We desperately need to have a fundamental restoration of our country before those who seek to fundamentally transform this nation have lasting success. In order to return to some of the founding principals that made this nation great, I believe we must understand what those foundational ideals are. Here are 11 principals that I believe sum up
what a true conservative is a about:
1. 'Government money' does not belong to government. It belongs to the taxpayers who worked hard for it, and who had funds deleted from their paychecks even before they got to see them.
2. The government that governs best governs LEAST.
3. Government normally does not solve problems. People do. Big government usually IS the problem.
4. Oppressive large governments are responsible for more murders of citizens than all of the wars in history.
5. The private sector is where the juice of society lies. There you will find ingenuity, creativity, and the creation of wealth--provided government gets out of the way.
6. Government social programs reward pathological dependency. True adults, unless hindered by debilitating physical impairment, seek independent living as free persons who are not stuck in an infantile dependency on the government nanny.
7. The one role of government mandated by the U.S. Constitution is to provide for the national defense.
8. Human rights are not granted by government. They are inherent and automatic. We are 'endowed by our Creator with certain unalienable rights.' Government can only choose to recognize and protect those inherent rights.
9. The right to self-defense, as encapsulated in the 2nd Amendment, is the key to all of the other rights described in the Bill of Rights. Free speech, freedom of religion, freedom of assembly, and a free press are secured and kept secure by an armed citizenry.
10. Our form of government is NOT a 'pure democracy' or 'majority rule.' In a Constitutional Republic such as ours, the will of the majority is tempered and limited by the rights of the minority, which are always intact and unalienable regardless of the 'will of the majority.'
11. While we cannot legislate morality, we likewise CANNOT legislate or fund immorality.
Thanks for joining us in the battle Heather Powers and Bill Zankich
Heather Powers is a facebook friend and i was so impressed by this I am reposing it on my blog
Same song same dance
Same song same dance listing to the state of the union last night I got this feeling that I had heard this same song oh about a year ago. The only difference I heard was a few and I mean very blue notes and a lot more angry ones.
Let’s take the blue one first shall we. Obama said “Our administration has had some political setbacks this year, and some of them were deserved. But I wake up every day knowing that they are nothing compared to the setbacks that families all across this country have faced this year. And what keeps me going - what keeps me fighting - is that despite all these setbacks, that spirit of determination and optimism - that fundamental decency that has always been at the core of the American people - lives on.” Are we supposed to feel sorry Obama for the setbacks he has suffered at the hands of voters-and admire his resilience in the face of these misfortunes? I think not he is not a 2yr old. But he will carry on determined to ignore the voters' opinion. Just like a 2yr old will go back and try again after he/she is told No! and the votes with any hope will send him back to a time out .
Let’s take a look at the angry ones; It was a highly partisan speech one or two times he spoke of working together but then he went in for the kill with this to the Democrats “I would remind you that we still have the largest majority in decades, and the people expect us to solve some problems, not run for the hills.” In other words calling them wimps (I could add more color here but I won’t I will let you the read fill it in,).
The Republican leadership was next on the hit list with this little bomb “If the Republican leadership is going to insist that sixty votes in the Senate are required to do any business at all in this town, then the responsibility to govern is now yours as well. Just saying no to everything may be good short-term politics, but it's not leadership.”
And not the leave anyone out his next hit was for the Supreme Court Mr. Obama’s words were sharp, echoing his earlier criticism of the court’s decision last week in the Citizens United case to strike down the limits that the McCain-Feingold campaign finance law placed on independent political expenditures by corporations and unions. The decision would “open the floodgates for special interests — including foreign companies — to spend without limit in our elections,”( like he’s not already in bed with the unions) but one of the stood his ground at the state of the union , Justice Alito shook his head as if to rebut the president and mouth the words “not true.” I say good for you Justice Alito way to go don’t let him get away with calling you all out.
All in all what Mr. Obama is saying is I’m still pushing and I still don’t care what the people think.
Let’s take the blue one first shall we. Obama said “Our administration has had some political setbacks this year, and some of them were deserved. But I wake up every day knowing that they are nothing compared to the setbacks that families all across this country have faced this year. And what keeps me going - what keeps me fighting - is that despite all these setbacks, that spirit of determination and optimism - that fundamental decency that has always been at the core of the American people - lives on.” Are we supposed to feel sorry Obama for the setbacks he has suffered at the hands of voters-and admire his resilience in the face of these misfortunes? I think not he is not a 2yr old. But he will carry on determined to ignore the voters' opinion. Just like a 2yr old will go back and try again after he/she is told No! and the votes with any hope will send him back to a time out .
