a desperate man

A desperate man, that is what Gingrich is starting to look like at the end of his latest attack ad on Mitt Romney he points out that Mr. Romney speaks French !! Oh my God he speaks French!! What a sin for a presidential candidate to speak more than one language. Is this the best he's got I mean seriously I think that Newt may not know this but Mitt Romney went to France on his LDS mission in the 60s like most missionaries even today you are expected to speak whatever language the natives speak on your mission. To top this off Mr. Gingrich did his own dissertation -Belgian Education Policy in the Congo 1945-1960 which contains over 100 French language sources this is like the pot calling the kettle black.
   in my humble opinion I truly believe that Mr. Gingrich is totally out of control also by the ways Mr. Gingrich is talking and acting I'm not sure that he or remembers which party he's in ! It or Mr. Gingrich has come to the conclusion that if he can't get the Republican nomination for president then no one can. In my humble opinion I truly believe that he is trying to sabotage the Republican candidates and I think the sooner that we get him to drop out of the race the better off all candidates will be. I said in the past that I would support any candidate that got the Republican nomination unfortunately with Mr. Gingrich's attitude I'm beginning to have doubts about that, if he should happen to get the nomination I would help anyone start a writing campaign to get any of the other candidates elected over Mr. Gingrich.

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