Starting to show Desperation

Starting to show desperation! In the last couple of week Obama and his team are starting to show signs of pure desperation.The latest being that team Obama is going to send V.P. Biden to interrupt RNC convention in Tampa Fla. The First Lady (if you want to call her that)Michelle Obama will be on the David Letterman( can't keep his hands off the female staff) Show on the same day as the convention as well as several high-profile Democrats will be hosting events. It has been an unspoken agreement between the party's that the opposition would lay low around the time of the party's convention.Well it seem's that the Obama team and the Democrats in general have throwed this unspoken rule out the window.It seems to me like good old Chicago type politics or worse,say some 3rd world politics(Hugo Chavez in Venezuela and the Castro Brothers in Cuba)  .What do  they do! Try and control the media and try to interrupt their opponents meeting all of which team Obama  seems to have it mind-set on.Then there is this out of the blue The Justice Dept after four long years has decided to sue Gallup Organization.If you don't know   Gallup.Com provides data-driven news based on U.S. and world polls, daily tracking and public opinion research in other words they can make or destroy a campaign
Do I think team Obama using pressure on Gallup polling for political gain Do bears take a crap in the woods?It would not surprise at all to see the DOJ file some sorta of action on Rasmussen Reports to try to bully them as well.Will PPP polling Be Getting a call in the dark of the night saying the numbers need to look better?
 call in the dark of the night
On top of all this we have the nutcase Anarchists saying that they plan to incite chaos at both the RNC and DNC conventions . But the joke may be on them when it comes to the RNC convention ! tropical storm Isaac is supposed to hit Florida about the same time and we all know the little wimps can't take bad weather, they might melt! The Anarchists might have better luck with the DNC in Charlotte N.C in September,then again maybe the anarchists may be inside party with the Democrats we will have to wait and see.

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