Crazy Uncle week
Last week must have been the national week long crazy uncle week .We all have them the crazy family member no one want to show up at event but they do any way and in some fashion or another embarrass's one or more members at the party.
Lets start this out with the one I dislike the most and the one I think was more embarrassing then the other that's right bring out V.P Joe Biden, his put you " back in chains" comment to a largely black crowd is more them his usual gaffe that we blogger love to write about I know for a fact more then a few black people in attends were not happy about the comment and even more who saw it on the News . It was so bad uncle Joe was send home for the weekend and I'm sure was told to keep his head down and his mouth shut and let this pass.
I will freely admit that this crazy uncle I am a big fan of I'm talking about Hank Williams jr.I personally am not embarrassed by him at all or what he said "We've got a Muslim President who hates farming. hates the military.hates the us and we hate him".There or one or two things in there I believe to be true and I must not be the only one the crowd where is was playing cheered long and hard..But some on the Right found it to be embarrassment.
Who in my humble is the worse crazy uncle ? well you guessed it Uncle Joe Biden and it not because he's a Democrat and it's not that I think the man is dumb ( is is not )It's because the office he holds Mr.Biden is the second most powerful man in the world today! When Mr.Biden makes a gaffe its not only bad for him but for the whole US of A in the worlds eyes.When crazy Uncle Hank makes one the world just's laughs it off and says those crazy rednecks what will they do or say next .
Starting to show Desperation
Starting to show desperation! In the last couple of week Obama and his team are starting to show signs of pure desperation.The latest being that team Obama is going to send V.P. Biden to interrupt RNC convention in Tampa Fla. The First Lady (if you want to call her that)Michelle Obama will be on the David Letterman( can't keep his hands off the female staff) Show on the same day as the convention as well as several high-profile Democrats will be hosting events. It has been an unspoken agreement between the party's that the opposition would lay low around the time of the party's convention.Well it seem's that the Obama team and the Democrats in general have throwed this unspoken rule out the window.It seems to me like good old Chicago type politics or worse,say some 3rd world politics(Hugo Chavez in Venezuela and the Castro Brothers in Cuba) .What do they do! Try and control the media and try to interrupt their opponents meeting all of which team Obama seems to have it mind-set on.Then there is this out of the blue The Justice Dept after four long years has decided to sue Gallup Organization.If you don't know Gallup.Com provides data-driven news based on U.S. and world polls, daily tracking and public opinion research in other words they can make or destroy a campaign
Do I think team Obama using pressure on Gallup polling for political gain Do bears take a crap in the woods?It would not surprise at all to see the DOJ file some sorta of action on Rasmussen Reports to try to bully them as well.Will PPP polling Be Getting a call in the dark of the night saying the numbers need to look better?
On top of all this we have the nutcase Anarchists saying that they plan to incite chaos at both the RNC and DNC conventions . But the joke may be on them when it comes to the RNC convention ! tropical storm Isaac is supposed to hit Florida about the same time and we all know the little wimps can't take bad weather, they might melt! The Anarchists might have better luck with the DNC in Charlotte N.C in September,then again maybe the anarchists may be inside party with the Democrats we will have to wait and see.
The Old new wave band
The off beat band Devo
( the ones with the crazy hats that looked and acted like robots )are
trying to cash in on the presidential primary by writing a little tune
about Mitt Rooney's dog on his car roof .
Don't get me wrong I'm all for people wanting to work as long as they can if they want to but come on guys (devo) at best y'all were a two hit wonder in your hay day What are you trying to do pad the social security account a bit.

I just want to say a little something here to all bands There is a time to call it quits and rest on your past fame .If you wasted it on drugs, booze and lady's well you still have the memoirs
Don't get me wrong I'm all for people wanting to work as long as they can if they want to but come on guys (devo) at best y'all were a two hit wonder in your hay day What are you trying to do pad the social security account a bit.
I just want to say a little something here to all bands There is a time to call it quits and rest on your past fame .If you wasted it on drugs, booze and lady's well you still have the memoirs
Budget Battle
The past few days you have probably heard the talking heads on CBS, ABC and MSNBC saying how bad the budget that the presumptive GOP vice presidential nominee Rep. Paul Ryan (R-Wis.) is pushing.How it will destroy Medicare, Social Security and other welfare plans.
What the Democrats don't want to bring up is this Harry Reid Senate(D-Nev) Majority Leader has not put out a budget plan since 2009.Some will tell you what good would it do for Mr.Reid to come up with a budget the House which is now controlled by the Republicans would just block it .Well here is the kicker The 111th United States Congress which covers the years 2009-2010 had one party in control thats right the Democrats! Why no budget for those years?........Not a sound out of Reid or his party.Now it's true it would be hard for Mr.Reid to get a budget passed a Republican controlled House now but it's not impossible its been done in the past,what gripes me is that he( Harry Reid D-Nev) has not evened tried.
What I can say for a fact is presumptive GOP vice presidential nominee Rep. Paul Ryan (R-Wis.) has!
As for Medicare cuts what Rep. Paul Ryan (R-Wis.)is suggesting is no worse then what president's idea of cutting more then $700 billion out of it.But you won't hear any of that out of the talking heads at the major TV networks.
We have seen what kind of hope and change has happened the last 3 3/4 yrs it has no hope in my humble opinion , I set here at my desk asking you this simple question "Are you better off now then you where 4yrs ago?
Another misstep by Obama
another misstep by Obama seems to not only catch the attention of Republicans and conservatives but members and backers of his own party.Mr. Obama misstep happened last week at a press conference when he said "the private sector is doing just fine". We all know that this was a major gaffe on Obama part, there is no way in God's green earth that the private sector is doing fine at this time. Now it's coming back to bite him in the but one of his biggest supporters New York Times columnist Paul Krugman might as well came out and said that the president made a stupid comment. What Krugman said was that it was unfortunate line.
In truth the private sector is doing better than the public sector but in these times of cutbacks and job losses that's not saying much. In my humble opinion this seems to prove the point that Obama and his administration are truly out of touch with what's going on outside of the bubble that is the White House.
