Of watermelons and men this last weekend Dan Rather made a poor choice of words when he refer to how the Republicans would try to portray Obama in 2012 as a person who couldn’t sell watermelons if you gave him(Obama)the state troopers to flag down the traffic. Mr. Rather has come out and apologize for his words, which was nice I must say but…………
I have two questions Mr. Rather was on the Chris (tingle up my leg for Obama) Matthews show why Matthews didn’t say Whoa! Dan stop man you just called my man Obama the “N” word or might as well have. but he didn’t he just let it roll but if this had happened on any other show he would have been tearing into them .
Question two Did Mr.Rather mean what he said? I am not sure but Mr,Rather was born in the south in the state of Texas as myself was and in the decades that we grew up in racism was very strong if you said watermelon and Black man in the same sentence I can tell you it was not something nice. So did Mr.Rather make a Freudian slip back to his boyhood I can’t tell for sure I will let you dear reader make that call.

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