Rather was on the Chris (tingle up my leg for Obama) Matthews show why Matthews didn’t say Whoa! Dan stop man you just called my man Obama the “N” word or might as well have. but he didn’t he just let it roll but if this had happened on any other show he would have been tearing into them .
Question two Did Mr.Rather mean what he said? I am not sure but Mr,Rather was born in the south in the state of Texas as myself was and in the decades that we grew up in racism was very strong if you said watermelon and Black man in the same sentence I can tell you it was not something nice. So did Mr.Rather make a Freudian slip back to his boyhood I can’t tell for sure I will let you dear reader make that call.
I have two questions Mr. Rather was on the Chris (tingle up my leg for Obama) Matthews show why Matthews didn’t say Whoa! Dan stop man you just called my man Obama the “N” word or might as well have. but he didn’t he just let it roll but if this had happened on any other show he would have been tearing into them .
Question two Did Mr.Rather mean what he said? I am not sure but Mr,Rather was born in the south in the state of Texas as myself was and in the decades that we grew up in racism was very strong if you said watermelon and Black man in the same sentence I can tell you it was not something nice. So did Mr.Rather make a Freudian slip back to his boyhood I can’t tell for sure I will let you dear reader make that call.
A 5% pay cut for Congress
A 5% pay cut for Congress! Could it be? well if it is up to Rep.Ann Kirpatrick,D –Ariz .
I will give her this it’s a good start, Did you all know what a current member of Congress makes well its $174,000, Not bad considering that most of the rest of the U.S workforce makes less then $50,000 .
I think Ms. Kirpatrick is on the right trail but I’m thinking the pay cuts need to be more in the line of 50% which would bring their pay down to around $85,000 a year. Is this a fair pay I think so considering that most members of Congress are already part of the millionaire club or will be before they leave office
Ms. Kirpatrickis catching on both Democrats and Republican have signed on to this 21 so far .if this pay cut happens it will be the first in77 years do I think they are doing this out of the kindness of their heart ? No I don’t I think they (Congress) are trying to save their own skin with a overall approval rating of 20% Congress is grasping at straws for something to show us the votes that they are doing their part in hard times
It might be time to start worrying a little !
It might be time to start worrying a little ! When the second most left leanings news cable channel post this on their blog “Washington (CNN) – A majority of Americans think the federal government poses a threat to rights of Americans, according to a new national poll.
Fifty-six percent of people questioned in a CNN/Opinion Research Corporation survey released Friday say they think the federal government's become so large and powerful that it poses an immediate threat to the rights and freedoms of ordinary citizens. Forty-four percent of those polled disagree.
The survey indicates a partisan divide on the question: only 37 percent of Democrats, 63 percent of Independents and nearly 7 in 10 Republicans say the federal government poses a threat to the rights of Americans.
According to CNN poll numbers released Sunday, Americans overwhelmingly think that the U.S. government is broken - though the public overwhelmingly holds out hope that what's broken can be fixed.
The CNN/Opinion Research Corporation poll was conducted February 12-15, with 1,023 adult Americans questioned by telephone. The survey's sampling error is plus or minus 3 percentage points for the overall survey.( From CNN Deputy Political Director Paul Steinhauser)” I had to read x2 before I could believe what they had posted .are they starting to see what the rest of us have been saying for the past year are their eyes starting to open , we can only hope .
When the left starts putting stuff like this out will Obama listen will Nancy and Harry?
I bet not
Fifty-six percent of people questioned in a CNN/Opinion Research Corporation survey released Friday say they think the federal government's become so large and powerful that it poses an immediate threat to the rights and freedoms of ordinary citizens. Forty-four percent of those polled disagree.
The survey indicates a partisan divide on the question: only 37 percent of Democrats, 63 percent of Independents and nearly 7 in 10 Republicans say the federal government poses a threat to the rights of Americans.
According to CNN poll numbers released Sunday, Americans overwhelmingly think that the U.S. government is broken - though the public overwhelmingly holds out hope that what's broken can be fixed.
The CNN/Opinion Research Corporation poll was conducted February 12-15, with 1,023 adult Americans questioned by telephone. The survey's sampling error is plus or minus 3 percentage points for the overall survey.( From CNN Deputy Political Director Paul Steinhauser)” I had to read x2 before I could believe what they had posted .are they starting to see what the rest of us have been saying for the past year are their eyes starting to open , we can only hope .
When the left starts putting stuff like this out will Obama listen will Nancy and Harry?
I bet not
Reconciliation has a nice sound to it
Reconciliation has a nice sound to it, just rolls off the tongue such a nice word.
Here is the problem do you know what it means “ Reconciliation is a procedural maneuver that allows the Senate to pass the health care bill with 51 votes rather than the 60 votes required to end a filibuster.” Well that will cover what I want to talk to you about here. The Demarcates will more then likely try this in the next coming weeks which will kill the career of a lot of them ,but Obama, Nancy and Harry don’t care they just want to get it done .
Now folks I am asking you to stop them and not for the reason you are thinking!
Yes its true I don’t support the heath bill as it is now but that not the reason. The reason is this if we the people let them use Reconciliation on this for if we do the next time ether party wants to do something and we the people say No they and I mean ether party may and will use this to force other thing s down our throats and we will yet again lose a freedom . So I'm asking you to contact your state senator and tell then that using Reconciliation is a very bad ideal
May God Bless You and yours
Word Crafting
No matter what side of the AISLE you're on, THIS is FUNNY and VERY telling!
Word Crafting, Truth telling, and other ways of expressing things..
It just all depends on how you look at some things...
Judy Wallman, a professional genealogy researcher in southern California , was doing some personal work on her own family tree. She discovered that Congressman Harry Reid's great-great uncle, Remus Reid, was hanged for horse stealing and train robbery in Montana in 1889. Both Judy and Harry Reid share this common ancestor.
