Happy New Year

Happy New Year
Happy New Year !! one and all let pray for a better year this time around , I will get back to spouting off after the new year . Please if you going out party be safe !!

billion dollars with the B

I'm sure that you've all been hearing about a financial company losing or misplacing $1 billion now I have never seen billion dollars in one place, but I have seen in my younger years what $10 million looks like. I worked in a casino in Reno Nevada when I was younger man. I was in the counting room one day and asked the guy that worked there how much money was on the shelves to give you an ideal of what I was seeing the shelves were 6 feet tall had for metal shelves and money was in stacks of 10 in the shelves were all full  this room was 8 x 10. So can you just imagine how much  room $1 billion would take up to give you maybe a better ideal how much money this is it's the total Gross domestic product of Mexico. The guys name who runs this company is named Corzine swears he has no ideal where this billion dollars went to. You know I can see someone misplacing $100 or maybe even more, but $1 billion is a little much ! Don't you think. I will bet you right now that the man sees no prison time at all for this missing money. Corzine will blame it on some flunky and walk away clean.

FYI the picture above is $1 million

Of Kennedy and Cain

After watching TV for the past couple weeks, listening and watching how bad the press has treated presidential candidate Cain and his so-called sexual-harassment against various women and his supposedly a fair with another. It takes me back to the Kennedy years, JFK was probably the most womanizing president that we ever had history tells us he had at least four affairs while in the White House and a few more when he was running for president. But back then you didn't hear a word about it in the press our on TV. In more recent times President Clinton had his little fling with Ms. Lewinsky. It was on the news for less than three weeks and didn't seem to matter to most. So my question is why I was it so very important that we are should I say the 24-hour news cycle brings this up on Mr.Cain. Not that I'm a big fan of the man, but it does seem a little unfair in my opinion.