Hello folks well here in California we just passed a law that giving parents some control over schools. The new law basely says if half the parents sign a petition a teacher, principal or for that matter the whole staff could be fired and the school closed or converted into a charter school . All I have to say so far is about time.
The main stream media is reporting this is making teachers very nervous, My question is why? If you are a good teacher and you are doing your job you have noting to worry about on the other hand if you are one of the teachers that are just setting on your hands drawing a paycheck well you might want to retire or get up and do your job .
The teachers union are blasting this saying it far too simple and shortsighted they ( the unions)are saying as well that parents an others think the unions are protecting bad teachers, Well as a former school board member I can tell you for a fact that’s exactly what they do. Here in California it takes up to three years and a minimum of $250,000
To fire a bad teacher thanks to the unions .Most school boards won’t spend that kind of money out of their already tight budgets soo the bad teacher stays.
More states are starting to look at this law all I can say lets hope this is one trend out of California makes it to the other 49
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