The only known photograph of Remus shows him standing on the gallows in Montana territory:
On the back of the picture Judy obtained during her research is this inscription: 'Remus Reid, horse thief, sent to Montana Territorial Prison 1885, escaped 1887, robbed the Montana Flyer six times. Caught by Pinkerton detectives, convicted and hanged in 1889.'
So Judy recently e-mailed Congressman Harry Reid for information about their great-great uncle.
Believe it or not, Harry Reid's staff sent back the following biographical sketch for her genealogy research:
"Remus Reid was a famous cowboy in the Montana Territory . His business empire grew to include acquisition of valuable equestrian assets and intimate dealings with the Montana railroad. Beginning in 1883, he devoted several years of his life to government service, finally taking leave to resume his dealings with the railroad. In 1887, he was a key player in a vital investigation run by the renowned Pinkerton Detective Agency. In 1889, Remus passed away during an important civic function held in his honor when the platform upon which he was standing collapsed."
NOW THAT's how it's done, Folks! That's real POLITICAL SPIN
Word Crafting, Truth telling, and other ways of expressing things..
It just all depends on how you look at some things...
Judy Wallman, a professional genealogy researcher in southern California , was doing some personal work on her own family tree. She discovered that Congressman Harry Reid's great-great uncle, Remus Reid, was hanged for horse stealing and train robbery in Montana in 1889. Both Judy and Harry Reid share this common ancestor.
The only known photograph of Remus shows him standing on the gallows in Montana territory:
On the back of the picture Judy obtained during her research is this inscription: 'Remus Reid, horse thief, sent to Montana Territorial Prison 1885, escaped 1887, robbed the Montana Flyer six times. Caught by Pinkerton detectives, convicted and hanged in 1889.'
So Judy recently e-mailed Congressman Harry Reid for information about their great-great uncle.
Believe it or not, Harry Reid's staff sent back the following biographical sketch for her genealogy research:
"Remus Reid was a famous cowboy in the Montana Territory . His business empire grew to include acquisition of valuable equestrian assets and intimate dealings with the Montana railroad. Beginning in 1883, he devoted several years of his life to government service, finally taking leave to resume his dealings with the railroad. In 1887, he was a key player in a vital investigation run by the renowned Pinkerton Detective Agency. In 1889, Remus passed away during an important civic function held in his honor when the platform upon which he was standing collapsed."
NOW THAT's how it's done, Folks! That's real POLITICAL SPIN
I wish I had found this
Vat coming near you soon
Well folks next big thing is coming to you soon its called VAT or Value Added Tax yes yes its another tax but this one not only gets you and I but it start with the raw goods the manufacturer get and then it hits the retailer and then is pass to you and I .In other words it is a money machine for the government. If and I say if the government ran it right it could pull us out of the bad time we are in right now if not then as President Reagan said in 1985 “A value- added tax actually gives a government a chance to blindfold the people and grow in stature and size .” Now folks we have seen Obama already double the size of government in one year what do you think he will do with this? I’m not saying VAT is a bad ideal but not with this President or this congress, yes it may cost us to wait till we can vote this brunch out but over all it in my opinion will be well worth it . I’m not a fan of big government and I do think if we let Obama bring this in now we are surly going to lose more and more freedoms .
About time !!
Hello folks well here in California we just passed a law that giving parents some control over schools. The new law basely says if half the parents sign a petition a teacher, principal or for that matter the whole staff could be fired and the school closed or converted into a charter school . All I have to say so far is about time.
The main stream media is reporting this is making teachers very nervous, My question is why? If you are a good teacher and you are doing your job you have noting to worry about on the other hand if you are one of the teachers that are just setting on your hands drawing a paycheck well you might want to retire or get up and do your job .
The teachers union are blasting this saying it far too simple and shortsighted they ( the unions)are saying as well that parents an others think the unions are protecting bad teachers, Well as a former school board member I can tell you for a fact that’s exactly what they do. Here in California it takes up to three years and a minimum of $250,000
To fire a bad teacher thanks to the unions .Most school boards won’t spend that kind of money out of their already tight budgets soo the bad teacher stays.
More states are starting to look at this law all I can say lets hope this is one trend out of California makes it to the other 49
The main stream media is reporting this is making teachers very nervous, My question is why? If you are a good teacher and you are doing your job you have noting to worry about on the other hand if you are one of the teachers that are just setting on your hands drawing a paycheck well you might want to retire or get up and do your job .
The teachers union are blasting this saying it far too simple and shortsighted they ( the unions)are saying as well that parents an others think the unions are protecting bad teachers, Well as a former school board member I can tell you for a fact that’s exactly what they do. Here in California it takes up to three years and a minimum of $250,000
To fire a bad teacher thanks to the unions .Most school boards won’t spend that kind of money out of their already tight budgets soo the bad teacher stays.
More states are starting to look at this law all I can say lets hope this is one trend out of California makes it to the other 49
Hi there folks well today I want you all to meet Chuck DeVore , he’s running for a U.S Senator seat out here in California and I am going to support him in his race ! Why you might ask
He is not for Big Government, he thinks the Government is there to protect our right not baby sit us.
He believes Higher taxes and more regulations destroy jobs and reduce freedom.
He thinks Obamacre is the wrong thing and the so-called “public option” favored by President Barack Obama and Senator Barbara Boxer will make the problem worse.
He had my vote right there folks.
He has a solid record on sustaining traditional values when it comes to family.
Most importantly he consistent supporter of completing a border fence along our southern border. Every nation has a sovereign right to secure its borders against the threat of drug, weapon, and human smuggling.
SO folks lets kick Barbara Boxer nasty butt out and put a real person in her place.
