Obama and Biden trying to swing

Obama and Biden trying to swing to the middle and not lose their jobs.

I must say one or two of the ideals have some merit.
Nearly doubling the tax credit that families making under $85,000 can receive for child care costs, with some help for families earning up to $115,000, too.

Capping the size of periodic federal college loan repayments at 10 percent of borrowers' discretionary income to make payments more affordable. A better ideal I think would be to pay off student loans that are 10 yrs or older off it would both help the people who got the loans and the banks who gave them out.

Requiring employers who don't offer 401(k) retirement plans to offer direct-deposit IRAs for their employees, with exemptions for the smallest firms.

I think come Wednesday when we hear the State of the Union address It will be about saving the middle class and how banks and wall street are the bad guys and he (Obama) is here to save us.
Now do I think he (Obama) and the Democrats are blowing smoke up my kilt, yes. Yes I do. I think if the Massacre in Massachusetts had not happened we would today have healthcare we did not want. I also think if we don’t stand together come the midterms and vote a brunch of the buns out they will try again.

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