Krugman criticism of Mr. Obama seems to me it's just another example of how the Democratic machine is starting to come apart with this and recent allegations that the White House leak sensitive military information and attorney general Eric Holder in trouble now with Congress and possibly facing contempt charges. Then to top it all off commerce Sec.John Bryson for felony hit and run the Democratic party is beginning to look badly beat up.
in my humble opinion if this kind of nonsense keeps happening are keeps getting worse come November Mr. Obama might as well just quit the race altogether.
In truth the private sector is doing better than the public sector but in these times of cutbacks and job losses that's not saying much. In my humble opinion this seems to prove the point that Obama and his administration are truly out of touch with what's going on outside of the bubble that is the White House.
Krugman criticism of Mr. Obama seems to me it's just another example of how the Democratic machine is starting to come apart with this and recent allegations that the White House leak sensitive military information and attorney general Eric Holder in trouble now with Congress and possibly facing contempt charges. Then to top it all off commerce Sec.John Bryson for felony hit and run the Democratic party is beginning to look badly beat up.
in my humble opinion if this kind of nonsense keeps happening are keeps getting worse come November Mr. Obama might as well just quit the race altogether.
I'm thinking Bill has not forgiven
I'm thinking Bill has not forgiven Obama for the defeat of his wife in the last presidential election. Yes Obama did make Hillary Secretary of State to try to smooth things over, but, not for certain that it did any good.example would be the latest little dig that former president Clinton made by saying that Mitt Romney was qualified to be the President of the United States and his business success at investment capital. To quote Mr. Clinton "this is good work...there is no question that the man has been a governor and has a sterling business career crosses the qualification threshold." but in my humble opinion little digs like this especially in a very close political atmosphere could cause a lot of damage to Mr. Obama. This is why I think we will see more of this out of the Clintons and their backers as this race and election come closer.
John Edwards gets a mistrial
The jury has come out and announced that they have come to a verdict on charge number three, which is accepting political contributions over the federal limit, other than that the jury said they were hung on the other charges.the defense wanted to call this a mistrial but The judge after deliberating for a bit has requested the jury to go back in and see if they can come to a verdict on the rest of the charges.
The prosecution as well as the defense team and Mr. Edwards are probably biting their collective nails wondering what the jury will do.
Well it looks like that Mr. Edwards has scored a mistrial so far, but there is a great possibility that he will be retried on some of the charges.
I may not agree with how he was charged in the count against him but! I do believe that he is guilty of being a scumbag by having a mistress and the love child by her while his wife was dying of cancer.
So Mitt is the one
So Mitt is the one! I know that some conservatives may not like this! Some will say he bought the nomination. Others will say he's not conservative enough! And still more will say Ron Paul will take the nomination at the convention.
The truth of the matter is this ! Mitt Romney won the nomination he is the last man standing good bad or indifferent hard-core conservative are somewhere in the middle we need to be TOGETHER and back this candidate. I know some of you're going to say there's not much difference between Mr. Romney and Mr. Obama, but I don't believe this myself. I believe there is a world of difference between the two men. First and foremost Obama in my opinion got elected to be president for only one reason and that was to make history to have our first black American president, I truly believe that this was one of the biggest mistakes we as Americans have made. Obama was and still is a union funky.
Mr. Romney on the other hand has been a businessman and professional all his adult life, he has saved more business and jobs that Obama has in the last three years.
A lot of people criticize Mr. Romney for being rich. I have a challenge for all you people that think this name one president starting with George Washington who has not been wealthy name one! the closest you will get to that would be president Andrew Jackson and he was not poor by the standards of his day so please not the crap off about Romney being rich.
If we don't back off candidate what will we wind up with another four years of Obama in my humble opinion these United States of ours cannot handle that. So if you're going to stay at home and not vote for Mr. Romney then you might as well go to the polls and vote for Obama because you're going to get the same results.
The truth of the matter is this ! Mitt Romney won the nomination he is the last man standing good bad or indifferent hard-core conservative are somewhere in the middle we need to be TOGETHER and back this candidate. I know some of you're going to say there's not much difference between Mr. Romney and Mr. Obama, but I don't believe this myself. I believe there is a world of difference between the two men. First and foremost Obama in my opinion got elected to be president for only one reason and that was to make history to have our first black American president, I truly believe that this was one of the biggest mistakes we as Americans have made. Obama was and still is a union funky.
Mr. Romney on the other hand has been a businessman and professional all his adult life, he has saved more business and jobs that Obama has in the last three years.
A lot of people criticize Mr. Romney for being rich. I have a challenge for all you people that think this name one president starting with George Washington who has not been wealthy name one! the closest you will get to that would be president Andrew Jackson and he was not poor by the standards of his day so please not the crap off about Romney being rich.
If we don't back off candidate what will we wind up with another four years of Obama in my humble opinion these United States of ours cannot handle that. So if you're going to stay at home and not vote for Mr. Romney then you might as well go to the polls and vote for Obama because you're going to get the same results.
Are you sure !
Now what do we hear! Mr.Obama that your now taking money from Wall Street and the Banks .Let see who might be on the list .
To help fund the DNC convention, Didn't you all say not long ago in February 2011 convention wouldn’t accept corporate dollars.Seems maybe money- grubbing banks and Wall Street might not be that evil when The Democratic Party needs money to pay for something.Once more seems to be you don't mine the one percent when you sir need something I believe there is a word for that hypocrite yea that be it .
Promises Obama has Kept
It's been 3 1/2 years since Obama took office lets take a tally on promises made and kept
Well yes on this one what Obama did was give the EPA so much power that they have basely stop or slowed down the production of coal and oil.
Obama said gas prices must go up
Once more Mr.Obama kept his promise.When obama went into office gas prices in my area were about $2.54gal now they are now about $4.54 gal double in 31/2 yrs Mr.Obama trys to put blame on the oil company's but in my humble opinion Mr.Obama gave them permission listen to what he said in the clip
and once Obama was president they took him for his word and started raising prices.So yes I do put the blame on him.