A sneak attack is coming
A sneak attack is coming one you and I may not see coming but this is how I see it happening. On Feb 25 2010 president has invited congressional Republicans to sit down and talk through health care at a big "bipartisan summit" hopefully Republicans will show and be armed with some good ideals.
Now this dog and pony show will be televised so you and I can see it all .Obama will get up say a word or 3 and then open the floor for discussion, the Republicans will state their ideal the Democrats will nod their head in agreement and say yes but………and this will go for about hour for our entertainment then the show will close with a few more words out of Obama.
Now comes the sneak attack I was talking `about one maybe two days after this meeting Harry Reid and /or Nancy Pelosi will come out to the press with a statement something like this “We tried to have a bipartisan meeting and the Republicans would not corporate with us you saw it on tv so now we are going to have to use the 51 vote option to get heath care. “ You see folks the weeks leading up to Feb 25 Reid and Pelosi will be working hard to get the rest of the votes they need to get to 51 yes they will talk people into committing political suicide to make history and get some kind of medical bill. This folk is where you and I need to do to them what we did to Japan in WW2 , The sleeping giant needs to awake and crush Obama , Reid and Pelosi and their kind once and for all and for good and take back Our country God Bless the US of A.
Now this dog and pony show will be televised so you and I can see it all .Obama will get up say a word or 3 and then open the floor for discussion, the Republicans will state their ideal the Democrats will nod their head in agreement and say yes but………and this will go for about hour for our entertainment then the show will close with a few more words out of Obama.
Now comes the sneak attack I was talking `about one maybe two days after this meeting Harry Reid and /or Nancy Pelosi will come out to the press with a statement something like this “We tried to have a bipartisan meeting and the Republicans would not corporate with us you saw it on tv so now we are going to have to use the 51 vote option to get heath care. “ You see folks the weeks leading up to Feb 25 Reid and Pelosi will be working hard to get the rest of the votes they need to get to 51 yes they will talk people into committing political suicide to make history and get some kind of medical bill. This folk is where you and I need to do to them what we did to Japan in WW2 , The sleeping giant needs to awake and crush Obama , Reid and Pelosi and their kind once and for all and for good and take back Our country God Bless the US of A.
5 little words
On Tuesday, a few days after Palin had mocked Obama for using a a teleprompter for all of his speeches presidential spokesman Robert Gibbs turned up at the White House briefing with a few talking points _ "hope" and "change" _ scrawled on his hand.
I have just one thing to say she (palin)only had 5 words wrote on her hand for a 45 min speech not bad i don't think many of us could pull that off .On the other hand Obama sets up a teleprompter to talk to a 6th grade class Soooooo! Tell me who do you think has more brains the one with just 5 words or the one who can't do a 10 min talk with out a teleprompter.
Robert Gibbs is the front runner for a$$ of the week.
I have just one thing to say she (palin)only had 5 words wrote on her hand for a 45 min speech not bad i don't think many of us could pull that off .On the other hand Obama sets up a teleprompter to talk to a 6th grade class Soooooo! Tell me who do you think has more brains the one with just 5 words or the one who can't do a 10 min talk with out a teleprompter.
Robert Gibbs is the front runner for a$$ of the week.
A$$ of the week
This week a$$ is ……….. White House Chief of Staff Emanuel
For saying for liberal bloggers to attack centrist Democratic senators for being too moderate on health care would be “f - - - ing retarded” now this bothers me on two levels
First is the word f----ing when did this word be came socially accepted that we can just blare it out anytime we so feel like it.
The second the word retarded Mr. Emanuel tell me sir are you still in grade school sir?
Some on the left are saying it just a word its used all the time , it been around forever ! well so has been many word if Chief of Staff Emanuel had call then a brunch of worthless N------gers or a lot or sissy boys or worse yet a room full of F..gs he would not have a job today
All I’m trying to say here folks is people in public office need to watch their mouths we all have ears and I do expect better of them
. So Mr. Holder is sorted of
Attorney General Eric Holder said Wednesday he made the decision to charge the Christmas Day terror suspect in civilian court rather than the military system, with no objection from all the other relevant departments of the government HUH! Well the reason he had no objection from all the other relevant departments of the government
Is this National Intelligence Director Blair told the Senate committee that he was not consulted on whether Abdulmutallab should be questioned by the recently created High-Value Detainee Interrogation Group. Homeland Security Secretary Napolitano and the National Counterterrorism Center Director Leiter said they too were not consulted on the decision as to who should question Abdumutallab. So Mr. Holder is sorted of telling the truth just leaving out a few facts.
Now here a new one for you they are not blaming bush here but holding up some of the things he did as examples of why they charged him criminally (Abdulmutallab)here is one "The Bush administration used the criminal justice system to convict more than 300 individuals on terrorism-related charges," Holder wrote. The attorney general specifically mentioned the case of Richard Reid, who tried but failed to ignite a shoe bomb on a U.S.-bound trans-Atlantic jetliner.
"The practice of the U.S. government followed by prior and current administrations without a single exception has been to arrest and detain under federal criminal law all terrorist suspects who are apprehended inside the United States ," Holder added.
So poor Brush is dammed if you do dammed if you don’t.
Abdumutallab has resume talking after the FBI brought members of his family to this country to help persuade him to cooperate again. But there are hints that some details have yet to be revealed that got him to talk .
Republicans on the Senate Judiciary Committee asked Wednesday for a hearing to question Holder about the case. The chairman, Sen. Pat Leahy, D-Vt., said he had been negotiating to bring Holder to testify since January and expected he would appear in March.
Hand in the cookie jar
Hand in the cookie jar seems that’s where Texas State Rep. Terri Hodge(D) been caught ‘
Hodge pleaded guilty to fraud and false statements on an income tax return, aces up to three years in prison, a $100,000 fine and restitution to the IRS. A sentencing date has not been set..
