Is Chris Matthews coming to the dark side !President Obama to worry. On Friday, the Gallup Poll reported that his approval ratings fell below 50, Matthews said:". . . When politicians begin to get a little too intellectual, they lose connection with the American people. I look at [Timothy] Geithner; I don't think he's a great political spokesperson. I look at this decision to put the trial up at New York City. I look at releasing a mammogram report that says we could do better with less testing. And I begin to think – this administration is getting almost like one that you'd imagine Adlai Stevenson running – highly ethereal, highly intellectual, egg-head. Not connected to real people and their emotional gut feelings about things."and later said worry about Khalid Sheikh Mohammed. He's going to find himself an ACLU lawyer . . . He's going to use that as a platform from hell where he gets to spew his point of view on the Middle East – that kind of thing he's going to sell with the beard and everything – The New York Post is going to be reborn with this guy as the enemy. I just worry that he's going to win this argument for months before he gets executed, if he does get executed. If that ever happens, I worry about this becoming a show for the bad guys."and then said about Obama's controversial bow to the Emperor of Japan,"I have never seen a bow that low. . . . God did he have to bow that low?" Sounds like Chris is starting to see the light or is he just going for rating ? or is this indication that the president has entered truly tenuous territory. we will have to wait and see.
Ps for ones who don't know he works for MSNBC
War Strategy for Afghanistan
After months of setting on his hands , President Obama reportedly will unveil his new war plan for Afghanistan soon. In my humble opinion This is what it will be a" exit strategy".
You maybe asking why i think this ? will let me tell you . House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and Senate Armed Services Committee Chairman Carl Levin say the only way we can do this is to have a a War Tax !! yea you heard right a War tax to fund an expansion of the war. Now folks I think this tax thing is getting a lot out of hand , very soon the working people of the good old U.S A will be paying 65% of their paycheck to taxes of one knid are another . I think its time to send Nancy and a few other home and bring some common scents back to D.C
You maybe asking why i think this ? will let me tell you . House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and Senate Armed Services Committee Chairman Carl Levin say the only way we can do this is to have a a War Tax !! yea you heard right a War tax to fund an expansion of the war. Now folks I think this tax thing is getting a lot out of hand , very soon the working people of the good old U.S A will be paying 65% of their paycheck to taxes of one knid are another . I think its time to send Nancy and a few other home and bring some common scents back to D.C
In this week of Thanksgiving , I am thankful that i can still say and write how i feel still.
On this Thanksgiving week I am asking all you to pray for our boys and girls that are in the military both in country and out !
God Bless the U.S. A
On this Thanksgiving week I am asking all you to pray for our boys and girls that are in the military both in country and out !
God Bless the U.S. A
Terrorism on trial in NYC
Attorney General Eric Holder said the government will seek the death penalty.What he is not telling you is that FEDERAL Death Penalty is in Flux!!The last 4 execution dates stayed because of lethal injection issue. So even if found guilty we may not be able to carry out the order .
Obama and Eric Holder should be both held accountable if a terrorist attack happens during this dog and pony show ! If one person come to harm both should face a day in court!
Obama and Eric Holder should be both held accountable if a terrorist attack happens during this dog and pony show ! If one person come to harm both should face a day in court!
Obama's bow
US president Obama has disgraced his country two days earlier by having taken a deep bow at the waist while meeting Japan's Emperor Akihito. I said and i mean it !! US president's don't bow to anyone !anytime no matter what !!Obama need to get it in his head we the people of the U.S.A bow to no one !If he want to do sucking up to some and show how he kisses other people asses thats fine and dandy .BUT not when he is president of the U.S.A .
Obama is hastening America's decline as a world superpower by being too apologetic and too deferential in his dealings with other world leaders. Someone needs to give him a swift kick in his ass
Obama is hastening America's decline as a world superpower by being too apologetic and too deferential in his dealings with other world leaders. Someone needs to give him a swift kick in his ass
Sen. Chris Dodd (D-CT) Downfall
Sen. Chris Dodd (D-CT) is starting to look alot like Corzine,a new poll out today from Quinnipiac University. Both big name potential GOP nominees now lead Dodd, with former Rep. Rob Simmons beating Dodd by double digits, 49-38. Former WWE CEO Linda McMahon, another potential GOP opponent.
Dodd, the longest serving senator in Connecticut history, first took office in 1980. Since then he's become one of the most powerful names on Capitol Hill as chairman of the Banking Committee.
Some of the rank and file members of the Connecticut Democratic party think Dodd should take one for the team or be forced out.
Is this a sign of things to come ? Yes i do believe it is if the Connecticut Republican party can keeps the pressure up. They can take down this very liberal voice.
Dodd, the longest serving senator in Connecticut history, first took office in 1980. Since then he's become one of the most powerful names on Capitol Hill as chairman of the Banking Committee.
Some of the rank and file members of the Connecticut Democratic party think Dodd should take one for the team or be forced out.
Is this a sign of things to come ? Yes i do believe it is if the Connecticut Republican party can keeps the pressure up. They can take down this very liberal voice.
Act of Terror
Investigators say that Fort Hood massacre suspect Army Major Nidal Malik Hasan sent emails to "extremists" believed to have ties to Al Qaeda,Now dose that make him a terrorist? In mind my damm right ! Now some folks are going to say " well you only think that because he was Muslim"
I say not at all , I don't care what faith a person is, killing 13 unarmed people and wounding more then 30 more is a act of terrorism .
