Nikki Haley

Gov. Nikki Haley was recently once more accused of tax fraud which turned out to be very very untrue. Not only did this look bad on Gov. Haley at the time but worst yet it once more makes bloggers in general look unprofessional, no news agency should've carried a anonymous blog as fact.
Gov. Nikki Haley
Now were going to get my preaching part, this goes out to all bloggers of the political nature. Right, left or middle I don't care what your political leanings are, when you publish a lie not only do you hurt yourself and your reputation but you hurt  the rest of us in the blogging world. Yes we all make mistakes on our blogs I made one or two online myself I do try to go back and correct things and posted an apology when I'm wrong and advise everyone to do the same.if any of you bloggers out there want us to be looked at as professionals please keep this in mind.

IRS not investigating Nikki Haley for tax fraud - The Hill's Blog Briefing Room

IRS not investigating Nikki Haley for tax fraud - The Hill's Blog Briefing Room:

'via Blog this'

I won't be holding my breath

 holding my breath
I won't be holding my breath as we wait for the Supreme Court justices to hand down an opinion on Obama care. I know that it looks like that the court in general is leaning toward making at least the mandate that we have to buy health insurance unconstitutional and there are many that believe that the court will make the entire bill unconstitutional, in my humble opinion here at old boy conservative I believe that it's a long time off and tell we hear the opinion of the judges, actually I believe it's been stated that the opinion won't come down until sometime mid-summer. And here's where things may get complicated as we know as of right now the Supreme Court is pretty much balanced as for as liberals and conservative judges go and like any government agency there are politics involved.

I unfortunately don't believe the entire thing will be struck down I believe over the next few months that political pressure from the White House and Congress will lead to a compromise so that the individual mandate is removed but most of the bill other than that will be left intact I could be wrong but I honestly don't think so.

I honestly do believe that our healthcare system is in need of a major overhaul, I honestly believe that the best thing that could happen to health insurance is that it be treated much like car insurance we the people should be able to shop around all over the country not just with in our state for health insurance I believe this would bring down prices for premiums but also make money for the insurance companies a little healthy competition is good for any business. So let's hope in the long run that's what happens.

In the first place, we should insist that if the immigrant who comes here in good faith

“In the first place, we should insist that if the immigrant who comes here in good faith becomes an American and assimilates himself to us, he shall be treated on an exact equality with everyone else, for it is an outrage to discriminate against any such man because of creed, or birthplace, or origin. But this is predicated upon the person's becoming in every facet an American, and nothing but an American...There can be no divided allegiance here. Any man who says he is an American, but something else also, isn't an American at all. We have room for but one flag, the American flag... We have room for but one language here, and that is the English language... and we have room for but one sole loyalty and that is a loyalty to the American people.”
Theodore Roosevelt

teddy bear
this is the way it used to be , when you became an American or let me clarify that when you became a US citizen you were expected to give all your royalties to the USA you are no longer Chinese, Italian, East Indian, are Japanese you were an American citizen. That's why we were called the great mixing pot we welcome in all legal immigrants, I'm not saying it was easy on the the folks coming in we although that the Irish and the Italians just to name a few were treated like second-class citizens when they first came here but that didn't stop them from being the best citizens they could be.I Have a friend  about the same age as I am her parents immigrated from Japan many years ago. I assumed that she could speak Japanese as well as English to my surprise she tell me she could not speak a word of Japanese. When she was born her parents taught her only English when she asked why they had never taught her Japanese simple explanation was we're no longer Japanese we are now Americans and we speak American. That's the way it should be but unfortunately in the last decade or so we seem to have lost them because the mixing pot mentality. You see and hear more and more people speaking and acting like the country they immigrated from and unfortunately this has a separating effect on people in general. I truly believe that we need to go back to the old mixing pot days and all become one country and one people