Well yes on this one what Obama did was give the EPA so much power that they have basely stop or slowed down the production of coal and oil.
Obama said gas prices must go up
Once more Mr.Obama kept his promise.When obama went into office gas prices in my area were about $2.54gal now they are now about $4.54 gal double in 31/2 yrs Mr.Obama trys to put blame on the oil company's but in my humble opinion Mr.Obama gave them permission listen to what he said in the clip
and once Obama was president they took him for his word and started raising prices.So yes I do put the blame on him.
Flipping and Flopping
This last week we have seen Mr. Obama doing the flip and flop Oh !! sorrry Democratic's and Liberals what was it now! what did you call it? oh yes ! evolving!! just another fancy word for flip flopping.The Only reason he did the dance is he knew with out it he was likely to get about 1/3 of the 15million raised at a Hollywood fund raiser.
Obama know that if he plays the gay folks just right they will bend over backward for him. the funny thing is just after the fundraiser his Press Secretary Jay Carney was downplaying the gay marriage move. That in it's self should be a hint to the gay folks.Obama will show what ever face that gets him the votes and the money .
Obama know that if he plays the gay folks just right they will bend over backward for him. the funny thing is just after the fundraiser his Press Secretary Jay Carney was downplaying the gay marriage move. That in it's self should be a hint to the gay folks.Obama will show what ever face that gets him the votes and the money .
Lets Talk About Tax's
Let"t talk about tax's.Better yet about the new ones that will be coming into effect starting in 2013.I know Obama saying basely he is not going to put new tax's on the table. An Obama not they are old tax's in a way just not taking effect till 2013 and beyond . Many of you my be asking what tax's Rockwell . well here is a list
Listed in chronological order of date they will take effect:
• Increasing the hospital insurance portion of the payroll tax from 2.9 percent to 3.8 percent for couples earning more than $250,000 a year, or $200,000 for single filers. Takes effect Jan. 1, 2013.
• Applying the 3.8 percent hospital insurance tax to investment income for couples earning more than $250,000 a year, or $200,000 for single filers, for the first time. Takes effect Jan. 1, 2013.
• A 2.3 percent excise tax on manufacturers and importers of certain medical devices. This is a narrowly targeted tax, but still a tax (and will likely be reflected in consumer prices once it begins). Takes effect Jan. 1, 2013.
• Raise the 7.5 percent adjusted gross income floor for the medical expenses deduction to 10 percent. People who would have qualified for the deduction this year would pay more. Takes effect Jan. 1, 2013.
• Annual fee levied on health insurance providers, based on each company’s share of the total market. Same logic as the levy on branded drug companies cited above. Takes effect Jan. 1, 2013.
• Limiting the amount taxpayers can deposit in flexible spending accounts to $2,500 a year. While the Obama camp says this provision is intended in part to stop abuse of the system, our experts consider it a tax because it increases taxable income. Takes effect Jan. 1, 2013
• Eliminating the corporate deduction for prescription expenses for retirees. According to the Society for Human Resource Management, certain employers were not only "qualified to receive a subsidy equal to 28 percent of covered prescription drug costs for their retirees," but the employer also was entitled to an income tax deduction for the subsidy. The idea behind providing both a subsidy and a tax deduction was to reduce taxpayer costs for the Medicare drug plan by encouraging companies pay their retirees’ costs, but the way it was structured was criticized by some as double-dipping. No matter the justification, our experts agreed it was still a tax hike. It takes effect Jan. 1, 2013.
• Increasing taxes on health insurance companies by limiting the amount of compensation paid to certain employees that they can deduct from their taxes. According to Congress’ Joint Committee on Taxation, this will be effective for compensation paid in taxable years "beginning after 2012, with respect to services performed after 2009." Once again, this is narrowly targeted at health care company executives -- not a popular group -- but it’s still a tax.
• A 40 percent excise tax on employer-provided "Cadillac" health insurance plans costing more than $10,200 for individuals and $27,500 for families. Takes effect Jan. 1, 2018.
Nice little list So went you go to the polls come November remember this little list feel free to bookmark it
Listed in chronological order of date they will take effect:
• Increasing the hospital insurance portion of the payroll tax from 2.9 percent to 3.8 percent for couples earning more than $250,000 a year, or $200,000 for single filers. Takes effect Jan. 1, 2013.
• Applying the 3.8 percent hospital insurance tax to investment income for couples earning more than $250,000 a year, or $200,000 for single filers, for the first time. Takes effect Jan. 1, 2013.
• A 2.3 percent excise tax on manufacturers and importers of certain medical devices. This is a narrowly targeted tax, but still a tax (and will likely be reflected in consumer prices once it begins). Takes effect Jan. 1, 2013.
• Raise the 7.5 percent adjusted gross income floor for the medical expenses deduction to 10 percent. People who would have qualified for the deduction this year would pay more. Takes effect Jan. 1, 2013.
• Annual fee levied on health insurance providers, based on each company’s share of the total market. Same logic as the levy on branded drug companies cited above. Takes effect Jan. 1, 2013.
• Limiting the amount taxpayers can deposit in flexible spending accounts to $2,500 a year. While the Obama camp says this provision is intended in part to stop abuse of the system, our experts consider it a tax because it increases taxable income. Takes effect Jan. 1, 2013
• Eliminating the corporate deduction for prescription expenses for retirees. According to the Society for Human Resource Management, certain employers were not only "qualified to receive a subsidy equal to 28 percent of covered prescription drug costs for their retirees," but the employer also was entitled to an income tax deduction for the subsidy. The idea behind providing both a subsidy and a tax deduction was to reduce taxpayer costs for the Medicare drug plan by encouraging companies pay their retirees’ costs, but the way it was structured was criticized by some as double-dipping. No matter the justification, our experts agreed it was still a tax hike. It takes effect Jan. 1, 2013.
• Increasing taxes on health insurance companies by limiting the amount of compensation paid to certain employees that they can deduct from their taxes. According to Congress’ Joint Committee on Taxation, this will be effective for compensation paid in taxable years "beginning after 2012, with respect to services performed after 2009." Once again, this is narrowly targeted at health care company executives -- not a popular group -- but it’s still a tax.
