Mr. P needs a new job

As of today, President Obama has not only been shown on The View AND The Tonight Show, but also on Mythbusters too.  Besides this, I've seen him making speeches on TV more than any other President I know, and if he's on camera, he's not making jobs, spreading world peace, or otherwise being a good president.  I guess I should be happy though, if he's not on camera, he isn't spending our money either.  Nonetheless, when he's not on TV he's playing golf, when he's not playing golf he's on vacation on some tropical isleand, if he's not vacationing, he's getting us deeper into debt and when he's not doing that... well... you get my picture.  Hmmm he likes vacationing, spending money, and being on TV... THAT'S IT!!!  I've found a perfect job for him: an actor.  He's already auditioned too, he performed wonderfully during his 2008 campaign.

Mark Richins

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