Health care reform

Was sitting at home reading up on the Health care reform bills . the way i read it is this myself and my wife both work and just say we are somewhere between middle class and poor .So with the new bill we would be paying more taxes!But if say my wife stops working and we drop to the poor level income we get our Health care for free and may even get welfare for our kids.So can anyone tell me people won't do this.

Reid on the run

Reid on the run , looks like Reid has got the Blue dog dems baring their fangs and Olympia Snowe, R-Maine. looking foolish after his little stunt on the floor.Telling them no public option and then putting it in anyway .Maybe Olympia Snowe, R-Maine will wise up and not fall this again one can only hope.I wonder if this is his ideal of a Halloween trick.

The SF Oakland Bay Bridge is closed indefinitely

The SF Oakland Bay Bridge is closed indefinitely after a cable and beam from recent repairs crashed to the deck and hits 3 vehicles today during rush hour. There is no word on the reopening of the Bay Bridge in the future.Our tax dollars at work! the crew that supposedly fixed this should be fired as well as their supervisor

Can they not listen

Can they not listen!!Obama,Reid and Pelosi seem to be deaf when it comes to listening to the people . More then one poll in the last few months have showed that The People do not want a public option !! but there is Reid pushing it once more.One can only hope that the people of his state kicks him out of office the next time around . Pelosi saying well if you don't like the name we can call it something else, like that will make us feel better . Get your head out of your butt Nancey we have told you we dont want it , I for one will work my butt off to try and make sure she is not in D.C. next term. Obama is the biggest joke of all hes to big of a sissyboy to stand on his on always hiding behind someone

Freedon of the Press

Freedom of the Press is being attacked folks! On Thursday the White House tried to keep Fox News out of the press pool for a interview with new pay czar Ken Feinberg.
the other networks(abc,cbs,cnn,) admirably refused, saying they would not interview Feinberg unless Fox was permitted to as well. The administration backed down. But this is to be expected with a White House communications director (Anita Dunn)who openly said she follows Mao!You my not agree with Fox news point of view but this was a out right attack on freedom of the press the other news channels saw that as well folks they may not be reporting it but they saw it and stood up for what was right . im asking you .. pleading with you to call your congress person and demand that Anita Dunn be fired for this attack. Here is a link to all of their e-mails and fax's

Numbers dont lie

Here are some thing to think about the Democratic Party Raised $272,973,123 in 2009 .
SPENT $141,181,585 and are Debt for $14,119,832.on the other hand Republican Party raised $163,883,503 and are Debt for $5,241,856.Democratic National Cmte Raised $53,591,415 are Debt for $5,330,866.Republican National Cmte Raised $68,832,049 and are Debt for $0 . now tell me who would you want to take care of your tax payer dollar .

NOTE: All the numbers on this page are for the 2010 election cycle and based on Federal Election Commission data released on October 21, 2009.

I would like to thank The Center for Responsive Politics for this info

Facebook Now Friends with FCC

Facebook Now Friends with FCC
Posted by Sam Batkins Print Email

The Wall Street Journal is reporting that the push for so-called “net neutrality” is heating up in corporate boardrooms, as Internet giants Facebook, Twitter, Digg and Amazon penned a letter to FCC (Federal Communications Commission) Chairman Julius Genachowki this week in support of his plan for stifling government regulation of private high-speed wireline and wireless networks.

The FCC is scheduled to release details of its net neutrality rules on Thursday. However, the period for public comment is still open. Or, you can call the Congressional switchboard (202-224-3121) to air your views against government regulation of the Internet with your elected officials.

The Center for Individual Freedom opposes so-called “net neutrality” because it would introduce stifling government regulations onto what is now a free and open Internet. More here and here.

A small victory for Obama, A big loss for the people

Obama won a modest victory Tuesday in his continuing effort to close the Guantanamo Bay prison in Cuba, allowing the government to continue to transfer detainees at the facility to the U.S. to be prosecuted.We the people need to tell him and Congress if they are set free not in our town!and any member of The American Civil Liberties Union who gets one of them free should have to take them home to live in their home , bet they would not be so keen to do it then.

"Speak softly and carry a big stick"

On the world stage, Roosevelt's policies were characterized by his comment, "Speak softly and carry a big stick".Obama Administration seen to have the same motto except
they use it on people and news outlets that don't agree with them .
It's been almost a month since the Obama Administration slapped a gag order on Medicare insurers preventing them from communicating with their members a clear case of gangland government.Declaring war on the Fox News would be another not to mention pushing bills threw so fast no one is able to read them. This will come back and bite him in the butt mark my words.

If you want freedom of the press

If you want freedom of the press then people I'm telling you to write your congressman.
Obama and his press crew are on the attack on any news outlet that don't see thnigs the way they do.This weekend they took a shot and are still shooting at Fox news .
Now i know a lot of you don't like Fox . So think of it the way if Obama"s new people get by with this what is the next guy in office going to try !! Don"t let them mess with the press be it good or bad , If you do then you my friend are selling us all down the river.

Unions and other special interest groups

Unions and other special interest groups who have been pushing for health care legislation find themselves on the short end of the stick if the current bill is passed.It could cost their members billions of dollars.About 30 unions are running a full-page ad in Washington newspapers opposing the measure's plan to tax generous employer-provided health plans. In other words as long as we the taxpayer was paying it was all well and fine but now that they and their member might have to shell out cash it not so much fun

Health care reform cleared

Well it looks like the Dems got their way again the first step in screwing up you and I on health care. 14 to 9 vote, Republican, Maine Sen. Olympia Snowe showing her true colors once more. Sen. Olympia Snowe why dont you join the party you always seen to vote for and let a good Republican fill your seat

For all of you who would like to tell the turncoat how you feel
Here’s Sen. Snowe’s contact info:

Phone: (202) 224-5344
Toll Free: (800) 432-1599
Fax: (202) 224-1946


Well folks just wanted you all to know, I will be getting a Nobel prize next year
for this blog