• A 40 percent excise tax on employer-provided "Cadillac" health insurance plans costing more than $10,200 for individuals and $27,500 for families. Takes effect Jan. 1, 2018.
Nice little list So went you go to the polls come November remember this little list feel free to bookmark it
Will Holder be held in contempt
Will Holder be held in contempt
Today the
house moved to start contempt of Congress on Justice Department head Mr.
Holder. In my humble opinion I think that it may pass in Congress but when it
comes to the Senate I believe Sen. Harry Reid will kill it as soon as it comes
to the Senate. I could be wrong but I think that I’m right and if I were a
betting man I would be betting that Harry will kill it.
Some of you
may have been hiding under a rock the last few months (I’m talking to you
Liberals) or just trying to hope it will go away (once more liberals I’m
talking to you.)It’s a little thing called fast and furious or better known as gun running and not just
any gun running but giving guns both semi-automate to full auto to Mexican drug
cartels. We know of one Us border agent that was killed by said guns(btw Holder
has of yet not called the family and
said he was sorry their son got killed by guns his Department let cross
the border .)
the other very sad thing to this story is that the C.I.A agents who have been punished foe sleeping with hookers more of them have lost their jobs then any angent involved in the fast and furious case.
I can almost see Holder and Obama talking " Obama to Holder hang in there just a little longer bro as soon as I lose this election Romney will kick your butt out of office and this will be all behind us , just hang on. .Holder to Obama I'm hanging bro but if the sh@t hits the fan I'm giving you up ! I ain't going down for you .
Do I think anything will happen to Holder? No I don't It is sad but true I think it will be pushed under the carpet during this election cycle as November gets closer it is a sad thing and my prays do go out to any of the family's that lost a loved one to this mess.
I can almost see Holder and Obama talking " Obama to Holder hang in there just a little longer bro as soon as I lose this election Romney will kick your butt out of office and this will be all behind us , just hang on. .Holder to Obama I'm hanging bro but if the sh@t hits the fan I'm giving you up ! I ain't going down for you .
Do I think anything will happen to Holder? No I don't It is sad but true I think it will be pushed under the carpet during this election cycle as November gets closer it is a sad thing and my prays do go out to any of the family's that lost a loved one to this mess.
Brown paper bag test
I was not going to write this post at first, but a post on BREITBART BIG GOVERNMENT
With in the black community there is a very strong and strange in my opinion form of racism and that is the lighter your skin and the straighter your hair is the better your treated and in most cases the more success you will have in the black community.
In the article the great white hope discusses Obama's lack of diversity, in my personal opinion I believe that the reason you don't see as many blacks in his Young campaign staffers is that they are not white enough most could not pass the brown bag test . Basically the brown bag test is this they hold up a brown paper bag next to your face if you are darker than the brown paper bag you fail that test, you may think I'm joking but I'm not if you look at Pres. Obama
and as more proof look who he chose to be head of the Justice Department
and one more example of why I believe this.
the good Rev. Wright which Pres. Obama went to his church for more than a decade.
Is this right no it's not, I find it very unfair for anyone to be judged on the color of their skin I could've brought up on many more examples of this in almost all industries as well as more in our own government, I just found it interesting that racism is rampant among the very people that seem to bring it up the I think that president Obama is or can be racists against his own people I think that it is quite possible.
Cowgirl-princess- congress woman
Most women grow out of the cowgirl-princess stage around the age of 11 or 12 ,but it seems someone forgot to tell Democratic Congress woman Frederica Wilson out of Florida. I know that there are cowboys and cowgirls in the great state of Florida and I mean them no disrespect in about what I'm going to say in the next few paragraphs are two. Now you would think that a grown woman of any color would not and should not dress this way serving in Congress.
I mean seriously the woman looks like a freaking parakeet who could take that seriously, I mean you know the outfit matches but still this is just the tip of the iceberg! seriously the more I look the worse it gets take this outfit for example
I could've swore that feathered cowboy hats much less a pink one went out style in the late 60s early 70s.I mean look at the poor guy in this picture,the look on his face says it all he's not sure whether to kill the chicken on her head are run like hell.Then we have this beauty, my little girl was walking by as I was posting this picture and she was afraid that the Easter Bunny wasn't going to make it this year she was convinced that Ms. Wilson had killed the Easter Bunny and made a hat out of it
and to tell you the truth I was not sure myself.. Also as I was getting these pictures my lovely wife happened by as well and started looking at them and made the statement, hon I've seen those clothes before but they weren't on the woman do you remember the old show Starsky and Hutch I said yeah I remember that show, she said do you remember huggy bear I said yeah and then it dawned on me Ms. Wilson is not dressing as a cowgirl princess but more like a pimp in a television show
do you see the resemblance, I did and damned near pee-ed myself. And don't get me wrong folks I'm all for people standing out in the crowd, but if you're going to dress like a pimp
who's to say you're not going to act like one when you get to Washington, in my opinion this is what this young woman is doing. So the question that begs to be asked is just who she is pimping out.
Nikki Haley
Gov. Nikki Haley was recently once more accused of tax fraud which turned out to be very very untrue. Not only did this look bad on Gov. Haley at the time but worst yet it once more makes bloggers in general look unprofessional, no news agency should've carried a anonymous blog as fact.
Now were going to get my preaching part, this goes out to all bloggers of the political nature. Right, left or middle I don't care what your political leanings are, when you publish a lie not only do you hurt yourself and your reputation but you hurt the rest of us in the blogging world. Yes we all make mistakes on our blogs I made one or two online myself I do try to go back and correct things and posted an apology when I'm wrong and advise everyone to do the same.if any of you bloggers out there want us to be looked at as professionals please keep this in mind.
Now were going to get my preaching part, this goes out to all bloggers of the political nature. Right, left or middle I don't care what your political leanings are, when you publish a lie not only do you hurt yourself and your reputation but you hurt the rest of us in the blogging world. Yes we all make mistakes on our blogs I made one or two online myself I do try to go back and correct things and posted an apology when I'm wrong and advise everyone to do the same.if any of you bloggers out there want us to be looked at as professionals please keep this in mind.