Let’s take a look at the angry ones; It was a highly partisan speech one or two times he spoke of working together but then he went in for the kill with this to the Democrats “I would remind you that we still have the largest majority in decades, and the people expect us to solve some problems, not run for the hills.” In other words calling them wimps (I could add more color here but I won’t I will let you the read fill it in,).
The Republican leadership was next on the hit list with this little bomb “If the Republican leadership is going to insist that sixty votes in the Senate are required to do any business at all in this town, then the responsibility to govern is now yours as well. Just saying no to everything may be good short-term politics, but it's not leadership.”
And not the leave anyone out his next hit was for the Supreme Court Mr. Obama’s words were sharp, echoing his earlier criticism of the court’s decision last week in the Citizens United case to strike down the limits that the McCain-Feingold campaign finance law placed on independent political expenditures by corporations and unions. The decision would “open the floodgates for special interests — including foreign companies — to spend without limit in our elections,”( like he’s not already in bed with the unions) but one of the stood his ground at the state of the union , Justice Alito shook his head as if to rebut the president and mouth the words “not true.” I say good for you Justice Alito way to go don’t let him get away with calling you all out.
All in all what Mr. Obama is saying is I’m still pushing and I still don’t care what the people think.
Obama and Biden trying to swing
Obama and Biden trying to swing to the middle and not lose their jobs.
I must say one or two of the ideals have some merit.
Nearly doubling the tax credit that families making under $85,000 can receive for child care costs, with some help for families earning up to $115,000, too.
Capping the size of periodic federal college loan repayments at 10 percent of borrowers' discretionary income to make payments more affordable. A better ideal I think would be to pay off student loans that are 10 yrs or older off it would both help the people who got the loans and the banks who gave them out.
Requiring employers who don't offer 401(k) retirement plans to offer direct-deposit IRAs for their employees, with exemptions for the smallest firms.
I think come Wednesday when we hear the State of the Union address It will be about saving the middle class and how banks and wall street are the bad guys and he (Obama) is here to save us.
Now do I think he (Obama) and the Democrats are blowing smoke up my kilt, yes. Yes I do. I think if the Massacre in Massachusetts had not happened we would today have healthcare we did not want. I also think if we don’t stand together come the midterms and vote a brunch of the buns out they will try again.
I must say one or two of the ideals have some merit.
Nearly doubling the tax credit that families making under $85,000 can receive for child care costs, with some help for families earning up to $115,000, too.
Capping the size of periodic federal college loan repayments at 10 percent of borrowers' discretionary income to make payments more affordable. A better ideal I think would be to pay off student loans that are 10 yrs or older off it would both help the people who got the loans and the banks who gave them out.
Requiring employers who don't offer 401(k) retirement plans to offer direct-deposit IRAs for their employees, with exemptions for the smallest firms.
I think come Wednesday when we hear the State of the Union address It will be about saving the middle class and how banks and wall street are the bad guys and he (Obama) is here to save us.
Now do I think he (Obama) and the Democrats are blowing smoke up my kilt, yes. Yes I do. I think if the Massacre in Massachusetts had not happened we would today have healthcare we did not want. I also think if we don’t stand together come the midterms and vote a brunch of the buns out they will try again.
We're not in a big rush
Pelosi "We're not in a big rush. We'll pause" HUH? What the hell was the rush in Dec, Christmas Eve. Yea now that the people have spoke and you Pelosi are very afraid that you and boxers heads are on the block next , and you know you would be right we the people will be coming for the both of you .
Obama not so smug
Obama not so smug! That his party has lost its super majority in the Senate.
All ready he is backing and talking about paring down his heath care bill to its core.
Obama and party are just now starting to admit they missed judged the voters anger.
How he missed this is beyond me with all the polls and the tea parties for months plainly saying that we the people do not like this heath care plan you are trying to shove down our throats .
Mr. Obama is now starting to talk about what the people want that is less spending by Government and more job creation , he is also put cap and trade as well as his liberalized immigration on the back burner . We will have a wait and see on this I for one think he is just throwing up a smoke screen for the midterm elections so to try not lose total control of the house.
We the people need to remember this ………………….
Dwight D Eisenhower
Fresh start for Massachusetts
Can you feel the breeze? Is it the warm breeze of hope or the cold blast of the one party control? Ether way you can feel it in the air from Massachusetts to the coast of California. The race for the Senate seat in Massachusetts has voters glued to the polls.
