Budget Battle

The past few days you have probably heard the talking heads on CBS, ABC and MSNBC saying how bad the budget that the presumptive GOP vice presidential nominee Rep. Paul Ryan (R-Wis.) is pushing.How it will destroy Medicare, Social Security and other welfare plans.
What the Democrats don't want to bring up is this Harry Reid Senate(D-Nev) Majority Leader has not put out a budget plan since 2009.Some will tell you what good would it do for Mr.Reid to come up with a budget the House which is now controlled by the Republicans would just block it .Well here is the kicker The 111th United States Congress which covers the years 2009-2010 had one party in control thats right the Democrats! Why no budget for those years?........Not a sound out of Reid or his party.Now it's true it would be hard for Mr.Reid to get a budget passed a Republican controlled House now but it's not impossible  its been done in the past,what gripes me is that he( Harry Reid D-Nev) has not evened tried.
What I can say for a fact is presumptive GOP vice presidential nominee Rep. Paul Ryan (R-Wis.) has!
As for Medicare cuts what Rep. Paul Ryan (R-Wis.)is suggesting is no worse then what president's idea of cutting more then $700 billion out of it.But you won't hear any of that out of the talking heads at the major TV networks.
We have seen what kind of hope and change has happened the last 3 3/4 yrs it has no hope in my humble opinion , I set here at my desk asking you this simple question "Are you better off now then you where 4yrs ago?
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