Martha Coakley not so sure of her self

It seems that Coakley is not so sure of her self now that the gap has closed within 2 points between her and Scott Brown. Coakley is now starting to use attack ads and may but I doubt it try to get Obama to come to her support. Coakley’s supports may be getting a little on edge as well a Weekly Standard writer was reportedly pushed down by Mr. Meehan a Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee member dispatched to help the Coakley campaign hone its message." Sounds more like a mob strong arm man to me.

Coakley put out this press statement
State Attorney General Martha Coakley blamed GOP 'stalkers' today for triggering tensions outside a Washington, D.C., fund-raiser last night where a Weekly Standard reporter said he was roughed up by a Coakley campaign volunteer.

Which is truly funny she is know to be only candidate in the Democratic primary who regularly used trackers, sending campaign aides to her opponents' events to videotape everything they said.
Coakley remains the front runner in the Massachusetts Senate race for now! But lets hope that the voters can see the true dark side of her political self.

Looks like i was wrong Fox news radio is reporting Obama going to MA to campaign in Senate race.

1 comment:

Brad R. said...

Word I heard was that Coakley was doing so dismal in her own one party state specifically because people were demonstrating their disappointment with the democratic party with their votes and that Obama was one of the primary causes of disappointment.

If that is in fact the case, his presence will do more damage to her campaign than help.