Hodge has agreed to never again to hold public office.. According to court documents, Hodge received more than $32,000 in rental subsidies, utilities and carpeting from an apartment developer who built complexes in her district. She never declared the funds as income on tax returns.
So crossing fingers here I’m hoping the people of her district we do the right thing and put a good strong Conservative in her place !
Hodge pleaded guilty to fraud and false statements on an income tax return, aces up to three years in prison, a $100,000 fine and restitution to the IRS. A sentencing date has not been set..
Hodge has agreed to never again to hold public office.. According to court documents, Hodge received more than $32,000 in rental subsidies, utilities and carpeting from an apartment developer who built complexes in her district. She never declared the funds as income on tax returns.
So crossing fingers here I’m hoping the people of her district we do the right thing and put a good strong Conservative in her place !
If you got the money honey
If you got the money I've got the time seems to be Nancy Pelosi’s theme song for you and I the taxpayer. last year along, she,her staff and family cost you and i a very scary sum in air travel alone, The Speaker’s military travel cost us the taxpayer $2,100,744.59 over a two-year period — $101,429.14 for in-flight expenses, including food and alcohol. OK i want to stop here for a min or two I don't know about the rest of you but i don't have a income of $2,100,744.59 much less a food and alcohol budget of $101,429.14 .( that's a hella lot of booze.)
here are a few example of where Nancy spend the money.
Pelosi used Air Force aircraft to travel back to her district at an average cost of $28,210.51 per flight. The average cost of an international congressional delegation (CODEL) is $228,563.33. Of the 103 Pelosi-led CODELs, 31 trips included members of the House Speaker’s family. ( in other words she took them on vacation on our dine.) Tell me why Ms.Pelosi can't take her own private jet and pay for it herself.
One CODEL traveling from Washington, D.C. through Tel Aviv, Israel to Baghdad, Iraq from May 15-20, 2008, “to discuss matters of mutual concern with government leaders” included members of Congress and their spouses and cost $17,931 per hour in aircraft alone. Purchases for the CODEL included: Johnny Walker Red scotch, Grey Goose vodka, E&J brandy, Bailey’s Irish Crème, Maker’s Mark whiskey, Courvoisier cognac, Bacardi Light rum, Jim Beam whiskey, Beefeater gin, Dewars scotch, Bombay Sapphire gin, Jack Daniels whiskey, Corona beer and several bottles of wine.( I'm thinking maybe just maybe Ms.Pelosi might have a drinking problem.)
According to a “Memo for Record” from a CODEL March 29 – April 7, 2007, that involved a stop in Israel, “CODEL could only bring Kosher items into the Hotel. Kosher alcohol for mixing beverages in the Delegation room was purchased on the local economy i.e. Bourbon, Whiskey, Scotch, Vodka, Gin, Triple Sec, Tequila, etc.”( once more anybody seeing a patten here.)
I'm thinking that Pelosi clearly believes she deserves special treatment at taxpayer expense. This message comes across loud and clear in the disrespect she has demonstrated towards the American taxpayer. But we can all hope and pray that very soon we can tell her good bye as well as a few others
Hunting season is upon us!
Hunting season is upon us! We need no gun or ammo but we do need pens and paper telephones and computers .What wild and scary beast are we hunting you may ask? It’s the wild and elusive Rino’s. The beast are rare and sometime hard to track but this midterm we are in luck there is a large group of them and with your help we might be able to thin the herd I will give a run down of the ones that we need to take down
Arlen Spector, PA
George Voinovich, OH
Lisa Murkowski, AL
Mel Martinez, FL
Richard Lugar, IN
Robert Bennett, UT
Thad Cochran , MS
Robert Bennett, UT
Pete Domenici, NM
Mark Warner, VA
Sam Brownback, KS
Michael Castle, DE
Chris Smith, NJ
Ileana Ros-Lehtinen, FL
John McHugh, NY
Fred Upton, MI
Shelly Moore Capito, WV
Jim Gerlach, PA
Mark Kirk, IL
Patrick Murphy, PA
Mike Rodgers, AL
Chris Smith, NJ
Ileana Ros-Lehtinen, FL
John McHugh, NY
Fred Upton, MI
Shelly Moore Capito, WV
Jim Gerlach, PA
Mark Kirk, IL
Patrick Murphy, PA
Mike Rodgers, AL
Blanche Lincoln . Ark
Parker Griffith
As you can see herd is large, I know we won’t be able to get them all but if we can cut the list in half we the people will be much better off.
As you can see herd is large, I know we won’t be able to get them all but if we can cut the list in half we the people will be much better off.
We desperately need to have a fundamental restoration
We desperately need to have a fundamental restoration of our country before those who seek to fundamentally transform this nation have lasting success. In order to return to some of the founding principals that made this nation great, I believe we must understand what those foundational ideals are. Here are 11 principals that I believe sum up
what a true conservative is a about:
1. 'Government money' does not belong to government. It belongs to the taxpayers who worked hard for it, and who had funds deleted from their paychecks even before they got to see them.
2. The government that governs best governs LEAST.
3. Government normally does not solve problems. People do. Big government usually IS the problem.
4. Oppressive large governments are responsible for more murders of citizens than all of the wars in history.
5. The private sector is where the juice of society lies. There you will find ingenuity, creativity, and the creation of wealth--provided government gets out of the way.
6. Government social programs reward pathological dependency. True adults, unless hindered by debilitating physical impairment, seek independent living as free persons who are not stuck in an infantile dependency on the government nanny.
7. The one role of government mandated by the U.S. Constitution is to provide for the national defense.
8. Human rights are not granted by government. They are inherent and automatic. We are 'endowed by our Creator with certain unalienable rights.' Government can only choose to recognize and protect those inherent rights.
