Are we headed to a
Brokered convention!and who will it benefit? well my opinion the three people who would benefit the most out of a brokered convention would be Gingrich, Ron Paul and Pres. Obama. Why these three you may ask, first of all I think this has been Gingrich's plan all along I think that he knew in a regular race that there was no way he could pull enough delegates to get the nomination so is best that was to try to get a brokered convention why because he knows how to play the political game to its best you don't get to be speaker of the house without knowing how to play the dirty and backroom politics game and this is his forte.
Ron Paul is a different case in point, yes Ron Paul has been in Washington and in politics for a long time and knows how to play the game. But I don't think that's what Ron Paul is doing; I think for Ron Paul a brokered convention might help him secure the nomination. Why you may ask? Well this is where all the loyal Ron Paul followers come into play what most people do not realize is that the Ron Paul supporters stay after every caucus in each state and try to get elected to the national one, can you see where I'm going here if it goes to a brokered convention Ron Paul may have the most delegates.
Pres. Obama a brokered convention is a standing presidents wet dream come true. Why well he's had all these months to raise money put out his ideals while his opposition has been infighting concentrating more on their opponents then on him. Here is a perfect example in the last few weeks while his opponents have been beating up on each other Mr. Obama's presidential ratings have been going slowly up not that he's any better than he was six months ago it's just no one is hammering him and he's getting his ideals out good bad or ugly it's what's happening.
Now this is my own opinion you agree with me or not I don't really care this is my blog so I can say what I want to say. I personally believe that after super Tuesday we need to start coalescing around the winning candidate no matter which one it is. I think that a brokered convention for the Republican party and the conservatives of many stripes within it is a bad idea I think that if it comes to a brokered convention that we might as well hand over the presidency to Mr. Obama for another four years. Most people will see a brokered convention and the nominee that comes out of it as just a big old backroom deal and in all reality that's exactly what it is.