Someone really needs to give Mr. P here a crash course in economics. His spending habits are atrocious. What has he done now? He's spent 26 BILLION dollars on more bailout money. For your information, that's twenty six with nine zero's attached to it. A better way? That's 26 x 10 to the 9th power. This added to the national debt that's now more then 13 TRILLION dollars. Which, by the way, is 13 x 10 to the 12th power. Do you have any idea how much money we're dealing with here? Bill Gates, who's worth a little more then 50 BILLION dollars, would have sell everything he had, and go bankrupt more then 250 times to completely pay off this ginourmas debt. A liberal once told me it would be a good thing to get rid of all the rich people, according to her they were all self-centered and knew nothing about the real world. Well whether she was right or not the fact of the matter is that the "self centered rich guys" are the only people that know how to manage money. Think about it, you didn't get rich by spending money. Yeah you can hide behind a number on that bank statement, but before too long you'll be exposed. Or, as Dave Ramsey puts it: "When the tide goes out, you find out who's been skinny dipping".
Mark Richins
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