9. The right to self-defense, as encapsulated in the 2nd Amendment, is the key to all of the other rights described in the Bill of Rights. Free speech, freedom of religion, freedom of assembly, and a free press are secured and kept secure by an armed citizenry.
10. Our form of government is NOT a 'pure democracy' or 'majority rule.' In a Constitutional Republic such as ours, the will of the majority is tempered and limited by the rights of the minority, which are always intact and unalienable regardless of the 'will of the majority.'
11. While we cannot legislate morality, we likewise CANNOT legislate or fund immorality.
Thanks for joining us in the battle Heather Powers and Bill Zankich
Heather Powers is a facebook friend and i was so impressed by this I am reposing it on my blog
what a true conservative is a about:
1. 'Government money' does not belong to government. It belongs to the taxpayers who worked hard for it, and who had funds deleted from their paychecks even before they got to see them.
2. The government that governs best governs LEAST.
3. Government normally does not solve problems. People do. Big government usually IS the problem.
4. Oppressive large governments are responsible for more murders of citizens than all of the wars in history.
5. The private sector is where the juice of society lies. There you will find ingenuity, creativity, and the creation of wealth--provided government gets out of the way.
6. Government social programs reward pathological dependency. True adults, unless hindered by debilitating physical impairment, seek independent living as free persons who are not stuck in an infantile dependency on the government nanny.
7. The one role of government mandated by the U.S. Constitution is to provide for the national defense.
8. Human rights are not granted by government. They are inherent and automatic. We are 'endowed by our Creator with certain unalienable rights.' Government can only choose to recognize and protect those inherent rights.
9. The right to self-defense, as encapsulated in the 2nd Amendment, is the key to all of the other rights described in the Bill of Rights. Free speech, freedom of religion, freedom of assembly, and a free press are secured and kept secure by an armed citizenry.
10. Our form of government is NOT a 'pure democracy' or 'majority rule.' In a Constitutional Republic such as ours, the will of the majority is tempered and limited by the rights of the minority, which are always intact and unalienable regardless of the 'will of the majority.'
11. While we cannot legislate morality, we likewise CANNOT legislate or fund immorality.
Thanks for joining us in the battle Heather Powers and Bill Zankich
Heather Powers is a facebook friend and i was so impressed by this I am reposing it on my blog
Same song same dance
Same song same dance listing to the state of the union last night I got this feeling that I had heard this same song oh about a year ago. The only difference I heard was a few and I mean very blue notes and a lot more angry ones.
Let’s take the blue one first shall we. Obama said “Our administration has had some political setbacks this year, and some of them were deserved. But I wake up every day knowing that they are nothing compared to the setbacks that families all across this country have faced this year. And what keeps me going - what keeps me fighting - is that despite all these setbacks, that spirit of determination and optimism - that fundamental decency that has always been at the core of the American people - lives on.” Are we supposed to feel sorry Obama for the setbacks he has suffered at the hands of voters-and admire his resilience in the face of these misfortunes? I think not he is not a 2yr old. But he will carry on determined to ignore the voters' opinion. Just like a 2yr old will go back and try again after he/she is told No! and the votes with any hope will send him back to a time out .
Let’s take a look at the angry ones; It was a highly partisan speech one or two times he spoke of working together but then he went in for the kill with this to the Democrats “I would remind you that we still have the largest majority in decades, and the people expect us to solve some problems, not run for the hills.” In other words calling them wimps (I could add more color here but I won’t I will let you the read fill it in,).
The Republican leadership was next on the hit list with this little bomb “If the Republican leadership is going to insist that sixty votes in the Senate are required to do any business at all in this town, then the responsibility to govern is now yours as well. Just saying no to everything may be good short-term politics, but it's not leadership.”
And not the leave anyone out his next hit was for the Supreme Court Mr. Obama’s words were sharp, echoing his earlier criticism of the court’s decision last week in the Citizens United case to strike down the limits that the McCain-Feingold campaign finance law placed on independent political expenditures by corporations and unions. The decision would “open the floodgates for special interests — including foreign companies — to spend without limit in our elections,”( like he’s not already in bed with the unions) but one of the stood his ground at the state of the union , Justice Alito shook his head as if to rebut the president and mouth the words “not true.” I say good for you Justice Alito way to go don’t let him get away with calling you all out.
All in all what Mr. Obama is saying is I’m still pushing and I still don’t care what the people think.
Let’s take the blue one first shall we. Obama said “Our administration has had some political setbacks this year, and some of them were deserved. But I wake up every day knowing that they are nothing compared to the setbacks that families all across this country have faced this year. And what keeps me going - what keeps me fighting - is that despite all these setbacks, that spirit of determination and optimism - that fundamental decency that has always been at the core of the American people - lives on.” Are we supposed to feel sorry Obama for the setbacks he has suffered at the hands of voters-and admire his resilience in the face of these misfortunes? I think not he is not a 2yr old. But he will carry on determined to ignore the voters' opinion. Just like a 2yr old will go back and try again after he/she is told No! and the votes with any hope will send him back to a time out .
Let’s take a look at the angry ones; It was a highly partisan speech one or two times he spoke of working together but then he went in for the kill with this to the Democrats “I would remind you that we still have the largest majority in decades, and the people expect us to solve some problems, not run for the hills.” In other words calling them wimps (I could add more color here but I won’t I will let you the read fill it in,).
The Republican leadership was next on the hit list with this little bomb “If the Republican leadership is going to insist that sixty votes in the Senate are required to do any business at all in this town, then the responsibility to govern is now yours as well. Just saying no to everything may be good short-term politics, but it's not leadership.”