Will the people of the great state vote for a lock step Democrat or for a fresh start with Republican Scott Brown. Let’s hope and pray for the fresh start
Will the people of the great state vote for a lock step Democrat or for a fresh start with Republican Scott Brown. Let’s hope and pray for the fresh start
Ms. Coakley may fail
I am starting to read in some papers and online content the reason Martha Coakley is falling behind in Massachusetts is that she is a woman! What a load of BS that is, I like most voters I know look at what the person can do not what sex they are.
The reason Ms. Coakley is behind are many but here are a few that stand out to me.
First and foremost she ran run a lousy campaign. Ms. Coakley was so sure that she had the seat that she did little to noting during the holiday season while the GOP challenger, little-known state Sen. Scott Brown and he team were out knocking on doors.
Independents and others are clearly tired of being told what to think and who they should vote for, and are taking things into their own hands.
Some of the cases she handled as a prosecutor and attorney general are coming back to haunt her.
Ms. Coakley kept referring to the seat as “Ted Kennedy’s seat’’ did not help matters as a matter of fact it gave Mr. Brown another opening and a line we shall not soon forget
“It isn’t Ted Kennedy’s seat, it belongs to the people of Massachusetts.’’).
Ms. Coakley supports giving civilian legal rights to terror suspects when most voters do not.
Ms. Coakley may win the race but it will not be the landslide she and the Democratic’s thought was going to happen .If she loses then Governor Deval Patrick may go down with her and we may be seeing the fall of one party rule we can only hope and pray for that .
The reason Ms. Coakley is behind are many but here are a few that stand out to me.
First and foremost she ran run a lousy campaign. Ms. Coakley was so sure that she had the seat that she did little to noting during the holiday season while the GOP challenger, little-known state Sen. Scott Brown and he team were out knocking on doors.
Independents and others are clearly tired of being told what to think and who they should vote for, and are taking things into their own hands.
Some of the cases she handled as a prosecutor and attorney general are coming back to haunt her.
Ms. Coakley kept referring to the seat as “Ted Kennedy’s seat’’ did not help matters as a matter of fact it gave Mr. Brown another opening and a line we shall not soon forget
“It isn’t Ted Kennedy’s seat, it belongs to the people of Massachusetts.’’).
Ms. Coakley supports giving civilian legal rights to terror suspects when most voters do not.
Ms. Coakley may win the race but it will not be the landslide she and the Democratic’s thought was going to happen .If she loses then Governor Deval Patrick may go down with her and we may be seeing the fall of one party rule we can only hope and pray for that .
Happy B day Martin Luther King Jr
When you are right you cannot be too radical; when you are wrong, you cannot be too conservative. Martin Luther King Jr.
Martha Coakley not so sure of her self
It seems that Coakley is not so sure of her self now that the gap has closed within 2 points between her and Scott Brown. Coakley is now starting to use attack ads and may but I doubt it try to get Obama to come to her support. Coakley’s supports may be getting a little on edge as well a Weekly Standard writer was reportedly pushed down by Mr. Meehan a Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee member dispatched to help the Coakley campaign hone its message." Sounds more like a mob strong arm man to me.
Coakley put out this press statement
State Attorney General Martha Coakley blamed GOP 'stalkers' today for triggering tensions outside a Washington, D.C., fund-raiser last night where a Weekly Standard reporter said he was roughed up by a Coakley campaign volunteer.
Which is truly funny she is know to be only candidate in the Democratic primary who regularly used trackers, sending campaign aides to her opponents' events to videotape everything they said.
Coakley remains the front runner in the Massachusetts Senate race for now! But lets hope that the voters can see the true dark side of her political self.
Looks like i was wrong Fox news radio is reporting Obama going to MA to campaign in Senate race.
Coakley put out this press statement
State Attorney General Martha Coakley blamed GOP 'stalkers' today for triggering tensions outside a Washington, D.C., fund-raiser last night where a Weekly Standard reporter said he was roughed up by a Coakley campaign volunteer.
Which is truly funny she is know to be only candidate in the Democratic primary who regularly used trackers, sending campaign aides to her opponents' events to videotape everything they said.
Coakley remains the front runner in the Massachusetts Senate race for now! But lets hope that the voters can see the true dark side of her political self.
Looks like i was wrong Fox news radio is reporting Obama going to MA to campaign in Senate race.
No! Ally there
No! Ally there! a few days ago I wrote a blog about how Obama was being foolish about trusting Yemen.. Well a day or two ago the President of Yemen Ali Abdullah Saleh said “he is ready to talk to Al Qaeda members who renounce violence, suggesting he could show them the same kind of leniency he has granted militants in the past despite U.S. pressure to crack down on the terror group.” This is not new folks he did the same deal in the past releasing Al Qaeda militants on promises they will not engage in terrorism again. And what do they do go right back where they came form killing more people.