I won't be holding my breath
I won't be holding my breath as we wait for the Supreme Court justices to hand down an opinion on Obama care. I know that it looks like that the court in general is leaning toward making at least the mandate that we have to buy health insurance unconstitutional and there are many that believe that the court will make the entire bill unconstitutional, in my humble opinion here at old boy conservative I believe that it's a long time off and tell we hear the opinion of the judges, actually I believe it's been stated that the opinion won't come down until sometime mid-summer. And here's where things may get complicated as we know as of right now the Supreme Court is pretty much balanced as for as liberals and conservative judges go and like any government agency there are politics involved.
I unfortunately don't believe the entire thing will be struck down I believe over the next few months that political pressure from the White House and Congress will lead to a compromise so that the individual mandate is removed but most of the bill other than that will be left intact I could be wrong but I honestly don't think so.
I honestly do believe that our healthcare system is in need of a major overhaul, I honestly believe that the best thing that could happen to health insurance is that it be treated much like car insurance we the people should be able to shop around all over the country not just with in our state for health insurance I believe this would bring down prices for premiums but also make money for the insurance companies a little healthy competition is good for any business. So let's hope in the long run that's what happens.
I unfortunately don't believe the entire thing will be struck down I believe over the next few months that political pressure from the White House and Congress will lead to a compromise so that the individual mandate is removed but most of the bill other than that will be left intact I could be wrong but I honestly don't think so.
I honestly do believe that our healthcare system is in need of a major overhaul, I honestly believe that the best thing that could happen to health insurance is that it be treated much like car insurance we the people should be able to shop around all over the country not just with in our state for health insurance I believe this would bring down prices for premiums but also make money for the insurance companies a little healthy competition is good for any business. So let's hope in the long run that's what happens.
In the first place, we should insist that if the immigrant who comes here in good faith
“In the first place, we should insist that if the immigrant who comes here in good faith becomes an American and assimilates himself to us, he shall be treated on an exact equality with everyone else, for it is an outrage to discriminate against any such man because of creed, or birthplace, or origin. But this is predicated upon the person's becoming in every facet an American, and nothing but an American...There can be no divided allegiance here. Any man who says he is an American, but something else also, isn't an American at all. We have room for but one flag, the American flag... We have room for but one language here, and that is the English language... and we have room for but one sole loyalty and that is a loyalty to the American people.”
― Theodore Roosevelt
this is the way it used to be , when you became an American or let me clarify that when you became a US citizen you were expected to give all your royalties to the USA you are no longer Chinese, Italian, East Indian, are Japanese you were an American citizen. That's why we were called the great mixing pot we welcome in all legal immigrants, I'm not saying it was easy on the the folks coming in we although that the Irish and the Italians just to name a few were treated like second-class citizens when they first came here but that didn't stop them from being the best citizens they could be.I Have a friend about the same age as I am her parents immigrated from Japan many years ago. I assumed that she could speak Japanese as well as English to my surprise she tell me she could not speak a word of Japanese. When she was born her parents taught her only English when she asked why they had never taught her Japanese simple explanation was we're no longer Japanese we are now Americans and we speak American. That's the way it should be but unfortunately in the last decade or so we seem to have lost them because the mixing pot mentality. You see and hear more and more people speaking and acting like the country they immigrated from and unfortunately this has a separating effect on people in general. I truly believe that we need to go back to the old mixing pot days and all become one country and one people
― Theodore Roosevelt
this is the way it used to be , when you became an American or let me clarify that when you became a US citizen you were expected to give all your royalties to the USA you are no longer Chinese, Italian, East Indian, are Japanese you were an American citizen. That's why we were called the great mixing pot we welcome in all legal immigrants, I'm not saying it was easy on the the folks coming in we although that the Irish and the Italians just to name a few were treated like second-class citizens when they first came here but that didn't stop them from being the best citizens they could be.I Have a friend about the same age as I am her parents immigrated from Japan many years ago. I assumed that she could speak Japanese as well as English to my surprise she tell me she could not speak a word of Japanese. When she was born her parents taught her only English when she asked why they had never taught her Japanese simple explanation was we're no longer Japanese we are now Americans and we speak American. That's the way it should be but unfortunately in the last decade or so we seem to have lost them because the mixing pot mentality. You see and hear more and more people speaking and acting like the country they immigrated from and unfortunately this has a separating effect on people in general. I truly believe that we need to go back to the old mixing pot days and all become one country and one people
The Southern dilemma
If you kept track of last night's primaries you would notice it was a very close race for the front three separating each candidates in some counties in Alabama and Mississippi by less than 100 votes in my humble opinion this is what I like to call the southern dilemma these two states are part of what we lovingly call the Bible Belt, this is where the majority of Southern Baptist, Methodist and Presbyterian call home, now don't get me wrong I love the South that's where I was born and raised in till I was 18 and moved to the West Coast.. The dilemma these folks were facing was and is that the three front-runners in most of their minds are not true Christians, they were faced with a Mormon and two Catholics and in my humble opinion they probably thought to themselves well we had JFK and he was a Catholic and he wasn't too bad so let's pick the enemy we know and not the one we don't. In all honesty I am truly surprised that Ron Paul did not carry these two states his religious views are more in line with the Bible Belt than the other three.
I will begrudgingly give my congratulations to Rick Santorum for his wins I personally still don't believe that he will be nominee but that's just my opinion.
Keystone pipeline why not?
Keystone pipeline why not?the Keystone pipeline project took another hit in the Senate today the Democrats once again put down a Republican move to approve the pipelines construction. What gets me is this this is a shovel ready jobs for many many people all the away from truck drivers to welders to all the little towns that this pipeline would come close to that would feed and house the workers as it was being built. I thought that Obama wanted shovel ready jobs to happen. as
It would seem to me Obama and most Democrats really don't want us to come out of this recession in my humble opinion they are acting more like Keystone cops then they are concerned legislators
I also think that Obama and the Democrats think this recession or depression is some kind of sick joke, I think it's time that we do a a little housecleaning in Washington not only do we need to replace the president with a good strong Republican but we need to take control of both houses as well so we can get our country back on its feet and back to its greatness.