And not the leave anyone out his next hit was for the Supreme Court Mr. Obama’s words were sharp, echoing his earlier criticism of the court’s decision last week in the Citizens United case to strike down the limits that the McCain-Feingold campaign finance law placed on independent political expenditures by corporations and unions. The decision would “open the floodgates for special interests — including foreign companies — to spend without limit in our elections,”( like he’s not already in bed with the unions) but one of the stood his ground at the state of the union , Justice Alito shook his head as if to rebut the president and mouth the words “not true.” I say good for you Justice Alito way to go don’t let him get away with calling you all out.
All in all what Mr. Obama is saying is I’m still pushing and I still don’t care what the people think.
Obama and Biden trying to swing
Obama and Biden trying to swing to the middle and not lose their jobs.
I must say one or two of the ideals have some merit.
Nearly doubling the tax credit that families making under $85,000 can receive for child care costs, with some help for families earning up to $115,000, too.
Capping the size of periodic federal college loan repayments at 10 percent of borrowers' discretionary income to make payments more affordable. A better ideal I think would be to pay off student loans that are 10 yrs or older off it would both help the people who got the loans and the banks who gave them out.
Requiring employers who don't offer 401(k) retirement plans to offer direct-deposit IRAs for their employees, with exemptions for the smallest firms.
I think come Wednesday when we hear the State of the Union address It will be about saving the middle class and how banks and wall street are the bad guys and he (Obama) is here to save us.
Now do I think he (Obama) and the Democrats are blowing smoke up my kilt, yes. Yes I do. I think if the Massacre in Massachusetts had not happened we would today have healthcare we did not want. I also think if we don’t stand together come the midterms and vote a brunch of the buns out they will try again.
I must say one or two of the ideals have some merit.
Nearly doubling the tax credit that families making under $85,000 can receive for child care costs, with some help for families earning up to $115,000, too.
Capping the size of periodic federal college loan repayments at 10 percent of borrowers' discretionary income to make payments more affordable. A better ideal I think would be to pay off student loans that are 10 yrs or older off it would both help the people who got the loans and the banks who gave them out.
Requiring employers who don't offer 401(k) retirement plans to offer direct-deposit IRAs for their employees, with exemptions for the smallest firms.
I think come Wednesday when we hear the State of the Union address It will be about saving the middle class and how banks and wall street are the bad guys and he (Obama) is here to save us.
Now do I think he (Obama) and the Democrats are blowing smoke up my kilt, yes. Yes I do. I think if the Massacre in Massachusetts had not happened we would today have healthcare we did not want. I also think if we don’t stand together come the midterms and vote a brunch of the buns out they will try again.
We're not in a big rush
Pelosi "We're not in a big rush. We'll pause" HUH? What the hell was the rush in Dec, Christmas Eve. Yea now that the people have spoke and you Pelosi are very afraid that you and boxers heads are on the block next , and you know you would be right we the people will be coming for the both of you .
Obama not so smug
Obama not so smug! That his party has lost its super majority in the Senate.
All ready he is backing and talking about paring down his heath care bill to its core.
Obama and party are just now starting to admit they missed judged the voters anger.
How he missed this is beyond me with all the polls and the tea parties for months plainly saying that we the people do not like this heath care plan you are trying to shove down our throats .
Mr. Obama is now starting to talk about what the people want that is less spending by Government and more job creation , he is also put cap and trade as well as his liberalized immigration on the back burner . We will have a wait and see on this I for one think he is just throwing up a smoke screen for the midterm elections so to try not lose total control of the house.
We the people need to remember this ………………….
Dwight D Eisenhower
Fresh start for Massachusetts
Can you feel the breeze? Is it the warm breeze of hope or the cold blast of the one party control? Ether way you can feel it in the air from Massachusetts to the coast of California. The race for the Senate seat in Massachusetts has voters glued to the polls.
Will the people of the great state vote for a lock step Democrat or for a fresh start with Republican Scott Brown. Let’s hope and pray for the fresh start
Will the people of the great state vote for a lock step Democrat or for a fresh start with Republican Scott Brown. Let’s hope and pray for the fresh start
Ms. Coakley may fail
I am starting to read in some papers and online content the reason Martha Coakley is falling behind in Massachusetts is that she is a woman! What a load of BS that is, I like most voters I know look at what the person can do not what sex they are.
The reason Ms. Coakley is behind are many but here are a few that stand out to me.
First and foremost she ran run a lousy campaign. Ms. Coakley was so sure that she had the seat that she did little to noting during the holiday season while the GOP challenger, little-known state Sen. Scott Brown and he team were out knocking on doors.
Independents and others are clearly tired of being told what to think and who they should vote for, and are taking things into their own hands.
Some of the cases she handled as a prosecutor and attorney general are coming back to haunt her.
Ms. Coakley kept referring to the seat as “Ted Kennedy’s seat’’ did not help matters as a matter of fact it gave Mr. Brown another opening and a line we shall not soon forget
“It isn’t Ted Kennedy’s seat, it belongs to the people of Massachusetts.’’).
Ms. Coakley supports giving civilian legal rights to terror suspects when most voters do not.
Ms. Coakley may win the race but it will not be the landslide she and the Democratic’s thought was going to happen .If she loses then Governor Deval Patrick may go down with her and we may be seeing the fall of one party rule we can only hope and pray for that .
The reason Ms. Coakley is behind are many but here are a few that stand out to me.
First and foremost she ran run a lousy campaign. Ms. Coakley was so sure that she had the seat that she did little to noting during the holiday season while the GOP challenger, little-known state Sen. Scott Brown and he team were out knocking on doors.
Independents and others are clearly tired of being told what to think and who they should vote for, and are taking things into their own hands.
Some of the cases she handled as a prosecutor and attorney general are coming back to haunt her.
Ms. Coakley kept referring to the seat as “Ted Kennedy’s seat’’ did not help matters as a matter of fact it gave Mr. Brown another opening and a line we shall not soon forget
“It isn’t Ted Kennedy’s seat, it belongs to the people of Massachusetts.’’).