The Southern dilemma


If you kept track of last night's primaries you would notice it was a very close race for the front three separating each candidates in some counties in  Alabama and Mississippi by less than 100 votes in my humble opinion this is what I like to call the southern dilemma these two states are part of what we lovingly call the Bible Belt, this is where the majority of Southern Baptist, Methodist and Presbyterian call home, now don't get me wrong I love the South that's where I was born and raised in till I was 18 and moved to the West Coast.. The dilemma  these folks were facing was and is that the three front-runners in most of their minds are not true Christians, they were faced with a Mormon and two Catholics and in my humble opinion they probably thought to themselves well we had JFK and he was a Catholic and he wasn't too bad so let's pick the enemy we know and not the one we don't. In all honesty I am truly surprised that Ron Paul did not carry these two states his religious views are more in line with the Bible Belt than the other three.

I will begrudgingly give my congratulations to Rick Santorum for his wins I personally still don't believe that he will be nominee but that's just my opinion.

Keystone pipeline why not?

Keystone pipeline why not?the Keystone pipeline project took another hit in the Senate today the Democrats once again put down a Republican move to approve the pipelines construction. What gets me is this this is a shovel ready jobs for many many people all the away from truck drivers to welders to all the little towns that this pipeline would come close to that would feed and house the workers as it was being built. I thought that Obama wanted shovel ready jobs to happen. as

It would seem to me Obama and most Democrats really don't want us to come out of this recession in my humble opinion they are acting more like Keystone cops then they are concerned legislators

I also think that Obama and the Democrats think this recession or depression is some kind of sick joke, I think it's time that we do a a little housecleaning in Washington not only do we need to replace the president with a good strong Republican but we need to take control of both houses as well so we can get our country back on its feet and back to its greatness.

Close only counts

I keep hearing how close Ohio primary was between Mitt Romney and Rick Santorum. Here's the deal folks like my daddy used to say close only counts for three things horseshoes, hand grenades and bombs. If it's not one of those three it's a loss, one or 200 it does not matter you win or you lose enough with this crap.

Rick Santorum.possibly could have won if he had his organization in order and working right as one news pundit put it if Santorum can't get his own organization together and getting registered in all the counties of Ohio what makes us think that he can run a country and this is not the only time his organization has let them down he also managed not to get registered in three states which in the long run is going to cost him.I personally feel that Santorum just doesn't have what it takes to be president of these United States if he can't keep his own organization running smooth.

Rick Santorum

Of citizens and traitors

First off I would like to say that I am not in favor of the US government killing American citizens in foreign countries or at home.but! I am in favor of killing  traitors to our country. The example would be the so-called American Taliban fighter the first thing that should have been done when we found out about this person was that his citizenship should've been stripped and then he should've been put up against the wall and shot. The same thing should've happened to the American who went to Iraq and became a Taliban leader. I think anyone here in the states that goes to a foreign country and tries to take the lives of US military personnel should lose their citizenship and become an open target for military to kill. Now this is not the first time in recent history stuff like this is happened back in the Vietnam War we had the actress Jane Fonda in my opinion committed a treasonous act with the Vietcong, if I had been president during that time Ms. Fonda would've never reentered the United States of America I would've made sure she lost her citizenship in her right to return to this country. To this day I refuse, no matter how  good the movie is to go see it if Ms. Fonda has any part to do with it.

Some of you may agree with me some of you may not but that's the way I feel about things I don't agree with all the wars or conflicts we get into, but I would never turn against my country and home

The Democrats could have ended it today!

The Democrats could have ended it today with a simple vote but once again they chose to keep battling religion and religious rights. What did they do they voted down the Blunt amendment 51 to 48  . The blunt amendment would have let businesses and or religious organizations opt out of parts of Obamacare especially those dealing with birth control. One Republican did vote along side of the Democrats that would be retiring Sen. Olympia Snowe(she was one of the biggest rinos in the Republican Party).

This is just an example of the ongoing fight the Democrats are bringing to religions of all kinds I would like to extend my hand to any and all people of religion to stand with me and my fellow Republicans in fighting for our religious freedom.

Rest in Peace

Rest in Peace Mr Andrew Breitbart. I will pray for you and your family.