A sneak attack is coming one you and I may not see coming but this is how I see it happening. On Feb 25 2010 president has invited congressional Republicans to sit down and talk through health care at a big "bipartisan summit" hopefully Republicans will show and be armed with some good ideals.
Now this dog and pony show will be televised so you and I can see it all .Obama will get up say a word or 3 and then open the floor for discussion, the Republicans will state their ideal the Democrats will nod their head in agreement and say yes but………and this will go for about hour for our entertainment then the show will close with a few more words out of Obama.
Now comes the sneak attack I was talking `about one maybe two days after this meeting Harry Reid and /or Nancy Pelosi will come out to the press with a statement something like this “We tried to have a bipartisan meeting and the Republicans would not corporate with us you saw it on tv so now we are going to have to use the 51 vote option to get heath care. “ You see folks the weeks leading up to Feb 25 Reid and Pelosi will be working hard to get the rest of the votes they need to get to 51 yes they will talk people into committing political suicide to make history and get some kind of medical bill. This folk is where you and I need to do to them what we did to Japan in WW2 , The sleeping giant needs to awake and crush Obama , Reid and Pelosi and their kind once and for all and for good and take back Our country God Bless the US of A.
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