Merry Christmas
SO I and my family wish you all a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year
Congress Dirty Little Secret
So if I am understanding Rep. Alcee Hastings, D-Fla., I could go to her state and have a little one on one with a alligator (sex with a animal is called beastiality .) and not get into any trouble or possibly sue someone if they say anything about it . What I’m getting at here folks is that all alternative sexual lifestyles covers a lot of ground a few examples would be gay, bisexual, pedophilia ‘ S&M, Man boy love ( that one is just sick ) and polygamy(one man having more than one wife), or as polyandry (one woman having more than one husband). So I’m saying yes the wording in this law needs to have some things spelled out in plain language of who and what it covers.
A judge ordered ACORN’s
Five young American men
Five young American men under investigation in
Our We Looking at a future too big to fail company
A day, one single day, after the two media giants announced their deal, Comcast CEO Brian Roberts proudly weighed in to strongly support the Senate Democrats’ health care reform bill and so begins the greasing .
Pelosi saying George W did a better job

Pelosi called on Obama's war council to come to Congress and brief all members on the details of the strategy. The Secretaries of State and Defense as well as other Pentagon leaders have come to the Hill this week to take questions on the strategy, but Pelosi said those committee appearances were not enough.
Pelosi said she wants to know what changed to lead Pentagon generals to apparently change their recommendations on the war after George W. Bush left office. Pelosi said that during those years, the Bush administration said generals didn't say more troops were needed in the Afghan theater. Now, they do. Pelosi said the nature of what changed "is what members of Congress want to know."
Wow i had to read that a couple of times just to make sure .
full report on
Savings Bonds
Obama the Crawfish

Obama is doing the Craw fish dance ! Yesterday at West Point he set a date in front of millions of viewers on TV and the web that in 8 months he would began troop withdrawal . then the Newscaster's ,blogger's the left and the right started throwing stones at him for giving the Taliban our war plans.Today he starts the craw fish backing up saying that not I said, that not what I mean.craw fish!
This is not the first time he's has done the craw fish .
I recall him saying we won't raise tax's , Now hes in office tax's will be going up, craw fish!
Then to the gay folks he said back me and I will support your cause , can any of the gay folks tell me what he has done for you since he has been in office . I can tell you not a thing .craw fish !
We will have a open forum so the people can read the laws that we are passing . Once more craw fish .
So what i am saying folks is till he has no place to hide ! he won't stop craw fishing
Obama West Point Speech
Then he went with the FDR and the New Deal someone at the WH needs to fill him in on history.
The New Deal is not what got us out of the The Great Depression WW2 is what pulled the U.S of A out of that mess! So once more Obama shows what a total moron that he truly is.
So with a heart felt pray i hope all are troops come home safe ! God bless the troops and their family's
4 young police officers
my God bless you and help heal your hearts
Angelina Jolie
( this should not surprise me tho her father Jon Voight is a staunch Republican)
Ms Jolie like myself thinks that Obama will only last four years in the nation's highest office because of "a subtle arrogance in his delivery, [and] not living up to his promises."Lets all hope we are right about this an that we make it for the next 3 yrs