It's not if !

It's not if Israel well bomb Iran's nuclear facility this week sometime! It is will the U.S. of A back their play.
In the past this would not be a question .But with Obama's recent love and concert with the Muslim world .might make Israel a little unsure as well as my self where Obama stands.  I for myself will stand with Israel and I believe we should have a full U.S fleet carrier group supporting Israel as well as being part of the bombing run .
When Israel attack's I pray all come home  God Bless One and All

We have two

Wow! now with Obama signing the 600 million border security bill we have 2 people ever 1.6 miles now
wait ... wait .. Im wrong we have 1& 3/4 people watching now my math was wrong . We even have drones flying over the border taking pictures ,I am so impressed look folks yea you the one carring drug . it taking your picture its not armed to blow you up as it should be but it will take pictures .OOOOh! now we got you .
Who thinks this is just a piece of crap it not helping one thing on the border.All it is is Obama trying to kiss a few butt so his numbers might go up.

Is this the new America?

Is this the new America? Thousands turn out for public housing in Atlanta soon turn in to a mob pushing and shoving ,fights start , police called ,full riot gear , 16 people in hospital, Is this the New Change that Obama was talking about ! what will be next gas and food will be fighting for loafs of bread ?I'M sorry to say this folks but if the current administration keeps up with it spending and spending some  more I fear that is exactly what if not we our children will be facing.
 On Wednesday Obama insist the worst of the recession is over but today it comes out that the jobless rate is higher then expected . Now tell me do you think Obama is just dumb are a teller of tall stories. We need to get him and his party out of office are we will be seeing more of what happen in Atlanta

13 x 10 to the 12th power = our national debt.

Someone really needs to give Mr. P here a crash course in economics.  His spending habits are atrocious.  What has he done now?  He's spent 26 BILLION dollars on more bailout money.  For your information, that's twenty six with nine zero's attached to it.  A better way?  That's 26 x 10 to the 9th power.  This added to the national debt that's now more then 13 TRILLION dollars.  Which, by the way, is 13 x 10 to the 12th power.  Do you have any idea how much money we're dealing with here?  Bill Gates, who's worth a little more then 50 BILLION dollars, would have sell everything he had, and go bankrupt more then 250 times to completely pay off this ginourmas debt.  A liberal once told me it would be a good thing to get rid of all the rich people, according to her they were all self-centered and knew nothing about the real world.  Well whether she was right or not the fact of the matter is that the "self centered rich guys" are the only people that know how to manage money.  Think about it, you didn't get rich by spending money.  Yeah you can hide behind a number on that bank statement, but before too long you'll be exposed.  Or, as Dave Ramsey puts it: "When the tide goes out, you find out who's been skinny dipping".

Mark Richins

Cry me a river!

Cry me a river! I'm so very tired of people who knowingly break the law then cry! I came from a broken home,I was bulled at school for being a geek or for being gay.These are some of the excuses Pfc Manning ,his friends and The New Times give for Manning for his releasing of 150,000 diplomatic cables and more then 90,000 intelligence reports all of them classified  to which posted them on their website.Coasting people their very lives.
In my opinion Pfc Manning is a traitor to his country and should be treated a such! Manning if found guilty should face a firing squad but he won't the most he will get is life in prison which is to bad the firing squad would let others who might be thinking about this think twice before doing it. 

Is The Secret Service becoming the New SS

Is The Secret Service becoming the New SS? it my seem so a man in Oklahoma was pull over by local police for a sign he had post on his car ! the sign was taken by the police officer and later returned  but not before the 
Secret Service showed up at his house and wanted a walk threw.

I thought in the good old U.S.of A we could write and say what we wanted , it seems the Obama administration
is trying to change that as well.Is freedom of speech being taken away from us ? do I need to worry about the Secret Service showing upat my door  for writing this blog ! the Big question folks Is how bad will this get as we near the elections in November and again in 2012 do we need to start worrying about Obama's Brownshirts showing up at the polls you tell me .