Did Intelligence agents who intercepted 10 to 20 messages between Maj. Nidal Malik Hasan and Anwar al-Awlaki, an Islamic cleric in Yemen screw up maybe but then again Obama's , Pelos and the Department of Justice war on the C.I.A may have play a part in them holding off on reporting as well. Obama and Pelos are both suffering from Cranial- Rectitis ( meaning they have their heads up their own butts) In time like this we need true leaders not ! Charlie Brown and Lucy playing grown up !Army Major Nidal Malik Hasan when found that he did this should be facing a firing squad with no blindfold
I say not at all , I don't care what faith a person is, killing 13 unarmed people and wounding more then 30 more is a act of terrorism .
Did Intelligence agents who intercepted 10 to 20 messages between Maj. Nidal Malik Hasan and Anwar al-Awlaki, an Islamic cleric in Yemen screw up maybe but then again Obama's , Pelos and the Department of Justice war on the C.I.A may have play a part in them holding off on reporting as well. Obama and Pelos are both suffering from Cranial- Rectitis ( meaning they have their heads up their own butts) In time like this we need true leaders not ! Charlie Brown and Lucy playing grown up !Army Major Nidal Malik Hasan when found that he did this should be facing a firing squad with no blindfold
Happy Birthday
Today is the birthday of the United States Marine Corps. Founded in 1775 at Tun Tavern in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. For 234 years the Marine Corps have kept our Nation safe from enemies foreign and domestic, and defended Liberty and Freedom around the world If you see one today, thank them for their service and wish them a Happy Birthday.
Semper Fidelis Marines and Happy Birthday.
Semper Fidelis Marines and Happy Birthday.
A day of Pride and of recalled saddest
A day of Pride and of recalled saddest today as the Navy amphibious assault ship, the USS New York has its commissioning ceremony. The Pride and the Saddest being she has 7.5 tons of steel from the World Trade Center in her bow,Once more let us not forget that day . our prays go out to all of Members of the Fire Department of New York, the New York Police Department, Port Authority Police, members of the families of 9/11 victims.
God Bless the U.S.A
God Bless the U.S.A
Frank was not charged
Rep. Barney Frank admitted Friday that he was sitting on the porch of his partner’s Maine home when police came to arrest his partner for marijuana possession. But he himself was not charged>
Can anybody tell me why ? If it had been you or me they would have hauled our butts in as well.
Frank, responding to new reports that he was present during the Aug. 2007 arrest of James Ready, said in a statement he was unaware Ready had marijuana plants, and how long has he been coming over and sleeping with the man come on Barney , thats the oldest one in the book !!
I think Rep. Barney Frank needs to pee in a bottle .
Side note this has been kept under wraps for almost two years
Can anybody tell me why ? If it had been you or me they would have hauled our butts in as well.
Frank, responding to new reports that he was present during the Aug. 2007 arrest of James Ready, said in a statement he was unaware Ready had marijuana plants, and how long has he been coming over and sleeping with the man come on Barney , thats the oldest one in the book !!
I think Rep. Barney Frank needs to pee in a bottle .
Side note this has been kept under wraps for almost two years
Bad Girl !! bad girl!! What you going to do !!

Bad Girl !! bad girl!! What you going to do !! When the Voters come after you!! Once more Nancy Pelosi lies ,tells THE WEEKLY STANDARD that she will not allow the final language of the health care to be posted online for 72 hours before bringing the bill to a vote on the House floor, despite her September 24 statement that she was “absolutely” committed to doing so. This is still the same old game she has been playing all along a game of bait and switch. Come 2012 I will be doing my damm best to get her out of office.
Is There Blood in the Water
After five visits from the Obama,Corzine still could not win the race . The blue dogs may be smelling blood in the water and may back away from some of Obama's and Pelosi bills fearing that the voters may not back them in 2010 .
It's a Matter of Money
Sunday Obama went to New jersey to help stump for a in battled Gov. Jon Corzine. Obama's scheduled to appear Sunday at a pair of rallies for the only incumbent governor seeking re-election.
Now most Presidents of both party's have done this at one time or another . My question to you folks is do you know who is paying for all of this ? I can tell you for a fact neither party is .
Our federal tax dollars are paying for the Presidents advance team , Secret Service and U.S Marshals .Our local and state taxes are paying for the Police and extra officers called in on their days off ( which for them is all overtime ) the SWAT teams that are call up as well both state and local plus the State Troopers that have to be there as well.( more overtime for most of them). People to the Left , to Middle and to the Right should be outraged at this waste of Our Monies. My thoughts on this are as follows .If it takes the President of the U.S.A to come and help you win then brother or sister you are in the wrong place, Maybe just maybe !! You should step down and stop wasting Our tax payer dollars
Now most Presidents of both party's have done this at one time or another . My question to you folks is do you know who is paying for all of this ? I can tell you for a fact neither party is .
Our federal tax dollars are paying for the Presidents advance team , Secret Service and U.S Marshals .Our local and state taxes are paying for the Police and extra officers called in on their days off ( which for them is all overtime ) the SWAT teams that are call up as well both state and local plus the State Troopers that have to be there as well.( more overtime for most of them). People to the Left , to Middle and to the Right should be outraged at this waste of Our Monies. My thoughts on this are as follows .If it takes the President of the U.S.A to come and help you win then brother or sister you are in the wrong place, Maybe just maybe !! You should step down and stop wasting Our tax payer dollars
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