The face of what's wrong in national politics today

Jesse Jackson Junior
Jesse Jackson Junior is the new face of what's wrong with politics in the good old USA. Mr. Jackson's answer to the job shortage seems to be pulled right out of the socialist handbook, it's not make more jobs it's have the government hire everyone. Mr. Jackson or should I say Mr. jackass needs to read some history of socialism, communism and dictatorships they have never worked and never will. you can't blame Mr. Jackson for a lot of his views in his case he didn't fall far from the tree, his father Jesse Jackson talks the same rhetoric all-the time. Why try to follow Constitution when in their opinion if a problem arises just toss it out the door and let government handle it. That in my opinion is what most of if not all of the Democratic party bigwigs believe. That in my opinion is what's basically wrong with our country today with any luck next year we can kick most of these fools out of office God willing.some out there are going to say that I'm racist because he's black, I'm not racist I just don't like self-righteous people trying to tell me that the government can fix everything I really don't care what color your skin is if your dumb ass your dumb ass like one famous comedian said he can't cure stupidity.

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