Ms. Coakley supports giving civilian legal rights to terror suspects when most voters do not.
Ms. Coakley may win the race but it will not be the landslide she and the Democratic’s thought was going to happen .If she loses then Governor Deval Patrick may go down with her and we may be seeing the fall of one party rule we can only hope and pray for that .
Happy B day Martin Luther King Jr
When you are right you cannot be too radical; when you are wrong, you cannot be too conservative. Martin Luther King Jr.
Martha Coakley not so sure of her self
It seems that Coakley is not so sure of her self now that the gap has closed within 2 points between her and Scott Brown. Coakley is now starting to use attack ads and may but I doubt it try to get Obama to come to her support. Coakley’s supports may be getting a little on edge as well a Weekly Standard writer was reportedly pushed down by Mr. Meehan a Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee member dispatched to help the Coakley campaign hone its message." Sounds more like a mob strong arm man to me.
Coakley put out this press statement
State Attorney General Martha Coakley blamed GOP 'stalkers' today for triggering tensions outside a Washington, D.C., fund-raiser last night where a Weekly Standard reporter said he was roughed up by a Coakley campaign volunteer.
Which is truly funny she is know to be only candidate in the Democratic primary who regularly used trackers, sending campaign aides to her opponents' events to videotape everything they said.
Coakley remains the front runner in the Massachusetts Senate race for now! But lets hope that the voters can see the true dark side of her political self.
Looks like i was wrong Fox news radio is reporting Obama going to MA to campaign in Senate race.
Coakley put out this press statement
State Attorney General Martha Coakley blamed GOP 'stalkers' today for triggering tensions outside a Washington, D.C., fund-raiser last night where a Weekly Standard reporter said he was roughed up by a Coakley campaign volunteer.
Which is truly funny she is know to be only candidate in the Democratic primary who regularly used trackers, sending campaign aides to her opponents' events to videotape everything they said.
Coakley remains the front runner in the Massachusetts Senate race for now! But lets hope that the voters can see the true dark side of her political self.
Looks like i was wrong Fox news radio is reporting Obama going to MA to campaign in Senate race.
No! Ally there
No! Ally there! a few days ago I wrote a blog about how Obama was being foolish about trusting Yemen.. Well a day or two ago the President of Yemen Ali Abdullah Saleh said “he is ready to talk to Al Qaeda members who renounce violence, suggesting he could show them the same kind of leniency he has granted militants in the past despite U.S. pressure to crack down on the terror group.” This is not new folks he did the same deal in the past releasing Al Qaeda militants on promises they will not engage in terrorism again. And what do they do go right back where they came form killing more people.
In my humble opinion President Ali Abdullah Saleh is in it for one thing and one thing only and it's the money and training, and I’m sure as I write this one day soon they will turn this against the US of A but Obama and the State Dept are to blind to see this
In my humble opinion President Ali Abdullah Saleh is in it for one thing and one thing only and it's the money and training, and I’m sure as I write this one day soon they will turn this against the US of A but Obama and the State Dept are to blind to see this
Limited Immigration levels
With the Democrats talking about amnesty for illegal aliens should the good old US of A put limits on immigrations levels? The short answer would be yes. Why? With hundreds of thousands be coming legal overnight and becoming eligible for government
programs (welfare ,medical ,food stamps ),The system will be taxed at best and total fail at worsted. The simple thing to do would be to Limited Immigration levels for the next 10 years or so ! If the Democrats get their way about this.
Also Obama should consider limiting Immigration levels form the Mideast and parts of Africa during this time of war.
programs (welfare ,medical ,food stamps ),The system will be taxed at best and total fail at worsted. The simple thing to do would be to Limited Immigration levels for the next 10 years or so ! If the Democrats get their way about this.
Also Obama should consider limiting Immigration levels form the Mideast and parts of Africa during this time of war.
Stalin must be dancing in the fires of hell.
Well folks on my Christmas break I missed a major happening in the Senate on Dec 24 At 3:20 p.m., Independent Bernard Sanders of Vermont -- acting as the presiding officer of the Senate -- called a vote on a point of order against the health care overhaul bill. Fifteen minutes later, Sanders closed the vote, and the matter was done. The Republicans finally got the vote they've needed all year long.
Every Senate Democrat (plus the two Independents, Joseph I. Lieberman of Connecticut and Sanders) went on record declaring that the so-called individual mandate that is the heart of the health care bill -- that is, an unprecedented federal mandate that requires individuals to purchase a product in the private market, on pain of taxation should they choose to disobey -- does not violate the Constitution.
Now what dose that mean for you and me, well it means that we took a major step toward socialism. Joseph Stalin must be dancing in the fires of hell. Joseph I. Lieberman Jewish ancestors must be crying and moaning in theirs graves. This vote mean or could possible mean a lot of things lets look at a few shall we. Lets say that the country keep going into this depression monies for the Fed and the states keep getting harder the Senate and the House say we are going to make it a law that anyone 70 and above must be euthanasia( all members of the house and senate and their families would be exempt) We the people of course throw a fit but the Senate takes a vote like this an wow its does not violate the Constitution. Yes this is not likely to happen but the possibly is there now. What stopping the House and Senate say we think to help the country you ( we the people ) must all go out and buy a new car and if we don’t we will be facing fines What I am trying to get across folks is simpley this now that this is out of the bottle we must keep on our guard and not let this get out of hand
May God Bless the USA
Every Senate Democrat (plus the two Independents, Joseph I. Lieberman of Connecticut and Sanders) went on record declaring that the so-called individual mandate that is the heart of the health care bill -- that is, an unprecedented federal mandate that requires individuals to purchase a product in the private market, on pain of taxation should they choose to disobey -- does not violate the Constitution.
