Gov. Nikki Haley was recently once more accused of tax fraud which turned out to be very very untrue. Not only did this look bad on Gov. Haley at the time but worst yet it once more makes bloggers in general look unprofessional, no news agency should've carried a anonymous blog as fact.
Now were going to get my preaching part, this goes out to all bloggers of the political nature. Right, left or middle I don't care what your political leanings are, when you publish a lie not only do you hurt yourself and your reputation but you hurt the rest of us in the blogging world. Yes we all make mistakes on our blogs I made one or two online myself I do try to go back and correct things and posted an apology when I'm wrong and advise everyone to do the same.if any of you bloggers out there want us to be looked at as professionals please keep this in mind.
Now were going to get my preaching part, this goes out to all bloggers of the political nature. Right, left or middle I don't care what your political leanings are, when you publish a lie not only do you hurt yourself and your reputation but you hurt the rest of us in the blogging world. Yes we all make mistakes on our blogs I made one or two online myself I do try to go back and correct things and posted an apology when I'm wrong and advise everyone to do the same.if any of you bloggers out there want us to be looked at as professionals please keep this in mind.