It would seem to me Obama and most Democrats really don't want us to come out of this recession in my humble opinion they are acting more like Keystone cops then they are concerned legislators
I also think that Obama and the Democrats think this recession or depression is some kind of sick joke, I think it's time that we do a a little housecleaning in Washington not only do we need to replace the president with a good strong Republican but we need to take control of both houses as well so we can get our country back on its feet and back to its greatness.
Close only counts
I keep hearing how close Ohio primary was between Mitt Romney and Rick Santorum. Here's the deal folks like my daddy used to say close only counts for three things horseshoes, hand grenades and bombs. If it's not one of those three it's a loss, one or 200 it does not matter you win or you lose enough with this crap.
Rick Santorum.possibly could have won if he had his organization in order and working right as one news pundit put it if Santorum can't get his own organization together and getting registered in all the counties of Ohio what makes us think that he can run a country and this is not the only time his organization has let them down he also managed not to get registered in three states which in the long run is going to cost him.I personally feel that Santorum just doesn't have what it takes to be president of these United States if he can't keep his own organization running smooth.
Rick Santorum.possibly could have won if he had his organization in order and working right as one news pundit put it if Santorum can't get his own organization together and getting registered in all the counties of Ohio what makes us think that he can run a country and this is not the only time his organization has let them down he also managed not to get registered in three states which in the long run is going to cost him.I personally feel that Santorum just doesn't have what it takes to be president of these United States if he can't keep his own organization running smooth.
Of citizens and traitors
First off I would like to say that I am not in favor of the US government killing American citizens in foreign countries or at home.but! I am in favor of killing traitors to our country. The example would be the so-called American Taliban fighter the first thing that should have been done when we found out about this person was that his citizenship should've been stripped and then he should've been put up against the wall and shot. The same thing should've happened to the American who went to Iraq and became a Taliban leader. I think anyone here in the states that goes to a foreign country and tries to take the lives of US military personnel should lose their citizenship and become an open target for military to kill. Now this is not the first time in recent history stuff like this is happened back in the Vietnam War we had the actress Jane Fonda in my opinion committed a treasonous act with the Vietcong, if I had been president during that time Ms. Fonda would've never reentered the United States of America I would've made sure she lost her citizenship in her right to return to this country. To this day I refuse, no matter how good the movie is to go see it if Ms. Fonda has any part to do with it.
Some of you may agree with me some of you may not but that's the way I feel about things I don't agree with all the wars or conflicts we get into, but I would never turn against my country and home
Some of you may agree with me some of you may not but that's the way I feel about things I don't agree with all the wars or conflicts we get into, but I would never turn against my country and home
The Democrats could have ended it today!
The Democrats could have ended it today with a simple vote but once again they chose to keep battling religion and religious rights. What did they do they voted down the Blunt amendment 51 to 48 . The blunt amendment would have let businesses and or religious organizations opt out of parts of Obamacare especially those dealing with birth control. One Republican did vote along side of the Democrats that would be retiring Sen. Olympia Snowe(she was one of the biggest rinos in the Republican Party).
This is just an example of the ongoing fight the Democrats are bringing to religions of all kinds I would like to extend my hand to any and all people of religion to stand with me and my fellow Republicans in fighting for our religious freedom.
This is just an example of the ongoing fight the Democrats are bringing to religions of all kinds I would like to extend my hand to any and all people of religion to stand with me and my fellow Republicans in fighting for our religious freedom.
Rick the rino
What do these two pictures have in common, the answer being there both rhinos! Rick the rino, what Rick the rino pulled yesterday and is still going on today should let any and all conservative Republicans know his true nature. Making robo calls to unions and Democratic members is a new low in Republican politics. The excuse I'm just trying to pick up Reagan Democrats is pure bull crap. I don't recall once during Reagan's primary that he made Robo calls to any Democrats or unions to help him win the nomination. I think what Rick the rino did is lower than whale crap and we all know where whale crap is it's at the bottom of the sea.
You all know that I'm not a fan of Newt Gingrich he was at the bottom of my list to win the primary but after this crap Rick the rhino has replaced him.
Rick the rino may win Michigan with his pleas to the Democratic Party but! It will be a dirty win and I hope my fellow conservatives will remember this come super Tuesday and put Rick the rino in this place and that's out of this primary run. If I wanted another Obama in office for the next four years I would vote for him, voting for Rick the rino is a vote for the same old politics in Washington we had the last four years.
Is it time for the Christian crusaders return
Is it time for the Christian crusader to return, in the last week or so in Afghanistan people have been protesting and inciting riots and killing people American people over an incident of some soldiers burning copies of the Koran that prisoners had Wrote messages to inside of. This is not the first time radical Muslims have used an excuse like this to cause problems. I personally have nothing against any holy book but can you imagine the outrage the world community would do if a Christian nation did this to Muslims burning the holy Bible, there would be all kinds of protest of how bad Christians were. So I'm asked myself is the time for the Crusaders to come back.
Do we need the Pope and other Christian leaders and non-Christians to come together and once more repeat history and send Crusaders to the Middle East to start a holy war. I believe that's exactly what some leaders in the Muslim world would like to see I truly believe that: the Ayatollah or ayatollahs in Iran and Afghanistan and a few other Middle East countries are pushing for a war of this type. In my own humble opinion I'm not sure that we shouldn't give it to them once and for all and stop bending over and kissing their butts. Would this lead to World War III possibly then again maybe not a lot of people in that area and surrounding areas I think are getting just as tired of Iran and Afghanistan crap , so they may not join in to help Iran and Afghanistan and other rogue nations.