Now what dose that mean for you and me, well it means that we took a major step toward socialism. Joseph Stalin must be dancing in the fires of hell. Joseph I. Lieberman Jewish ancestors must be crying and moaning in theirs graves. This vote mean or could possible mean a lot of things lets look at a few shall we. Lets say that the country keep going into this depression monies for the Fed and the states keep getting harder the Senate and the House say we are going to make it a law that anyone 70 and above must be euthanasia( all members of the house and senate and their families would be exempt) We the people of course throw a fit but the Senate takes a vote like this an wow its does not violate the Constitution. Yes this is not likely to happen but the possibly is there now. What stopping the House and Senate say we think to help the country you ( we the people ) must all go out and buy a new car and if we don’t we will be facing fines What I am trying to get across folks is simpley this now that this is out of the bottle we must keep on our guard and not let this get out of hand
May God Bless the USA
Once more Obama lies

Well here we go again folks!Democratic leaders including Harry Reid and Nancy Pelosi are seriously considering pushing President Obama's beloved healthcare legislation through Congress without the normal conference committee work involving both party's members from both houses.Yes you are reading right,Once more the Democratic leaders a pulling the same old crap "we are right and we don't need anybody's in put but our own party "Which brings up something else one of Obama's signature promises on the campaign trail was transparent discussions on reforming the nation's health care system, now he and his party want to do it behind closed doors .( So once more Obama lies ) When White House Press Secretary Robert Gibbs was ask about this he said "I do not believe the American people have lacked for information on what's in these bills - the political and policy arguments around different people's positions - I think that's been well documented," in other words No they are not going to let C-Span televised final health care negotiations. In my opinion folks they are telling us the people to piss off and take what we give you , i could be wrong but I think not
What John Brennan didn’t tell us
What John Brennan, President Barack Obama's counter-terrorism adviser didn’t tell us.
According to www.telegraph.co.uk Six trucks of explosives 'disappear' in Yemen.
Not just any where but in the country's capital city, Sana'a. In an apparently botched surveillance operation, militants driving six trucks filled with weapons and ordnance succeeded in giving security forces the slip as they entered the city, according to local media. And the sad thing about this it’s not the first time this has happened. If you didn’t know how the terrorist get their bombs here my friends is the perfect example. Do we know how many shipments go missing like this I bet not .So can anybody tell me why we are playing nice with Yemen! I think its time to take off the kit gloves on places and country’s like this to hell with everybody liking us I would rather go back to the time when other country’s knew if they messed with anyone form the good old USA they would have their face pounded in to the ground .Yes in this world we have to day it is better to be feared then liked in my humble opinion .
According to www.telegraph.co.uk Six trucks of explosives 'disappear' in Yemen.
Not just any where but in the country's capital city, Sana'a. In an apparently botched surveillance operation, militants driving six trucks filled with weapons and ordnance succeeded in giving security forces the slip as they entered the city, according to local media. And the sad thing about this it’s not the first time this has happened. If you didn’t know how the terrorist get their bombs here my friends is the perfect example. Do we know how many shipments go missing like this I bet not .So can anybody tell me why we are playing nice with Yemen! I think its time to take off the kit gloves on places and country’s like this to hell with everybody liking us I would rather go back to the time when other country’s knew if they messed with anyone form the good old USA they would have their face pounded in to the ground .Yes in this world we have to day it is better to be feared then liked in my humble opinion .
Grow some balls Obama
As President,” Obama said, “I've made it a priority to strengthen our partnership with the Yemeni government—training and equipping their security forces, sharing intelligence and working with them to strike al Qaeda terrorists.”
Then this Sunday we close the U.S. embassy in Yemen way to go Obama. For the passed year many in Congress ( mostly Conservative and Republican’s and one or two Dem’s)have been telling you so called President that Yemeni was a hot bed of terrorist activity .but you Obama kept sending terrorist there to be put in prison and they keep getting out and killing our people . Why Mr. Obama because of all your bowing and kissing other world leaders asses. They as do most of the people of the U.S of A see you as the weakest President we have ever had. Grow some balls Obama or step aside and let someone who has some do the job!!
Then this Sunday we close the U.S. embassy in Yemen way to go Obama. For the passed year many in Congress ( mostly Conservative and Republican’s and one or two Dem’s)have been telling you so called President that Yemeni was a hot bed of terrorist activity .but you Obama kept sending terrorist there to be put in prison and they keep getting out and killing our people . Why Mr. Obama because of all your bowing and kissing other world leaders asses. They as do most of the people of the U.S of A see you as the weakest President we have ever had. Grow some balls Obama or step aside and let someone who has some do the job!!
I’m back Now where to start

I’m back Now where to start, Ahhhh! Lets see yes I do think this might be the spot . Obama after 5 days of setting on his hands finally, a vow to find out what went wrong. Northwest Airlines flight you know the one with the terrorist that had a bomb in his underwear. Once more Obama need to know a PRESIDENT needs to react and not be seen as weak or as a coward. I hate to say this I mean I really do but I’m thinking Hilary might have been right about who we wanted to pick up that phone at 3AM, I’m thinking she would be the better man now .
Now this terrorist fellow Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab who got by the check points and on to a airplane with a bomb in his under pants. He is setting in a nice warm cell getting 3 meals a day; I’m sure by now that he’s had his Miranda rights. Now some of you who have read my blog in the past know how I feel about terrorist , I think we should take this guy out to the salt flats put his bomb underwear back on him and blow him up ! Send the
film to Yemen.
I so wanted to write this during the Christmas week , but I told myself that it could wait till now . This is a simple message to the store owners that refuse to say Merry Christmas or let the people who work for them to say it , Shame on you ! this is the biggest money making time of the year for you 2/4 of your monies come at this time for the year and it all because of Christmas just something for you all to keep in mind .
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