In my humble opinion President Ali Abdullah Saleh is in it for one thing and one thing only and it's the money and training, and I’m sure as I write this one day soon they will turn this against the US of A but Obama and the State Dept are to blind to see this
In my humble opinion President Ali Abdullah Saleh is in it for one thing and one thing only and it's the money and training, and I’m sure as I write this one day soon they will turn this against the US of A but Obama and the State Dept are to blind to see this
Limited Immigration levels
With the Democrats talking about amnesty for illegal aliens should the good old US of A put limits on immigrations levels? The short answer would be yes. Why? With hundreds of thousands be coming legal overnight and becoming eligible for government
programs (welfare ,medical ,food stamps ),The system will be taxed at best and total fail at worsted. The simple thing to do would be to Limited Immigration levels for the next 10 years or so ! If the Democrats get their way about this.
Also Obama should consider limiting Immigration levels form the Mideast and parts of Africa during this time of war.
programs (welfare ,medical ,food stamps ),The system will be taxed at best and total fail at worsted. The simple thing to do would be to Limited Immigration levels for the next 10 years or so ! If the Democrats get their way about this.
Also Obama should consider limiting Immigration levels form the Mideast and parts of Africa during this time of war.
Stalin must be dancing in the fires of hell.
Well folks on my Christmas break I missed a major happening in the Senate on Dec 24 At 3:20 p.m., Independent Bernard Sanders of Vermont -- acting as the presiding officer of the Senate -- called a vote on a point of order against the health care overhaul bill. Fifteen minutes later, Sanders closed the vote, and the matter was done. The Republicans finally got the vote they've needed all year long.
Every Senate Democrat (plus the two Independents, Joseph I. Lieberman of Connecticut and Sanders) went on record declaring that the so-called individual mandate that is the heart of the health care bill -- that is, an unprecedented federal mandate that requires individuals to purchase a product in the private market, on pain of taxation should they choose to disobey -- does not violate the Constitution.
Now what dose that mean for you and me, well it means that we took a major step toward socialism. Joseph Stalin must be dancing in the fires of hell. Joseph I. Lieberman Jewish ancestors must be crying and moaning in theirs graves. This vote mean or could possible mean a lot of things lets look at a few shall we. Lets say that the country keep going into this depression monies for the Fed and the states keep getting harder the Senate and the House say we are going to make it a law that anyone 70 and above must be euthanasia( all members of the house and senate and their families would be exempt) We the people of course throw a fit but the Senate takes a vote like this an wow its does not violate the Constitution. Yes this is not likely to happen but the possibly is there now. What stopping the House and Senate say we think to help the country you ( we the people ) must all go out and buy a new car and if we don’t we will be facing fines What I am trying to get across folks is simpley this now that this is out of the bottle we must keep on our guard and not let this get out of hand
May God Bless the USA
Every Senate Democrat (plus the two Independents, Joseph I. Lieberman of Connecticut and Sanders) went on record declaring that the so-called individual mandate that is the heart of the health care bill -- that is, an unprecedented federal mandate that requires individuals to purchase a product in the private market, on pain of taxation should they choose to disobey -- does not violate the Constitution.
Now what dose that mean for you and me, well it means that we took a major step toward socialism. Joseph Stalin must be dancing in the fires of hell. Joseph I. Lieberman Jewish ancestors must be crying and moaning in theirs graves. This vote mean or could possible mean a lot of things lets look at a few shall we. Lets say that the country keep going into this depression monies for the Fed and the states keep getting harder the Senate and the House say we are going to make it a law that anyone 70 and above must be euthanasia( all members of the house and senate and their families would be exempt) We the people of course throw a fit but the Senate takes a vote like this an wow its does not violate the Constitution. Yes this is not likely to happen but the possibly is there now. What stopping the House and Senate say we think to help the country you ( we the people ) must all go out and buy a new car and if we don’t we will be facing fines What I am trying to get across folks is simpley this now that this is out of the bottle we must keep on our guard and not let this get out of hand
May God Bless the USA
Once more Obama lies

Well here we go again folks!Democratic leaders including Harry Reid and Nancy Pelosi are seriously considering pushing President Obama's beloved healthcare legislation through Congress without the normal conference committee work involving both party's members from both houses.Yes you are reading right,Once more the Democratic leaders a pulling the same old crap "we are right and we don't need anybody's in put but our own party "Which brings up something else one of Obama's signature promises on the campaign trail was transparent discussions on reforming the nation's health care system, now he and his party want to do it behind closed doors .( So once more Obama lies ) When White House Press Secretary Robert Gibbs was ask about this he said "I do not believe the American people have lacked for information on what's in these bills - the political and policy arguments around different people's positions - I think that's been well documented," in other words No they are not going to let C-Span televised final health care negotiations. In my opinion folks they are telling us the people to piss off and take what we give you , i could be wrong but I think not
What John Brennan didn’t tell us
What John Brennan, President Barack Obama's counter-terrorism adviser didn’t tell us.