I'll really hope we don't have to repeat history in the Middle East, but if we do God have mercy on us all
In Hoc Signo Vinces
Food stamps and drug testing
Food stamps and drug testing this is starting to show up in political discussions again, just the other day candidate Mitt Romney said that he was very much for drug testing to be able to qualify for food stamps. I must say I wholeheartedly support this ideal. I believe that there've always been abuses of this program. Don't get me wrong I'm not cold- hearted about people getting food stamps, at one time in my life my family had to apply for them and yes it got us out of a hard spot. But back to the subject I see no problem with asking people to take a drug test when they first sign up for food stamps or social welfare and to have a random test every 3 to 6 months afterwards. I know some of you will disagree with this and say it's invasion of privacy but if you look at it this way people are signing up on welfare and food stamps are spending your and my tax dollars and that is why I believe we have the right to ask them to do a drug test.
Some people are going to say it's a credit card how can they use it to buy drugs. Well the simplest way is this you go to the drug dealer and you ask this I have a food stamps card that's worth let's say 500 bucks what food products do you need that I can get for you with this card in trade for the drugs I want. See my point it is a barter system. So instead of buying food for themselves or their children they are getting their drugs and abusing the system and we the taxpayer. Stuff like this has been going on since the inception of this program going back to my own life when my family was on food stamps for a short time my mother was approached more than once to trade her food stamps for cash.
I also believe that most honest folks who need food stamps for a hard spot in life would not care one way or the other about taking a drug test to get them. Remember originally welfare and food stamps were not meant to be a lifestyle but just something to help people over a rough spot in their lives.
Some people are going to say it's a credit card how can they use it to buy drugs. Well the simplest way is this you go to the drug dealer and you ask this I have a food stamps card that's worth let's say 500 bucks what food products do you need that I can get for you with this card in trade for the drugs I want. See my point it is a barter system. So instead of buying food for themselves or their children they are getting their drugs and abusing the system and we the taxpayer. Stuff like this has been going on since the inception of this program going back to my own life when my family was on food stamps for a short time my mother was approached more than once to trade her food stamps for cash.
I also believe that most honest folks who need food stamps for a hard spot in life would not care one way or the other about taking a drug test to get them. Remember originally welfare and food stamps were not meant to be a lifestyle but just something to help people over a rough spot in their lives.
When he's right he's right
First off let me make it perfectly clear I am not a fan of Newt Gingrich's, but I will be more than happy to give him credit where credits due. I totally agree with him on this point the apologies to the Afghan people over the burning of several Koreans has gotten totally out of control, one and I mean one apology should have been enough. But as usual president Obama couldn't kiss the Muslims asses enough over there. In general I don't have a problem with Muslims I worked with one or two in my lifetime the ones that I've met here in the states seem pretty okay. Muslims living in the Middle East are different beast altogether most if not all are of the radical type in the Middle East you don't see any of their leaders apologizing for the killing of Christians the destroying of churches or temples or the burning of Bibles so in my opinion and I think most the US in general will agree with me the Middle East can kiss my red white and blue butt before I would give another apology. I think it's time for us to remind the Middle East in general who the big dog is in the world, the first thing I would do to Afghanistan to start pulling the financial help that we send them, their president would not be such a peacock with empty pockets. I bet that would bring him back in line very quickly. I know I know a lot of you would say well ill just get his money from someone else my response would be go it ! It would save us a lot of money in the long run. On Iran I think we've done more than enough talking with the folks it's time for action and no im not talking about a conventional war with troops on the ground.Politicians keep saying that their nuclear facilities are buried too deep in the mountains for us to to do a successful airstrike. Well with traditional bombs and missiles are correct, but first of all that would be the wrong approach. If the facilities built in a mountain that means there's at most two ways in my idea would be dropped two small tactical nukes in the front door which would make it impossible for them to get in or out of their facility. I can hear you now this would start a world war, well what do you think is going to start if they get nukes and drop one near Israel same thing just different trigger.
In my humble opinion the Muslims of the Middle East are itching for a fight. Right now I think the Middle East sees us as weak and and who could blame them with the apologizing in chief president that we have now.Mark my words war is coming to the Middle East and the rest of the world will be this year or next we'll just have to wait and see.
In my humble opinion the Muslims of the Middle East are itching for a fight. Right now I think the Middle East sees us as weak and and who could blame them with the apologizing in chief president that we have now.Mark my words war is coming to the Middle East and the rest of the world will be this year or next we'll just have to wait and see.
what happened to the old, Democrats
I am a history and political fanatic that some of you may know. So was doing some research today about politics of course and ran across some stuff I had totally forgot about. Did you know at one time the Democratic Party was much closer to the Republican mindset that it is 1918 the Overman committee was chaired by Democrat Sen.: Overland the committee was looking for pro-German in America.Democrats even held the majority of seats in the committee of un-American activities, they were a big part of the1940s and 50s Hollywood blacklisting of certain actors and writers who were suspected of communist ties.but here's the sad part somewhere in the late 50s and beyond the Democratic Party lost its way. Now this new Democratic Party seems to me to be embracing what it's founders fought for so long socialism and communism maybe in the future we will see the Democratic Party return to its roots one can only hope
Israel and Obama
In the past weeks if you paid any attention to TV at all and the news broadcast you've noticed a growing divide between the Obama administration and state of Israel. The Obama administration seems to be pushing for Israel to back away from Iran and its nuclear program. Just today Israel has came out and publicly accused the Obama administration of this. I myself think Israel should've done this a lot sooner . Israel and the United States have had a long and good relationship up to this point I don't blame them for being pissed at the Obama administration.
I think we the people of the United States should stand with Israel and remind this administration and future administrations that we do. I myself will be sending e-mails out to my representatives in Washington as well as the state of California and I encourage everyone to do the same.
I'm beginning to think that one of two things about the Obama administration one is that they are so arrogant that they don't think the people of the US are the people of Israel will turn against them. Which if you think about this it's really funny first Obama administration upsets the Catholic vote and a lot of the Christian vote with the birth control issue, now it seems that they are trying to lose the Jewish vote as well.
I honestly believe that this is just me folks my own opinion I truly believe that Obama and his administration knows hes going to lose this coming election and are trying to push us in to World War III I could be wrong and I hope I am
I think we the people of the United States should stand with Israel and remind this administration and future administrations that we do. I myself will be sending e-mails out to my representatives in Washington as well as the state of California and I encourage everyone to do the same.
