First step into Dictatorship

First step into Dictatorship.Obama and his sidekick Holder have taken their first step on a very slippy slope to Dictatorship by saying they, the Dep of Justice will no longer defend section 3 of the Defense of Marriage Act .
Now i may not be the brightness bulb in the box , but I didn't know a President could just say hey guess what  I don't like this law so I'm not going to enforce it, I thought that was the area of Dictators.
  So I did a little reading and a little digging and this is what i found Article two of Section three ,Clause four of the U.S Constitution and it says the President "MUST" take care that the law be faithfully executed.
So I'm thinking Obama has no choice here,But I bet you here and now Obama won't do anything . Why do I think he did this its very simple hes after the gay vote once more, he conned them last time and now hes at it again. Obama can point at this and say see I'm trying to help and they will fall for it once more Or we are heading down the slope to a Dictatorship
for a news story about this please go to

A thousand dollar cough drop!

A thousand dollar cough drop! Think I'm kidding right well I'm not. Let me tell you a little story, In a Californian
prison a L.V.N is making her/his medication rounds on a weekend second shift she /he stops to give a inmate his meds. The inmate say hey I got a sore throat how about a cough drop!The L.V.N says sorry you have no order for that and I can't give you an OTC (over the  counter drug )with out  the R.N coming over and saying you can have it.( the R.N on weekends second shift covers the entire prison}The inmate now gets upset and goes "Man Down"(meaning the inmate is now saying that he is having life threading medical problems)Now the L.V.N has to call a Man Down which brings the R.N and at the minimum three COs( corrections office) to carry the inmate to the infirmary to be looked at .Here we are talking about 5 state workers and 2 hours(= of paper work  for a 25 cent cough drop,Now the cost of that cough drop $1000 .This happens very often I would say 20 to 100 times daily some where in the state prison system start adding that up for a year and the cost is crazy
    How could have we the tax payer and the state have saved that money? simple let the L.V.N work her/his full license OTCs have no reason to be approved every time by a R.N