According to www.telegraph.co.uk Six trucks of explosives 'disappear' in Yemen.
Not just any where but in the country's capital city, Sana'a. In an apparently botched surveillance operation, militants driving six trucks filled with weapons and ordnance succeeded in giving security forces the slip as they entered the city, according to local media. And the sad thing about this it’s not the first time this has happened. If you didn’t know how the terrorist get their bombs here my friends is the perfect example. Do we know how many shipments go missing like this I bet not .So can anybody tell me why we are playing nice with Yemen! I think its time to take off the kit gloves on places and country’s like this to hell with everybody liking us I would rather go back to the time when other country’s knew if they messed with anyone form the good old USA they would have their face pounded in to the ground .Yes in this world we have to day it is better to be feared then liked in my humble opinion .
According to www.telegraph.co.uk Six trucks of explosives 'disappear' in Yemen.
Not just any where but in the country's capital city, Sana'a. In an apparently botched surveillance operation, militants driving six trucks filled with weapons and ordnance succeeded in giving security forces the slip as they entered the city, according to local media. And the sad thing about this it’s not the first time this has happened. If you didn’t know how the terrorist get their bombs here my friends is the perfect example. Do we know how many shipments go missing like this I bet not .So can anybody tell me why we are playing nice with Yemen! I think its time to take off the kit gloves on places and country’s like this to hell with everybody liking us I would rather go back to the time when other country’s knew if they messed with anyone form the good old USA they would have their face pounded in to the ground .Yes in this world we have to day it is better to be feared then liked in my humble opinion .
Grow some balls Obama
As President,” Obama said, “I've made it a priority to strengthen our partnership with the Yemeni government—training and equipping their security forces, sharing intelligence and working with them to strike al Qaeda terrorists.”
Then this Sunday we close the U.S. embassy in Yemen way to go Obama. For the passed year many in Congress ( mostly Conservative and Republican’s and one or two Dem’s)have been telling you so called President that Yemeni was a hot bed of terrorist activity .but you Obama kept sending terrorist there to be put in prison and they keep getting out and killing our people . Why Mr. Obama because of all your bowing and kissing other world leaders asses. They as do most of the people of the U.S of A see you as the weakest President we have ever had. Grow some balls Obama or step aside and let someone who has some do the job!!
Then this Sunday we close the U.S. embassy in Yemen way to go Obama. For the passed year many in Congress ( mostly Conservative and Republican’s and one or two Dem’s)have been telling you so called President that Yemeni was a hot bed of terrorist activity .but you Obama kept sending terrorist there to be put in prison and they keep getting out and killing our people . Why Mr. Obama because of all your bowing and kissing other world leaders asses. They as do most of the people of the U.S of A see you as the weakest President we have ever had. Grow some balls Obama or step aside and let someone who has some do the job!!
I’m back Now where to start

I’m back Now where to start, Ahhhh! Lets see yes I do think this might be the spot . Obama after 5 days of setting on his hands finally, a vow to find out what went wrong. Northwest Airlines flight you know the one with the terrorist that had a bomb in his underwear. Once more Obama need to know a PRESIDENT needs to react and not be seen as weak or as a coward. I hate to say this I mean I really do but I’m thinking Hilary might have been right about who we wanted to pick up that phone at 3AM, I’m thinking she would be the better man now .
Now this terrorist fellow Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab who got by the check points and on to a airplane with a bomb in his under pants. He is setting in a nice warm cell getting 3 meals a day; I’m sure by now that he’s had his Miranda rights. Now some of you who have read my blog in the past know how I feel about terrorist , I think we should take this guy out to the salt flats put his bomb underwear back on him and blow him up ! Send the
film to Yemen.
I so wanted to write this during the Christmas week , but I told myself that it could wait till now . This is a simple message to the store owners that refuse to say Merry Christmas or let the people who work for them to say it , Shame on you ! this is the biggest money making time of the year for you 2/4 of your monies come at this time for the year and it all because of Christmas just something for you all to keep in mind .
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