It's my party! and I will cry if I want to

"It's my party! and I will cry if I want to"Should be the theme song for Charles Rangel's Birthday bash!.
It seems friendship is a fickle thing in politics what started out as a major bash is starting to dwindle. It seem the rich and powerful smell blood in the water and don't want to risk being pulled into Mr. Rangel's problems.
Among the people who won't be attending is Bill Clinton who was present in the video invitation.Now this is my personal opinion if slick willy ain't showing Mr. Rangel is in some deep deep crap! A maybe is Mayor Bloomberg
he setting on the fence for now.A few who won't be showing are Rep Carolyn Maloney ( has to be out of town),
Rep.Michael E. McMahon( also out of town)Rep. John Hall ( he has a parade to attend) all and all it look like the bash may be a crash. So with that said i am sending out this to you Mr.Rangel


Making a Ass out of himself

 Al Franken
Making a ass out of himself as well as the people who voted for him Al Franken acting like a 12yr old as
Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConne was talking about his opposition to Elena Kagan’s Supreme Court nomination. Mr McConne had to remind Al he was no longer on SNL.All i can say is that he was not fun there and nether is he in the Senate.


I.C.E baby I.C.E

It seems that not all union members are feeling love for their leaders or the current administration.
The men and women of I.C.E(Immigration and Customs Enforcement )have cast a “vote of no confidence”.
Is this a big deal you bet it is ! It's starting to show cracks in the obama's administration handling of the immigration issue.When the folks enforcing the immigration laws lose confidence in you and say you are misleading the people of the U.S of A you my friend have a major problem.
 Then there is the matter of the letter the head of I.C.E got  himself saying that a“vote of no confidence”had been cast on him as well the vote was 259 to 0 you got just a bit of a problem , what are the rank and file mad at you may ask well it seems the the current administration care more for campaigning for immigration reform and amnesty then doing their jobs which is to enforce current laws.I for one think it time to defrost I.C.E and get some new people in there that work for us not for the Obama political machine



Potted ? funny name wouldn't you say! This my friends is another state vs federal government issuse.
 This one is also being ignored by feds for the time being and by the time the Feds get around to it, it will likely be to late.
   So let me fill you in on whats going on here is a link to the story I will be commenting on It seem that the City of Oakland has made up its mind to be the pot capital of California and is planning on letting license recipients grow as many pot plants as they want . What wrong with that you may ask? well here's the rub
This is where the federal law becomes extremely severe.  The sale of anything less than 50 Kilograms of marijuana (which is obviously the majority of cases by far) is punishable by up to 5 years in prison and a whopping $250,000 fine.  Selling more than 50 Kilograms is generally something that is relegated to the criminal underworld, but the penalties get exponentially worse:
  • 50-100 Kilos distribution/cultivation:       Up to 20 years in prison, with a $1,000,000 fine
  • 100-1000 Kilos distribution/cultivation:  Mandatory 5 years, up to 40 years in prison, with a fine of $2,000,000
  • 1000 Kilos+ distribution/cultivation:        10 years to Life in prison, with a $4,000,000 fine
What's more, distribution of anything over 5 grams to a minor (under 21 years of age, not 18), OR within 1,000 feet of a school, housing project, youth center, video arcade, public pool, or playground automatically doubles all the punishments listed above (both jail time and fines).

Surprisingly, the federal government can even administer the death penalty for marijuana sale.  This is reserved only for the heads of criminal enterprises that distribute more than 60 metric tons of marijuana OR annually make more than $20,000,000 from marijuana sales.
 So in other word Oakland may be able to sell permits but do you think the federal government  is just going to turn its head and say what the hell let them grow it !  I think not, they will have to do something.
  Then we have this!! talking about a losing touch with her voting base Sen. Dianne Feinstein, D-Calif  
The Saving Kids From Dangerous Drugs Act targets pot brownie little egg on her face.
  So my friends when will the Feds step in this oh so fresh pile of bull waste, and will they handle it like they did Arizona or will they ................