I'm beginning to think that one of two things about the Obama administration one is that they are so arrogant that they don't think the people of the US are the people of Israel will turn against them. Which if you think about this it's really funny first Obama administration upsets the Catholic vote and a lot of the Christian vote with the birth control issue, now it seems that they are trying to lose the Jewish vote as well.
I honestly believe that this is just me folks my own opinion I truly believe that Obama and his administration knows hes going to lose this coming election and are trying to push us in to World War III I could be wrong and I hope I am
The New Odd Couple
The new odd couple in town, Ron Paul and Mitt Romney no real surprise neither one has been overly aggressive to the other so far in this contest. Both Ron Paul and Mitt Romney seem to be more interested in taking out their competition then hurting each other. Rumor has it that even their wives seemed to be friends are at least very friendly to each other. What is unusual and kind of caught me off guard was that this weekend on CNN State of the Union Ron Paul admitted that he liked Romney's management style, I think this is the first time I've heard a competitor in the race for the presidency give another contender a true compliment. Mr. Paul did go on to say though that he thought in general that Mr. Romney was part of the status quo. I may not agree with them on that part but I do appreciate his honesty.
Happy Presidents Day or maybe not
Well happy Presidents' Day 2000 and then again it may not be that happy when you pull into a gas station to fill up your vehicle. The Associated Press is reporting that gas is at an all-time high for this time of year.the current price for gas in most areas is $3.25 a gallon and increase of $.25 from last year. But if you're living in California whether you're on the south end or the far north end as I am the average gas price as of right now is hovering around $4.50 a gallon.the reason crude oil is running around $119-$125 a barrel,according to the Oil Price Information Service in most of the country in the month of April gas is going to peak at about $4.25 a gallon which means here California we will be seeing gas prices at about $5.25 a gallon to $5.75 a gallon.
Who should we blame for this Congress, the House , the Senate or the very weak president that we have In office now. I'm going with the weak president who had no leadership experience, no business experience and very little political experience and the biggest reason he's in office his people wanted to make history and let me tell you they have. This is by far the biggest and ugliest mess the good old USA has been in the last time that even came close to this was when we had the peanut farmer Jimmy Carter in Mr. Pres. Obama I would like to wish you and yours a happy presidents day not!
Who should we blame for this Congress, the House , the Senate or the very weak president that we have In office now. I'm going with the weak president who had no leadership experience, no business experience and very little political experience and the biggest reason he's in office his people wanted to make history and let me tell you they have. This is by far the biggest and ugliest mess the good old USA has been in the last time that even came close to this was when we had the peanut farmer Jimmy Carter in Mr. Pres. Obama I would like to wish you and yours a happy presidents day not!
Are we headed to a Brokered convention!
Are we headed to a Brokered convention!and who will it benefit? well my opinion the three people who would benefit the most out of a brokered convention would be Gingrich, Ron Paul and Pres. Obama. Why these three you may ask, first of all I think this has been Gingrich's plan all along I think that he knew in a regular race that there was no way he could pull enough delegates to get the nomination so is best that was to try to get a brokered convention why because he knows how to play the political game to its best you don't get to be speaker of the house without knowing how to play the dirty and backroom politics game and this is his forte.
Ron Paul is a different case in point, yes Ron Paul has been in Washington and in politics for a long time and knows how to play the game. But I don't think that's what Ron Paul is doing; I think for Ron Paul a brokered convention might help him secure the nomination. Why you may ask? Well this is where all the loyal Ron Paul followers come into play what most people do not realize is that the Ron Paul supporters stay after every caucus in each state and try to get elected to the national one, can you see where I'm going here if it goes to a brokered convention Ron Paul may have the most delegates.
Pres. Obama a brokered convention is a standing presidents wet dream come true. Why well he's had all these months to raise money put out his ideals while his opposition has been infighting concentrating more on their opponents then on him. Here is a perfect example in the last few weeks while his opponents have been beating up on each other Mr. Obama's presidential ratings have been going slowly up not that he's any better than he was six months ago it's just no one is hammering him and he's getting his ideals out good bad or ugly it's what's happening.
Now this is my own opinion you agree with me or not I don't really care this is my blog so I can say what I want to say. I personally believe that after super Tuesday we need to start coalescing around the winning candidate no matter which one it is. I think that a brokered convention for the Republican party and the conservatives of many stripes within it is a bad idea I think that if it comes to a brokered convention that we might as well hand over the presidency to Mr. Obama for another four years. Most people will see a brokered convention and the nominee that comes out of it as just a big old backroom deal and in all reality that's exactly what it is.
Ron Paul is a different case in point, yes Ron Paul has been in Washington and in politics for a long time and knows how to play the game. But I don't think that's what Ron Paul is doing; I think for Ron Paul a brokered convention might help him secure the nomination. Why you may ask? Well this is where all the loyal Ron Paul followers come into play what most people do not realize is that the Ron Paul supporters stay after every caucus in each state and try to get elected to the national one, can you see where I'm going here if it goes to a brokered convention Ron Paul may have the most delegates.
Pres. Obama a brokered convention is a standing presidents wet dream come true. Why well he's had all these months to raise money put out his ideals while his opposition has been infighting concentrating more on their opponents then on him. Here is a perfect example in the last few weeks while his opponents have been beating up on each other Mr. Obama's presidential ratings have been going slowly up not that he's any better than he was six months ago it's just no one is hammering him and he's getting his ideals out good bad or ugly it's what's happening.
Now this is my own opinion you agree with me or not I don't really care this is my blog so I can say what I want to say. I personally believe that after super Tuesday we need to start coalescing around the winning candidate no matter which one it is. I think that a brokered convention for the Republican party and the conservatives of many stripes within it is a bad idea I think that if it comes to a brokered convention that we might as well hand over the presidency to Mr. Obama for another four years. Most people will see a brokered convention and the nominee that comes out of it as just a big old backroom deal and in all reality that's exactly what it is.
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