Have you ever wondered

Have you ever wondered if a group or groups of roman citizens were not to happy about Caesar becoming dictator for life. That maybe they send runners to the Senate asking them not to do this foolish thing not to lose the republic. Well we all know the history of what happened to Rome after the Senate did not heeds the words the republic failed as well as the empire.
I don’t know if this happened are not in my mind I think it may have, but to get to the point .I think we as a nation are headed that way! We as of right now have a Senate and a House that do not listen to the will of the people but think them selves smarted then the rest of us and “They “ know what is best for us . I am crying out to you folks black, white and brown do not let this happen to our republic lets not be another Rome. November is a long way off and a lot can happen what new laws they will push on to us no matter how much we yell. What I’m asking is a very simple thing keep the pressure up call, write and email tell the house and the Senate we want to keep “our” republic, No Demand That WE KEEP OUR GOD GIVEN FREEDOMS for if not come November if you don’t do this once more history may repeat its self lets hope and pray it dose not

Do you recall the school bully

Do you recall the school bully… You know the one who did what he /she wanted to do no matter what the rules said and them when someone or someones stood their ground how they would run home to mommy. Well the Dems in congress are a lot like that bully
They knew most of the people did not want this big bill they just pushed on to them every poll out there said as much but like the bully they did it any way. Then the people started pushing back in the form of the tea party and others they (the Dems)did what the school yard bullies do they started crying and moaning on how the other side was doing bad things to them like spitting on them and calling them names and other stuff.
Well Dems I will tell you what I have told bullies in the past and will say the same in the future “ GROW the “F” UP “ you and only you started this crap storm you are getting now knock your crap off and listen to the people do what they want and you might have a lot less name calling !!

The US should pull out of Washington

*/_Australian Shooter Magazine_/*

An interesting letter in the Australian Shooter Magazine this
week, which I quote: "If you consider that there has been an
average of 160,000 troops in the Iraq theater of operations
during the past 22 months, and a total of 2112 deaths, that
gives a firearm death rate of 60 per 100,000 soldiers

The firearm death rate in Washington , DC is 806 per 100,000 for the
same period. That means you are about 25 per cent more likely to be
shot and killed in the US capital,*_which has some of the strictest
gun control laws in the US_* , than you are in Iraq .

Conclusion: "The US should pull out of Washington ."


Of watermelons and men this last weekend Dan Rather made a poor choice of words when he refer to how the Republicans would try to portray Obama in 2012 as a person who couldn’t sell watermelons if you gave him(Obama)the state troopers to flag down the traffic. Mr. Rather has come out and apologize for his words, which was nice I must say but…………
I have two questions Mr. Rather was on the Chris (tingle up my leg for Obama) Matthews show why Matthews didn’t say Whoa! Dan stop man you just called my man Obama the “N” word or might as well have. but he didn’t he just let it roll but if this had happened on any other show he would have been tearing into them .
Question two Did Mr.Rather mean what he said? I am not sure but Mr,Rather was born in the south in the state of Texas as myself was and in the decades that we grew up in racism was very strong if you said watermelon and Black man in the same sentence I can tell you it was not something nice. So did Mr.Rather make a Freudian slip back to his boyhood I can’t tell for sure I will let you dear reader make that call.

A 5% pay cut for Congress

A 5% pay cut for Congress! Could it be? well if it is up to Rep.Ann Kirpatrick,D –Ariz .
I will give her this it’s a good start, Did you all know what a current member of Congress makes well its $174,000, Not bad considering that most of the rest of the U.S workforce makes less then $50,000 .
    I think Ms. Kirpatrick is on the right trail but I’m thinking the pay cuts need to be more in the line of 50% which would bring their pay down to around $85,000 a year. Is this a fair pay I think so considering that most members of Congress are already part of the millionaire club or will be before they leave office
     Ms. Kirpatrickis catching on both Democrats and Republican have signed on to this 21 so far .if this pay cut happens it will be the first in77 years do I think they are doing this out of the kindness of their heart ? No I don’t I think they (Congress) are trying to save their own skin with a overall approval rating of 20%  Congress is grasping at straws for something to show us the votes that they are doing their part in hard times   

It might be time to start worrying a little !

It might be time to start worrying a little ! When the second most left leanings news cable channel post this on their blog “Washington (CNN) – A majority of Americans think the federal government poses a threat to rights of Americans, according to a new national poll.

Fifty-six percent of people questioned in a CNN/Opinion Research Corporation survey released Friday say they think the federal government's become so large and powerful that it poses an immediate threat to the rights and freedoms of ordinary citizens. Forty-four percent of those polled disagree.

The survey indicates a partisan divide on the question: only 37 percent of Democrats, 63 percent of Independents and nearly 7 in 10 Republicans say the federal government poses a threat to the rights of Americans.

According to CNN poll numbers released Sunday, Americans overwhelmingly think that the U.S. government is broken - though the public overwhelmingly holds out hope that what's broken can be fixed.

The CNN/Opinion Research Corporation poll was conducted February 12-15, with 1,023 adult Americans questioned by telephone. The survey's sampling error is plus or minus 3 percentage points for the overall survey.( From CNN Deputy Political Director Paul Steinhauser)” I had to read x2 before I could believe what they had posted .are they starting to see what the rest of us have been saying for the past year are their eyes starting to open , we can only hope .
When the left starts putting stuff like this out will Obama listen will Nancy and Harry?
I bet not