I’m back Now where to start, Ahhhh! Lets see yes I do think this might be the spot . Obama after 5 days of setting on his hands finally, a vow to find out what went wrong. Northwest Airlines flight you know the one with the terrorist that had a bomb in his underwear. Once more Obama need to know a PRESIDENT needs to react and not be seen as weak or as a coward. I hate to say this I mean I really do but I’m thinking Hilary might have been right about who we wanted to pick up that phone at 3AM, I’m thinking she would be the better man now .
Now this terrorist fellow Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab who got by the check points and on to a airplane with a bomb in his under pants. He is setting in a nice warm cell getting 3 meals a day; I’m sure by now that he’s had his Miranda rights. Now some of you who have read my blog in the past know how I feel about terrorist , I think we should take this guy out to the salt flats put his bomb underwear back on him and blow him up ! Send the
film to Yemen.
I so wanted to write this during the Christmas week , but I told myself that it could wait till now . This is a simple message to the store owners that refuse to say Merry Christmas or let the people who work for them to say it , Shame on you ! this is the biggest money making time of the year for you 2/4 of your monies come at this time for the year and it all because of Christmas just something for you all to keep in mind .
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